Blessings From a Serpent

{Master, I recomend you check out your new Star Mark. It will help explain a bit of what is going on}

"Thanks shell" I say before opening up the newly appeared Star Mark Skill

Star Mark LV:1

This is the Mark of the Stars, allowing access to power of the celestials.

Tier One Powers:

Static power: You gain extra physical defence as well as physical power. Your spells and attacks have a unique ferocity to it that make them far stronger than others of the same kind.

The Dragon: This is your mark. As the only living dragon in this world you deserve it. Activation can only be done once a day. This ability allows the user to gain fierce energy from the previous owner of this mark.

Blessings of the Dragon: This ability can only be used on one being at a time. The blessing brands itself into the targets skin, making a noticable mark similar to your title. The blessing will give them unique abilities based on your strengths and weaknesses.

Protection of the Dragon: This ability can only be used on one town at a time. The blessing brands itself into the Religion of the Town, making a noticable impression upon the people. Basic skills will be provided by your protective skill. You will gain knowledge if the town is attacked.

"Well I suppose this helps me a little." I say outloud. "What was that your greatness?" the man says quitely. "I shall bless you, if you are willing to accept it. I will bless you and you shall become my true prophet. But only under one condition. That you follow me." I speak in a confident tone.

"Yes my lord, it would be my honor." the man says after standing up and putting one fist over his chest. "I would follow you even without you asking." he says happily. I begin to have doubts at this Man. Isn't he just a little too..... Much? "Then accept my branding." After activating the skill a strange amount of energy seems to leave me, making me feel drained. Lightning leaves my brow as it strikes the man on the chest. His bare chest seems to burn and char as the distinctive symbol of a large Storm dragon appears.

The dragon has hundreds of wings and lightning coarses around the charred dragon. A strange energy seems to fill it as the man kneels as if in a great pain. "THANK YOU SO MUCH OH GREAT MAGNIFICENT LORD" he shouts at the top of his lungs while tears roll down his face.

I should have just chose double, but I don't think it would have been fair to make a friend take up this type of position. I feel like a prophit is something much different than a friend, and double definitely wouldn't want to be a prophet from what I have learned of his personality. I fly inside the stone building before using the second power gained from the star mark. Energy rips from my mark as it seems to emblaze the entire room with lightning. Wind rips through the surrounding land and water pours down from the sky. Fires are lit with the lightning, crops are watered from the storm, and the winds dance among the people adding comfort to there minds and bodies.

The room changes abruptly. In place of the Owl statue sits a large serpent, me that is. The pool of liquid seems to have almost boiled off as instead of a sacrifice bowl is a tablet of stone. Words in an unknown script spread all throughout the tablet. I look around the room and see acute changes to it. No blood is visible anywhere in th room, and instead of runes everywhere there seems to be faintly drawn dragons everywhere you look. Interesting. I quickly look at all the other information that the system gave me from the fight.

I quickly open up my new power.

Life Steal LV:1

Life is everywhere just as mana is, some would say life is mana, and others mana is life. This skill allows you to gain mana from the creatures you damage physically. This skill can give you other ways of draining the lifeforce out of creatures later on.

Well I suppose it isn't that much different from my previous scale and can be used effectivly when fighting. And it gives me a great reason why I should focus on melee combat more.

The addition to my bloodline is absolutly great and the extra luck might come in handy later. I can already see how useful the luck stat is. For example, during the fight the air almost seemed to be on my side as the spears missed me but only barely. Though luck is great it is definitally not something to rely on to much, it might not come in use when I need it the most.

"Well that was easy" though Killing that owl was not something I really ment to do it seems that It worked out well since the system counted it as helping others in need. Though this whole situation kind of gets on my nerves honestly. I mean how come I have to get caught up in all this divine crap? I really don't want to have anything to do with it. All it means is a lot more responsibilities. Seriously, it makes me have to worry about so much more. Though it isn't a bad that I get basically free power, the thing that sucks so much is how much I have on my plate. Though this definitely gives me a direction to go to.

Well I suppose it is time to get a new quest. System Show me what you Got!

-Practicing your Path (Ancestor Quest. Permenent)

Mission Description: Practice makes perfect.

Mission Requirments: Practice for 200 Hours. You cannot spend more than 20 hours on one thing or it won't count. Infinite time.

Bonus Objective: Practice under the training of a master for 200 Additional hours.

Mission Rewards: +5% bloodline unlocked. +1000 EXP.

Bonus Objective Rewards: +Training teqhnique based on master. +10 to all physical stats.

-Savior of the Village of Vyin

Mission Descripion: you are this villages diety. Now act like it and help them out some.

Mission Requirments: This is a special quest and has three seperate objectives.

1: Help the villagers learn how to respect the forest.

2: Help the villagers learn how to farm more efficiently

3: Help the villagers learn how to organize better. They are a sloppy mess.

Mission Rewards: +1000 EXP, +5 Power Points


Mission Description: You are his one true friend. Help him find his path.

Mission Requirments: Help double find a direction to follow.

Mission Rewards: +10 Power Points

Mission Penalties: -500 EXP

I instantly pick the third quest. It seems double is having some hard times, as a friend it is my job to help him out. Though I am honestly not sure what it means by helping him find his path, I will do my best to help him. After saying goodbye to my prophet and giving him some final remarks I leave and go travel through the forest to my home. The forest seems to be more vibrant than ever. More creatures are every where as if the previous massacre never happened. Creatures happily nod at me as they go about there way through the forest. I pass by the almost empty mana pool as I see a strange baby crocidile guarding it. The scene fills me with a strange amount of emotion as I remember the horrible scene of before.

Though the system seems to be helping me, there seems to be something wrong with it. The bugged quest seems to be something only aimed at making me feel pain. I look at the small croc and slowly approach him. He bares his teeth and a small mental pressure enters my mind as he speaks quickly "Please sir leave this mana pool. It is still recocering from the previous events and can't be used". I look at the crocodile and carefully say "I am very sorry." with a pause I continue "I did this all. It was my fault." The croc looks at me strangely as I say this.

"Sir I don't believe that is true. I think you are a great serpent. A staple Creature of the forest. I have been told that you were the one who killed the Wretched King, and not only did that but allowed the Forest of Vyin to peace itself back together. I hear that mabey one day we will be back to our former glory" he says sweetly. I shake my head as the memory of that night resurfaces through my mind. I suppose he doesn't know what I did before then. "I did something before that deed. I did something unforgivable. And to show you how truly sorry I am I want to give you something." Emotion floods me as I make the familiar gemstone appear before me. It is really useful and all but I think it would be put to better use by this young croc. I nudge the stone towards him.

He slowly approaches it as he slowly takes the stone up with his maw and places it deeper into the small pool. After a few seconds the water seems to buble almost as it starts rising rapidly. The shallow pool becomes a thriving oasis of sorts as the crocodile swims to the top while giggling. "Thank you so much sir for this gift. I will never forget it." I smile slightly before moving away. Though Nothing will really be able to ever heal the wounds I have gained, this moment really stopped the pain. Even just if it was for for one moment the loss of the stone was worth it for that small moment of bliss.