Doubles Path

After seeing the small croc I feel almost at peace for the moment. I head back to my house to visit double, from what the quest stated it seems like he is struggling with something. After a while of travelling I find the small familiar cave. As I walk in I see double sitting down on a crudley made wooden chair. He stares at the cave wall intensley, on it a plethora of strange symbols that Make no since to me. He grabs a small handmade staff after hearing movement and whips it around at me, only calming down after seeing who it was. "Alex! Your back already?" he says enthusiastically.

"Yes, the issue was solved quite quickly. What have you been up to?" I ask Double happily. Being with friends makes this a lot more easier on me. "I have been making some of the things I didn't have time to bring from the Keep." he gestures to a small bed in the corner of the cave as well as a small shelf that is filled with a few books. "It keeps your mind off of the forest. I have also been trying to learn a few more spells in the meantime." he gestures to the symbols on the wall.

"I was told in the keep that I was suited for this type of magic, though I still struggle to understand it" he states. "Do you even like being in the forest?" I ask after hearing him talk. "... Not really. I have never liked being alone for so long. Though the creatures are nice and all, when your in a forest you can't be sure what is here to harm you or just aimlessly walk by. It gets pretty stressful" he says sadly. "I can agree to that. When I was first in the forest it quickly became stressful, though hunting helped it sure was a lot of pain I had to go through. If you don't like the forest that much then why stay?" I ask.

"Well.... You are here" he says simply. "That should be no reason to stay here." I state. "I also have no clue where to go. If I go back to the Keep I am as good as dead. I can't go through the deeper parts of the forest without dying, the creatures are far to strong. And I honestly have no clue where any settlements are." he says sadly. "If you would have told me that I could have just taken you through the forest myself. I would do anything for a friend double." I say sincerely to him.

"Even then, not only would I be in a place I had never been before but I also would have to start from scratch. I also wouldn't have any friends. Even in the keep I didn't have any friends, Mages don't usually get along with others." Double says seriously. "Your one of my only friends I have. And if I were to go to a town they would never let you enter. Most places of civilization are very biased towards Beasts, most of the time they are treated as if they are some kind of sickness or disease."

After some silence Double stares at the stone wall more intensley than ever. I decide to let him cool down for a little while before I proceed. I know double wants to be with others of his kind, but then at the same time doesn't want to be away from me. I know the perfect village for him but I don't know how he will react exactly towards me being the so called 'protector' of said town. I take a rest in the cave I am so familiar with. My dreams seem to be strange though. The same line keeps playing in my head.

"You are like me." a disembodied voice says "From the Stars". It seems to almost engrain itself into my memory as I sleep. I awake after a few hours to see double holding his staff as he stares at the small pool of water in the cave. I watch silently as he takes a deep breath and holds the staff towards the water. A strange glowing comes from the tip of his wooden staff as symbols appear in front of him. The symbols become complex quickly as the spell slowly seems to come together. 6 seperate rings of runes appear in the first over all ring he created. The runes hurt my head just looking at them but slowly something miraculous takes place.

The water moves slightly. A strange figure slowly pulls itself out of the pool of water. Slowly standing up before looking at double lifelessly. After some time the vauge figure slowly becomes more and more human like. The figure slowly formes into the complete figure of Double. The staff included. It stares at double with the exact same expression as double has. One of intense concentration. At one moment I stare in awe at the powerful sight, but in another I dash towards double. Doubles knees buckled as he falls to the ground at an incredible speed. I quickly support the falling figure before laying him down and letting him rest.

{Master shell has observed a new spell would, check the library to learn more about it :)}

I check and make sure double is alright before I open up the void library.

{Void Library}




New spell:

Double: please spend 4 weeks to learn.

Well I suppose that is where he got his name.... After some time shell alerts me something.

