The Sole Guardian of The Forest

I cautiously approach the exit of the cave as I see the familiar bowed figure of the giant tortiouse. The Turtle slowly turns it's head, lowering it to the ground and continues to speak mentally to me. "YOU SEEM TO HAVE CAUSED AN UPSET IN THE FOREST DISCIPLE" the tortiouse speaks almost proudly. "THE KING OF THE WRETCHES IS DEAD AND FROM WHAT I HEAR FROM THE FOREST HIS DEATH WAS OF YOUR DOING" The tortiouse continues "I BELIEVE YOU DESERVE TO BE REWARDED, YOU HAVE DONE WHAT ALL THE FOUR GUARDIANS OF THE FOREST COULD NOT DO." he pauses for a moment.

He looks almost sad as he continues "YOU KILLED A GUARDIAN OF THE FOREST, THOUGH YOU SOMEWHAT TOOK HIS PLACE IN THE END." his body slowly reaches forward as he slowly let's something fall from his maw. A glittering stone falls with a thud on the floor. "This is your gift from the sole guardian of the forest, the walking fortress." he says far more softly than before.

"I BID YOU FARWELL DISCIPLE OF THE FOREST, YOUR JOB IS NOW TO JOURNEY, TO GET STRONGER. TO FOLLOW YOUR OWN PATH" he almost looks sad as he says at last "THE FOREST NEEDS YOU NO MORE, YOU ARE FREE". He hurridly gets up and leaves, in his wake many trees fall over and the ground has deep gashes.

Well that was awkward, I can never really understand him though. I mean really, who makes the killer of there Disciple take there place? I think he is borderline crazy, or maybe that's just the way it is with older beasts, there is no real way I could tell. Maybe after awhile I might become like him, well I suppose I will have to wait. I look at the shining stone on the floor. After getting closer I see that it is actually a semi transclucent gemstone, the colour is strange though. The colour of the gem alternates from many different colours. Depending on how much light hits it depends on what colour it takes on I observe after moving it around a bit.

I pick it up and put it into my inventory, not having to worry about the stones size anymore do to the evolution of my inventory. "Shell, do you think you could analyze the Gemstone I put in my inventory just now?"

{No Problem Master.... It looks like you got quite the catch this time, this thing is packed full of magical energy.}

{Gem of The Forests Light}

Rarity: Pseudo Ledgendary

Condition: Perfect

Cost: One of a kind


Recovery: Doubles recovery of mana, stamina, and health while user has control of the gem

Breaking Uses (Upon using them you will gain the following benifits)

Light Element: Some Light Elemental Particals reside in this gemstone, by breaking the gem you will gain access to light magic.

Splendid Soul: ???

Dang this item is truly powerful, I mean it doubles all things that I can recover? That's just insane. While breaking it seems to have some uses such as giving me access to a new element and some random power it doesn't seem as powerful as the natural recovery ability. Though mabey there will come a day when I need Light magic, who knows what the future entails.

After some though I begin to head back to the cave. I suppose the forest has offered all it has to give. I suppose I need to find a new goal. Something to push my self towards. I need to find my purpose. I ponder for a few minutes before something comes into my mind, the system said something about a Wretched Emporer.... Mabey that wasn't the only person who could control Wretches.... The system seems to issue quests that give me goals, that lead me to a greater purpose. Purhaps it will tell me where to go, what I should pursue next. I have nothing that I really want in this world except to grow stronger, to be able to protect what I have right now. To be free.

I quickly ask the system for a mission to stop myself from being trapped in my own thoughts, Winding down a path I truly don't want to travel down.

-Practicing your Path (Ancestor Quest. Permenent)

Mission Description: Practice makes perfect.

Mission Requirments: Practice for 200 Hours. You cannot spend more than 20 hours on one thing or it won't count. Infinite time.

Bonus Objective: Practice under the training of a master for 200 Additional hours.

Mission Rewards: +5% bloodline unlocked. +1000 EXP.

Bonus Objective Rewards: +Training teqhnique based on master. +10 to all physical stats.

-Exploration V.2

Mission Description: You have exlored almost the entirety of the forest of vyin, but what about what is outside of it?

Mission Requirments: Explore the continent of Yrin. No time limit. Depending on the % completed by the time you choose to end the quest depends on how good the rewards are.


Mission Description: You have helped many survive already, It must be something inside you telling you to help them. So why not listen to it?

Mission Requirments: help 100 people/creatures in need. No time limit.

Mission Rewards: +10% Bloodline awakening. + 1 Luck

Well they definitely give me a direction to go towards. I suppose the first one is quite nice and should take a long time. After awhile I look at the second one and find that it is long lasting and very useful. The third one however seems to be a little bit different, I suppose it wouldn't take long to help that amount of people and the rewards are rather nice. After awhile I decide to take on the third option. That plus one luck could be useful, though I havn't observed what it has done for me so far It sounds quite useful in the end. After some short decisions I head out into the forest.

The forest seems rather tranquill as creatures almost seem to avoid my presence. Those who do see me bow there heads slightly and leave. I suppose the Forest is not the best place to find creatures in need. After some thought I think I should find a human settlement to help. Memories spark through my mind at the memory of the humans hunting for snakes in the forest. I suppose I am strong enough to figure out exactly why they are doing this now. And mabey I could help people by eliminating them if they are evil.

After I brief double on what I am doing I head off to the human settlements quickly. The settlements seems to be on the outskirts of the Forest, still in the forest somewhat so my title should remain active. After some brief thought I determine stealthing my way through is probably the best idea, if I openly go into the village a commotion will most likely be caused and I wouldn't be able to leave it without causing a few deaths. If they are evil I should be able to determine it before I decide to kill them.

After some stealthing I arrive by the gate, after some time I start to climb over the top of it quickly. It is later in the evening, the sun is almost setting as I quickly move through the strange village. The village consists of mostly wooden huts and the like, with only one stone building in the center of the village that seems to be avoided by all the villagers. After a little while I remember I won't be able to understand them hence I won't be able to ease drop. The telepathy is useful for foward conversation but I can't really use it to listen in on conversations can I.

I quickly decide I need to find physical evidence if I want to act on anything. After some snooping around I get the general gist of the small village. There seems to be three groups of people within, children and there mothers, Guards, and farmers. While another group seems to be present I am not counting it as they consist of only two people. There seems to be a shaman in the village and an Elder as well, both being able to cast minor magic.

It seems that they are quite normal, a little bit more tribal than the humans I found before but that could easily be answered by them being near a wild jungle. After some more snooping around I find out what they did with the blood of the snakes. The stone building is void of any humans and I found the reason behind this. A large altar of sorts lies in the center of the stone building, it depicts huge obsidian statue of an owl holding a huge basin of a dark liquid. The creature has an otherworldy vibe about it as it stairs at the one entrance of the altar room harshly. The Basin is filled about half way full with what I suspect to be snake blood.

{Master a spell is being detected, Shell is analyzing it}

After waiting for a few minutes I let shell pull up the spells name and how long it would take to learn.

{Here is the information I gained master, please learn the spell so I can get more information over it}

Evoke White talon, Owl of Wisdom.(2 month learning time)

Well that doesn't tell me much. It seems these people treat this creature like a god of sorts, but what kind of creature could be a god in this world. Humans are very strong, though not as strong as some creatures they are much stronger when united. So what type of beast could make them worship it?