What is Divinity?

The thought kept on running through my head. Whatever this was it was bad news for me. A creature of 'god' like reverance from humans is seemingly demanding sacrifices. For all I know it could only be snakes that are required to be hunted down, or mabey it is other creatures. Either way this 'diety' of theres is demanding sacrifices. The spell name is also very peculier, Evoke White Talon, Owl of Wisdom. If I recall correctly Evoke means to bring it's presence forth, mabey this could be about protection or any number of other things but one thing is for sure, the spell is devoted to this White Talon fellow.

I examine the room once more, taking more interest in minor details, after a few minutes a notification from the system pops up.

Wait so using skills can turn them into powers? Strange, I quickly open up the power description.

Sight of Power LV:1

This power uses the mind to strengthen sight. You can see heat and cold signitures as well as develop an eyesight much better than other creatures. Your mental stat overall contributes to the effectivness of this skill. Higher levels allows for more types of sights.

I glance at the skill, it seems to have gone under a qualitive change, increasing the skills overall power while making obvious future enhancements that can be made. It seems that the skills power no longer scales with it's level but instead with my mental stats which is a very different approach from my previous system. This new system seems to be really unique.

I continue looking around the room and with my newly improved vision I find a few drops of blood that seem to be in around one somewhat roughened stone area by the altar. It seems this area is the area most frequently used. With a few more sweeps of the room I find one more thing. Runes seem to be slightly etched all throughout the room, so small and intricate I would have never found them before the eyesight upgrade. Though the runes seem strange I try and have shell Appraise them.

{No thing master, one sec.... Since it is a rune and not an actual Item I will have a bit worse of a read, sorry master if it is disapointing. :( }

{Runes Of the Glaring Gaze}

Rarity: ???{it is a rune and I don't have much info on runes at the moment}

Cost: ???

Effect: These runes allow the creator to see and watch the room at all times.

"Well F***" I quickly leave the room hoping no one noticed me entering through the runes. As soon as I leave the entrance I see a figure of a man looking at me with almost reverance in his eyes. Flash backs quickly come to me, this is the man that spared my life in the forest that one day. He kneels silently. The area around us is strangly devoid of life, almost as if it has been vacated. The man starts speaking in a slow matter, most likely oblivious to me not being able to hear him.

I decide this is probably the best oppurtunity to use my telepathy skill. But before I contact him with telepathy I send out a Soul Sense and find absolutely no living creatures in 100 meter radius, well all except me and the man before me. I link to him and hesitantly ask "Who are you?". "Divine Snake, I am a guard of the village of Vyin" he asks almost wavering with an undying look in his eye.

'Divine Snake?! What the heck?!'. After a few moments I recollect myself and quickly speak to him "What exactly is going on in the Village of Vyin young guard?" I try to muster the most 'Divine' voice I can without breaking under the strange new pressure that has been put over me. "A rebelion Great Winged Serpent. A great Rebelion Led my myself, the Prophet of the Great Snake" he asks unwavering.

A sudden urge to slam my face into the ground surfaces but I quickly resist it knowing how dire the situation is. "You? My Prophet? Why do you consider yourself this Divine Snakes Prophet?" I ask as 'domineering as I can. "Y-Y-You showed yourself to me first Oh Great Serpent of the Forest. Y-Y-You showed me the divine mark upon your brow, proving yourself a creature of divine make. I am dreadfully sorry if I was not your intended Prophet, Lord Snake. Please punish me for my sins against the Great Snake!" he shouts as he lies flat upon the ground in a strange manner.

This time I do not resist the urge. My head is thouroughly harmed by the time I vent my anger. By the end of my little outburst a small gash has been made on the packed dirt ground and my 'Prophet' seems to be shaking in fear. "Please calm down oh Prophet of this Divine Snake, if you are to be my Prophet then you may not act in fear" I speak trying not to sound sarcastic.

He immediatly straightens his back and corrects his posture as he awnsers unwavering "Great snake has put his Prophet through a grand test. What were my Results oh Divine lord?" he asked almost burning with passion. I slap myself mentally to think of a proper reply to such an idiotic situation "You have passed, but only barely. I shall be lenient because you are my first Prophet. Now explain in detail the situation of the rebellion." I say with great difficulty, I also mentally log what he said about the mark on my forehead for future examination. "Oh great lord, the town is at odds. I have started a second religion in the village of vyin, the religion of your greatness my lord. While the other half of the village believes in the old ways, the ways of the owl. I do not blame them for there ways, I was once like them my lord. But once I saw you I knew that a true god existed. I spread word and now the village is at a tension do to it."

He pauses slightly to catch his breath as he continues " You have stepped upon the owls sacred land, provocing him. He is coming here personally to confront you my lord. He claims you to be a false diety Great Snake."

Well I suppose this is a good oppurtunity. I could kill this fake divine owl and stop the massacres of creatures in the forest. I could also clear these peoples minds in doing so. "Divine Lord, he has said that the combat will take place here in one hour, he shall bring his prophet and you shall bring yours. He says that the one who wins shall become the diety of this village."

Well I suppose it would be a good time to prep. I wanna see how powerful this 'Divine' Creature actually is.

After some thinking I have a general battle plan. He will obviously be a creature of the air, I am certain that he won't be prepped for my new flight ability. So I think I should be able to use that to my advantage. After some thought I remember the mark he said I had on my brow. I have never really seen my forehead before so I suppose it is possible. "Shell do you mind checking if I have a symbol on my head? the one the man said I had."

{No Problem Master... There is a very feint rune now that you have pointed it out. It seems that it is a strange magic energy that I haven't seen before.}

{??? Rune}

Rarity: ???

Cost: ???

Uses: This rune gives special priviliges to the host, as well as giving the creature hidden skills that can only be unlocked when you unlock the rune.

1%/100% unlocked.

Well I suppose that makes since why he might suspect me to be some strange creature. It seems to be made of a magic me and shell don't know so that is probably the reason. Well After an hour of waiting I hear a sound in the distance. A creature that seems to be enshrouded in an aura of pure light energy flys towards us at an astounding speed, definitely not as fast as I am on land, but much faster than I am in the air. The creature slowly descends to the ground and the light aura slowly disapates to reveal a large pearly white owl.

A searing white brand lays on his forehead, one that I believe might be similar to the one on my forehead. After he decends a human quickly shuffles off of his back and opens up a large back pack filled with various scrolls pulling one out before he starts reading it, almost ceromoinly. The white owl quickly sends a message into my mind through some type of mental magic. "So you are a divine beast after all. I truly thought you to be a hoax. Especially since you had only shown yourself once. But you know the rules. No trespassing on other Divines grounds, unless you wish for a duel that is." he eyes me intensly. "From what I can tell you seem to haven't even fully unlocked your divine seal." he says as he looks at me closer, his eyes probing my body.

The human seems to be finished as he stuffs the large scroll into his bag. He then proceeds to pull out a large staff with a white diamond on the tip. My so called prophet simply pulls out two scimitars. The owl looks at me before saying "It is the basic rules, first one whos prophet dies loses and must forfit some divine energy, as well as the prophets lives of coarse. Let the combat begin." he says calmly and then proceeds to screech loudly.