
Me and double sit there for awhile in pure silence us both looking at eachother, him looking at my body with newfound interest. "You have wings.... how the heck do you have wings?" Double seems bewildered by the idea. "Some sort of bloodline evolution I think? I am not sure at all to be honest with you" I reply shakily. Double approaches slowly and asks in a tentative voice "May I touch your wings?". "Why not" I say giving out a sigh. Double reaches his hands out before slowly feeling my wings. After a little while he sit's back down, seemingly satisfied.

"And what happened to you double? You look like a grisled old man now" I ask. "Jad has been making me hunt for my own food, he has been teaching me how to survive in the forest.". "Who the hell is Jad??" I ask confused. "Oh right" double replies "You must know him as Big Ape, he only told me his name awhile ago, apparently what you have been calling him so far has only been his nick name that he believes you had givin him."

"..." well now I feel like an absolute idiot. I don't recall asking for his name, or if I did I am not sure if we were friends at the time. I slowly look at my body to closer inspect the changes. After a little while I notice my scales seem to be much harder, yet don't take away from my overall mobility. My skin also reflects light slightly, a black glimmer comes off of it almost like polish. After a few more words with double I lear I had been out for roughly a week, so that means that I have around 2 weeks to kill the Wretched King.

It feels as if time is just flying by. I go outside to test out these strange wings on my body. I go outside and climb on top of a tree, after a little while I find myself at the top of a rather tall tree. I then proceed to pounce off the tree and try to flap my wings with all there might. My wings strugle to lift me whatsoever as I quickly plumit to the ground. Though it feels like I am messing something up while trying to fly it does seem like I am making some progress, albiet with a little damage taken in return.

I climb on back off and give myself a fatefull leap as I go through the air. Though the wings seem strange at first I slowly manage to gain control of it. It took me around 12 times to finally manage to fly for a few seconds. I quickly look at the notification that popped up from the system.

'...' I can create skills?! What the heck have I been doing wasting Precious Evolution points on skills when I can create them by myself.

Flight LV 1

This skill allows the user to fly. The cost to fly is 10 stamina per second of flight. Upgrading this ability increases speed and stamina efficiency.

Dang that is kinda expensive. After a little while I check my stamina and see it almost completly drained. This can't be used to frequently yet. I wonder in amazement just how much stamina that giant dragon snake had. Wait didn't I forget the other skill I got from the snake? I hurridly look at the strange ??? skill that the Snake gifted me.

??? LV: MAX


What the heck is a system evolution? After a little while shell hesitantly asks me a question.

{Does master seek Shells advice?}

"Absolutly shell, if you could help me understand what exactly what is going on that would be terrific"

{As information givin to a personal system A.I I can tell you that a system evolution is a rare albiet powerful affect. Usually only given by insanely high difficulty quests this ability allows you to evolve the system itself, making it become more useful and personalized towards your personal skills and personality. By Evolving the system you get to evolve everything associated with it, which means me master!}

"Dang thats a bit of an info dump there" How the hell could my ancestor give me this skill? What kind of bloodline do I have to be able to gain such a broken ability. "Shell, how much time would a system evolution take?" I ask hesitantly

{Around a week master, though you would be much more powerful after you evolve. It will evolve the system, me and all my current skills. You will have standard evolution choices afterwards.}

Well, though it could theoretically make me stronger would it be worth it to wait until after I defeat the Wretched King? Though I will be missing out on a power spike, it would take a week of time that I really don't have. If I do this it could force me to have a one week limit on the quest. After a little thought I decide to ask double for advice.

Shortly after arriving at the cave I see double cooking some meat. "Double, I would like some advice." I ask confidently. "Okay, what with?" Double replies slightly concerned. "Should I evolve my System?". Doublt looks at me with surprise in his eyes before answering shakily "If you ever have the oppurtunity to Evolve your system you should, no doubts about it. If you could evolve your system it would make you stand out from everything else. It will make you be unique in this world with no way to follow your path except through eminse amount of luck".

Well I suppose that awnsers my question. After catching a quick meal I lay down to rest as I begin the process.

This doesn't sound to good...

