Mental Prowess

Staying awake is far worse than blacking out. The pain kept building in my head like an explosion. After a few hours I said goodnight to Double as I head to bed, hoping for this pain to be gone in the morning. I slept peacefully and awoke to the mornings rays slipping through the opening of the cave. I feel strangely calm and at peace. The pain gone at this point in time.

"Hey shell, what exactly does 'My minds Potential' Mean?" I ask curiously.

{Master, your mind has been given a qualitative boost in power. Unlike the stat increase it will actually make you more intelligent. It also allows your mind to take much more damage before giving in. So black outs should be much Rarer.}

How lovely. I open up the store to see the new purchase options.

Mind Powers:

Mental Unlock LV:2 (50 cost)

Telekinesis LV: 1 (10 cost)

Mental Spy LV:1 (10 cost)

Mental Conection LV:1 (10 cost)

Body Powers:

Physical Unlock LV: 1(10 cost)

Soul Powers:

Soul Unlock LV: 1(10 cost)

Well thats strange. It seems that to upgrade this specific ability I have to spend more Power Points. Really peculier. I look at the other abilities I can gain and are intrigued by there powerful sounding names. I mean Telekinesis is something everybody dreams about at least once right? And what the heck is Mental Spy and Mental Conection? They honestly sound pretty OP.

Though I think the other skills could be awesome I think I should first Unlock my physical body and soul. Double seems to be outside, while jad and the monkeys are no where to be seen. To think of it I haven't really seen Jad or the monkeys for quite awhile, I wonder what they have been up to. Hmm, maybe I should go look for them. I start making rounds through the forest looking for the big Ape.

I find double not long after my search. He is happily practicing runic formations, though they seem to be his own in a way. Strange colours fill his path. I leave him to his own devices as I look around for Jad. I find myself around the mana pool. It glowing happily with energy. Creatures finally seem to be coming here and resting once more. Though not as numerous as before there still is quite alot of them. I then see the big lad. Jad is sitting upon a small stone playing with the monkeys.

I approach him, relieved at seeing him. He sees me after a few seconds and beckons me over. "Little Snake, you have gotten much bigger." he says happily "Big Ape no longer has to stay in your cave because the Pool of Mana is back." This was his home before I destroyed it wasn't it? It completley skipped my mind. "That is good Big Ape. I am glad to see you well." I say cheerily. "Little Snake. I can't follow you anymore." he says with a small frown on his face. "The monkeys are about to evolve once more. They will become Apes. And I need to stay in the forest for that. I am sorry Little Snakes." I laugh slightly. I didn't expect this time to come so soon, but I knew the monkeys would grow up one day. This must be there third or fourth evolution after all.

"Remember Big Ape. What you told me a long time ago?" I ask happily "To never say sorry." I leave jad there. Wishing him a great time in the forest. Though I wish I could stay here forever but if I wish to grow I will have to leave. After heading back to the cave that now seems to feel just a little bit more empty than before I ready up the system quest.

-Practicing your Path (Ancestor Quest. Permenent)

Mission Description: Practice makes perfect.

Mission Requirments: Practice for 200 Hours. You cannot spend more than 20 hours on one thing or it won't count. Infinite time.

Bonus Objective: Practice under the training of a master for 200 Additional hours.

Mission Rewards: +5% bloodline unlocked. +1000 EXP.

Bonus Objective Rewards: +Training teqhnique based on master. +10 to all physical stats.

-Find a new home

Mission Description: You kinda broke your house, I suppose it is time for you to get another one.

Mission Requirments: Find a new bigger and better home.

Mission Rewards: +500 EXP

-The Second Wave

Mission Description: It is coming. You must protect the village you bestowed your power to.

Mission Requirments: The Village of Vyin remains standing after the second Wave.

Mission Penalties: if the Village of Vyin falls you will lose 10000 EXP

Mission Rewards: ???

A SECOND WAVE?! What do you mean a second wave? I killed the wretch king, wasn't that enough? And that Penalty is just absolutley insane, I mean honestly 10000 EXP will set me back so far. But I did promise to protect the village I guess, and I don't know what will exactly happen with me because of this stupid divine star mark. I accept it, although begrudgingly. I won't make the same mistake as last time. I will protect as many as possible.

I find double once more. "Do you think you could help me with something?" I ask hesitantly. "What is it Alex?" he asks. "Aparently the Village that I took you to for your healing will be going through a wave. Like the one that Struck your Keep." I state sadly. He looks at me and with an almost crazy glint in his eyes says one word "Absolutley."

Well I suppose that will be it. I take him for a leisurly walk through the forest making our way towards the village. I hope Skylar had figured out what exactly is going on in the village. I converse with double on the way there. We speak of his training and what he has been doing. "I think I have found a way to create my own runes in a way." he states happily "Almost as if something in me that was stopping me from doing it before broke. I feel creative in every spell I cast. It is a strange yet pleasent feeling to say the least."

Double reminds me of the spells I cast but slightly more structured and with far more creativity. It's a strange way to cast spells but perhaps it will be possible for me to cast spells that day in the future. I see the familiar walls of the Village as I start to leave the forest. Two guards respectfully open the guards putting there fists to there chest as I approach. It's a strange feeling to be respected in this manner, I don't know if I will ever be really used to it.

Skylar quickly makes his way towards me almost shining with vigor and happiness. "Lord Snake, I hope you have recovered well from the previous escapade. We have eliminated all the shamans followers. Hopefully that ends all the issues that it caused you last time" he says proudly. "That is great Skylar but I have some bad news." I take a deep breath before continuing "Something will befall the Village very soon. I have come back for precisely this reason. To protect it."

Skylar looks at me with a strange look in his eye "What shall befall our village with you here oh great snake lord?" he asks. " I honestly don't know. But I do know it will be bad. " I state honestly. Skylar looks at me and then leaves and grabs a guard speaking with him for a few minutes before the guard runs off with great speed. Skylar approaches me once more "When will this exactly happen?" he asks carefully.

"I honestly don't know. But very soon if I should guess." I state. He looks at me and then lowers his head and shakes it sadly. "I will try to ready the men of the village. Your blessing has helped with many things, including are fighters. But They are not yet used to this new blessing." he then pauses for a second "If you will please excuse me. I need to brief the town." he then proceeds to leave after I nod in approval. Double looks at the village with interest.

"Strange, not like the homes back where I come from. But I do suppose we are on the other side of the forest after all. If you don't mind I wish to go practice my magic once more, I need to get used to it if we are to battle." Double states happily. I suppose it is about time I try out the new study feature as well. "Shell please open up the void library."

{No Problem master}

{Void Library}

-Spells (4)

-Elements (1)

-Forms (1)

New spell:


What elements are there?


Blood Element (1 Month of time)

And what about Forms?


Spear (2 Days)

Well I suppose I should start off with the spear form. Mabey that will make spear spells easier to learn. After some time strange symbols appear before me, and my brain slowly takes the information in, almost quickening it's pace. Studying seems to be quite effective.