{Master hurry!!! A friend in the friend feature is in danger. They are experiencing a symptom called Mana Burn}

Double is in trouble. I dash towards him examinining him once more. His body seems fine but it seems like he is in pain. After some time I remember the Life Element I gained a long time ago. I look at the form of Double in my view and try something I haven't done before. I cast life boost on him. Casting a boost form is strange when directed to another person but works none the less. I see a rosy colour come to his cheeks as he sputters almost. Water gushes out of his mouth as he awakes. The water is filled with a strange glowing color as it splashes in the room.

Double awakes and looks at me half terrified half confused. "What did you do Double?!" I ask quickly. "I cast a spell a bit out of my league." he says wryly. "You are suffering from Mana Burn, do you know what that is?" I ask hurridly. He nods weakly and replies "It is when you over draft the natural energy in your body. I probably could have died from it if you hadn't of done anything." He sputters as more liquid leaves his mouth. "I wish I could have at least dispelled it before I passed out." he says angrily. "Then I wouldn't have to deal with the backlash of mana burn and failing a spell."

{Doubles condition has stabalized but he is still struggling. You need to get him medicine and quick master}

"Double I need to take you to a human village." I loudly proclaim. "I refuse Alex. I know they can treat me but this is something I can recover from, not something that is truly life threatening." he states angrily. "It is not your choice. I know that this could turn deadly. You have no right to refuse. I will take you there as your friend double. As your friend I won't watch you die" I say with sadness in me.

He looks hopeless as he falls unconcious quickly. I tuck him onto my back, using my wings to hold him aboard, as I make my way to the Village of Vyin. It took around 2 days to get there. I had to go slow to make sure I didn't accidentally make his condition worse, and I had to make sure to stabilize him every time Shell sent me a notification but we get there without him dying.

I am greeted into the village by the sight of a large stone carving that seems to have started to form on a small stone hill. The carving vaugley resembles me. These people are insane!

I make my way to the gate of the town where two guards stand by. The guards look at me in awe as they quickly open the gates for my way. I am quickly greeted by my Skylar as he looks at me happily. "Skylar I have a question." I ask quickly. "Your greatness what is wrong?" he states. "My friend is dying." I say as I gesture to Double on my back. "What can I do Great Lord?" he states in a panic. "Can you treat spell BackLash?" I ask hurridley. "I believe the shaman might Know of a way. I will fetch him quickly lord." he runs off at breakneck speed.

I quickly lay double down on the ground as an older figure approaches. It seems to be the Shamen. He approaches rather grumpily as he sees my form. "What does the great Dragon want from this humble old man?" he asks, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I am looking for someone who can heal this friend of mine." I gesture at double. The man loses all sarcasm as he approaches the body quickly. After some prodding and poking he opens up the eyelids of him and a strange sight is seen. Doubles eyes that were once green are now a glowing purple.

"hmm.... This is very bad. From what I can tell this kid messed with some spells far beyond his level, and mine if I am to tell the truth. I might be able to heal him but it would be very costly." he eyes me quitley. " I know you are this towns Divine Protector, but I must let you know I am just the towns shaman. Not a believer to say the least. You don't have any power over this old man." he states quickly. "Because of this I request something from you." he says.

"What is it old man?" I ask angrily. " It is quite simple." He says, "All I need is for you to fetch me something. I need a very rare alchemical ingredient, one of at least the same rank as the one I am going to be using. The one I need is called Dragons Fiery. It resides deep in the mind at the center of the forest. I am sure you know the one." he says looking at me intently. "I will heal this man right here and now, but only if you agree to my request."

"I agree." I say quickly, "As long as it doesn't involve me harming anyone good." I state quickly add remembering to not blindly accept tasks without understanding some of the requirments. "It will be required that you kill something to get to the flower but I assure you it is evil. It is known as the Fire Golem." He states understandingly of my request. "Then heal my friend because I agree." I state happily.

The man quickly leaves before grabbing a strange crystal bottle filled with a strange glowing blue energy. After a few strange sentances he releases the bottle into Doubles mouth before Shell Alarms me of something.

{Double is officially safe Master, no need to fear anymore}

Thank god. And now I suppose I owe this old man a favor.