A black screen appears in front of my eyes filled with a familiar evolution screen.

-Magic System

This system will capitilize on arcane ability allowing the user to progress much quickly and further than any other who has a standard system. This system will allow the user to edventually use all magic that can possibly be used. This system was unlocked by increasing your mental capabilities and focusing on magical powers.

-Body, Mind and Soul System

This system will capitilize all aspects of hosts power, focusing on increasing the bodies, minds, and souls power. Through this system it will increase your strenght and overall power by massive leveles very quickly. This system will allow the user to edventually use any type of ability and power that can be offered by any system regarding the body mind and soul. This system option has been unlocked because hosts innately strong soul, and powerful body and mind created by hosts efforts.



A feeling of uneaseness settles throughout me as I look at the options, the first two are amazing and awesome but the last one sends shivers down my spine. The system itself is malfunctioning, I hope the system catches on to this and fixes itself. After looking at the first two Systems a little more closely I take in there powers. The first seems only to be focused on magic, though it sounds quite awesome it does seem to be a little one sided completely shying away from physical conflicts.

Now the second one kinda sounds badass if i am being honest. Though it seems strange, I understand where it is coming from. My soul is that of a humans, that is probably why my sould is stronger than any other starting race. Being able to use all abilities that are related to the body, mind, and soul sounds awesome and almost without flaw. After a short period of time I decide on the second system. Though something tells me there has to be a flaw in it, it just seems to good to pass up.

Shell Personalized A.I.

-Magic Shell

This will evolve the A.I. known as Shell to have the capabilities of Analyzing any magic as well as learn them and input them into an infinite library that she will gain.

Analyze Magic LV:MAX

Learn Magic LV:MAX

Void Library LV:MAX

-Brutal Shell

This will evolve the A.I. known as Shell to have capabilities of Analyzing any fighting teqnique as well as learning all weak points in the opponents body. You will also be able to learn Combat techniques that have been analyzed.

Analyze Combat LV:MAX

Learn Combat Technique LV:MAX

Analyze Weak Points LV:MAX

-Inteligent Shell

This will evolve the A.I. known as Shell to have capabilities of having access to an improved pool of knowledge including information on the world. The A.I will also be able to Store information in a vast Library stored in your mind, this information could be anything that you analyze yourself, you will not be able to forget information in the library.

Improved Knowledge Pool LV:MAX

Store Information LV:MAX

Void Library LV:MAX

After a little bit of thought I decide the third option is out of the race as it isn't that useful for my development. While the second and first are exlosive in my development. After a little bit of thought I decide to go for magic shell, I really don't want shell to become brutal as the warning by the system suggested. After a little bit of thought a new evolution screen appeared once more.

Item Analysis LV: 2

Friend Function LV:1

Inventory LV:1

After a little bit of thought I decide to evolve void inventory, because carrying items would become a problem in the future.

Void Inventory LV: MAX

This skill makes your inventory infinite. You can only store items that are not connected to the planet physically in one way or another. Creatures can live in the Void Inventory. If you use this on a living creature they must give consent. You may only go into your inventory if you are not in combat for 1 hour.

Magic Inventory LV: MAX

This skill makes your inventory infinite. You can only store items that are not connected to the planet physically in one way or another. Spells cast into the inventory will remain available to use at users will, only Hosts spells may be stored this way.

Escape Inventory LV: MAX

This skill makes your inventory infinite. You can only store items that are not connected to the planet physically in one way or another. You go into your inventory at will and can live in your inventory. Only you may do this, restoration of all mana and stamina and health are resored at double the speed. This skill only works when out of combat for 2 minutes.

Dang these skills are OP. After a little bit of thought I remain in indecision. All of the skills are amazing, for instance the Escape inventory focuses on my well being. While the Magic Inventory really ramps up my magic power. The Void Inventory sounds awesome as well, it basically means that I can create a little village in my inventory which is pretty awesome. After a long time of decision I decide the first one would be the best Idea, though the other two give amazing perks, something draws me to the idea of being able save my friends by storing them there, mabey as well as make a town or something of the sort.

oh god please NOOO!!!! Alex finds himself unconcious almost immediatly do to the pain.