
I awake to the sight of another change. Double has almost a small beard going on. Jad, apparently, is laying down to the side, a shade of azure blowing up on his skin out of nowhere randomly. After getting used to the new powers I look outside and see that the sky is dark, perfect.

I head out without a word to double or Jad, they seem to be sleeping pretty peacefully. After a little while I run into a group of Wretches. Though strangely enough this group has about 100+. The group also has around 3 blue eyed robed Wretches, indicating there mage like powers. After a awhile I begin to approach, what better to test my skills on then Wretches? I arrive around the group in stealth mode. After a short period of time the group stops dismanteling the forest and starts to move forward. I make my way on a tree a ways away. After they reach the next outcrop of trees I drop down quickly, flying towards the group of mages, after a few seconds I let the ability lose hold as I drop in a group of Wretches not far from the Mages.

Now is not the time for me to be using Lightning Buff, it is a time to test my real bodies potential. I dive and snap a Wretches body in half with my teeth, the strength seemingly surging out of no where. After around 3 Wretches snapped the Mage Wretches look at me and start casting spells. One ice ball comes my way as well as two strange red spears.

{Shell is analyzing magic for future studying}

Nice I don't even have to tell her to do it. I quickly dodge the first spells but the spears seem to home after me. I quickly start charging the mages while dodging the spears. I enclose on one of the mages who cast the red spear as I bite and snap the body in half easily. In a matter of seconds two wretches are down and the one who cast the ice ball is the only wretch who remains of the mages. He looks at me scarily as his eyes start to burn a vibrant green. "FINALLY YOU CAME OUT OF YOUR SHELL. NOW IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO DIE" says a familiar old voice. The skeleton blasts 10 feet into the sky as his body starts to become ethereal.

{Shell warns master that this spell could end badly if the creature is not stopped before it is ERROR}

I get the message either way as I leap into the sky flying the ten feet and biting the poor Wretch in half. Seemingly at random I hear the old mans voice scream "FLIGHT?!!! IMPOSSIBLE" Every wretch in the surrounding area quickly dies almost as if by magic. They drop like dead flies.

I wait for a system notification but find none, after awhile I decide to check the system to figure out what is going on.

Name: Alex

Level: 1 (0/100)

Species : Dabbler Tier 1

HP 200/200

MP 326/326

SP 87/141

Bloodline:Name: Unknown/Rarity: Legendary/Species: Storm-dragon 50% Unknown 50% current percentage unlocked: 25%/100%

Strength: 25 ( + 10% Physical damage )

Agility: 20 ( + 10% physical speed)

Endurance: 21 ( + 21 SP )

Body: 66

Intelligence: 24 ( +10% casting speed)

Wisdom: 20 ( + 10% magic damage)

Willpower: 63 ( + 126 MP )

Mind: 107

Soul Strength:10

Soul Speed:10

Soul Integrity: 10

Soul: 30

AP: 0

(Previous Evolutions)




(Current Powers)

Wow such empty

Power Points: 0

None currently selected

Well I suppose that would explain it..... My entire system truly did change. It feels strange looking at the almost empty new power screen.

Well I suppose I need to figure out how to level up.

{Shell has finished analyzing new spells. Master may level up by mastering his mind, body, and soul}

That explains a lot.... "What where the new spells shell?"

{Opening Void Library}


Ice Orb (Unlearned 1 week to learn )

Blood Spear (Unlearned 1 week to learn)

That red element was blood, strange. So I can see that I can learn spells by spending time learning them which makes since. After a little bit of looking over my new status I get going in the forest, hunting the Wretched kind. I have a feeling that nothing in this forest is my match with my current skills, though that might just be me being cocky. After very little prep I head to the center of the forest.

I find myself quickly reaching the large hill in the center of the forest. I reach it and find that there are massive hoards of undiscribable amounts of Wretches sitting completely still all around the hill. After some decision I start to spam Shadow Step with my artifact cloak, slowly making my way through the hill into the main cave of the hill.

After arriving inside of the hill I smell a putrid stentch filling the entirety of the cave. After some investigation I find the cause of the smell. A huge disgusting pile of corpses piled high. The Corpse Pile seems to slowly release a grey fog out of it that slowly sinks into a few smaller cave entrances at the bottom of the huge pit. After some decision I determine it sould probably be the best Idea to follow them, they should lead somewhere important. After awhile of holding my breath I follow the narrower tunnels and find myself in a pool of liquid made of the strange fog. The water feels almost like acid against my scales. After reaching a small rock outskirt I look around the room with new found interest. This small cave room seems to have been hollowed out by something extremely large. though it seems to lead a very linear path the strange curves make me almost lose focus as I travel through it.

I follow the trail for a bit longer before arriving in a strange looking throne room, a room covered in bones and blood, a huge Skeletal Throne raises in the center of the room. A sleeping Wretch rests on the Throne, the Wretch has a strange disposal. It has a silver robe on with a very long and withered beard upon it's face. A large pure white crown rests upon it's head, a strange sort of eery glow iminates from it. The Wretch slowly awakens and looks at me with a wide grin on it's face.

"Brother your finally here in person" the familiar old voice speaks. "We are not brothers you and I" I speak solenmly while slowly approaching the throne. "We are brothers one way or another. I suppose you have come here to kill me.... I wish you luck in your endeavor for I myself have not been able to kill myself. I am what they call an undying." The creature mockingly speaks. "Though you have killed my prince I am sure you will have a much harder time killing me.". After a small second of silence I reply to the cocky Wretches words "You talk to much".

An Air bolt makes it's way to the wretch unoticed, it quickly peirces the unaware Wretches skin cutting a limb from the King. The King starts laughing manaically as he slowly states "I CAN'T DIE." The King starts to cast a spell as Shell sends me a notification. I cast Lightning boost on my body ready to dodge any incoming attacks. A huge Bone Serpent slowly emerges from a strange illusion behind the Wretch. The Serpent is much larger than me and looks much more dangerous than me. The Wretched king looks at me wickedly before disappearing completly.

The Bone Serpent quickly makes it's way towards me as I try to dodge the vicious maw of the serpent. After dodging a feeling of pain inters my stomache as a notification from the system pops up on the screen.

What kind of cheat is this??? it is so OP. After a few moments I try to attack the creature for the first time since I saw it. My Fangs easily break throught the strangely brittle bone. Why is this creature so weak? The Creature doesn't even flinch after I rip into it's body, the creature seems focused on attacking. Wait after awhile it doesn't even seem to be focused on attacking me! It seems focused on following a Pattern. Did I just Get Trolled?