
2 days pass without a trace.

Well I suppose that can be said to be worth it. I quickly save the 2 AP points for later before thinking about the new spear. A Spear Should be much better than a Spike Right? Well I suppose it is time to use it. I head out to the very outskirts of the forest and cast 5 variations of it. From the standard mana Spear all the way to Storm. I cast them on trees to test there strength. The Basic Mana Spear cleanly goes through the tree. Well there goes my idea. I suppose a small hill or stone formation would be best then.

After some searching I find a large rock large enough to test the spells on. The mana Spear does a decent amount of damage but still isn't that great. Though one thing is for sure, the Spears piercing ability has been increased by a large margin. Then I cast the other 3 Types. Though it takes some time the spells are cast to relatively the same results. Deep holes into the large stone. Though my most anticipation is the last spell, the Storm Spear.

The Spike made the surroundings change, the skys darkened and filled with lightning and the area was drenched with rain. The spell begins to form just as a spell would normally, the energy leaving my body and slowly forming to make a spear. But as the spear formed a change began to happen. The sky once again turned pitch black as the land was laid in shadows, then light fell the land once more but this time through the power of lightning. Then the rain came, torrential rains from every dimension. The Spear looked Ancient and Deadly. An aura comes off of it that reminds me vaugly of my Storm Dragon Ancestor.

The Spear a pure abyssal black filled with almost cracks made out of lightning. Ice covering the edges almost as if the Spear holds an immense frost. The spear rips from my control, almost rearing to dig into the world. The Spear shatters the bouder easily and continues digging a 10 meter deep hole into the ground. The aura in the air and around me quickly disapear, though the surrounding seems to be permentantly touched by the intense short storm.

The Spear is powerful, but for some reason it seems harder to control. Perhaps because it's a more advanced than the spike form. I wonder if there is a form that allows me to change the whether itself and control it. Like what my ancestor did, or perhaps that is just something that happens around him normally, I don't know if I will ever know.

I check in with the villagers to see what exactly how they are getting along with the incoming wave. Skylar seems to be drilling a few groups of guards, albiet a little ineffectivley. I approach and watch what he does when teaching them. He shouts at them while demonstrating how to activate the energy that I seem to have given him. While some manage to get a few sparks out of there weapons the others look at him dreadfully. Those who passed were allowed moments of rest while those who didn't were sent away, and from what it seems like, it is most likely for some hardcore physical training.

Well this is pretty crazy to say the least. These guys are going hardcore in training. Skylar notices me after awhile and walks towards me with a smile on his face. "Lord Serpent, I have taught 6 batches of warriors by my self, the other instructors have done a total of 17 all together. We have also managed to get three young mages trained though with a lot of trouble." he pauses "The shaman was the one held most of our magic mages and the such though we have an old healer who understands the basics. He is now the new shaman for now until we find a suitable canidate to inherent the Shamans collection."

"That is good Skylar. What about fortifications?" I ask hopefully. He looks at me strangely before answering "We haven't been adding to our defenses. The wall is one of the better defenses of the surrounding villages so we didn't really think of improving it any." I take a look at the shoddily put together walls and sigh. These people have the best walls compared to the other villages? These guys are pretty delusional, they should take a page out of the Keep people and build stone walls.

"I recommend you increase your defenses. I have been in a place much more defendable and have suffered many casualties. If you want our people to survive you will need to increase these walls." I state plainly. Skylar looks at me with almost disbelief in his eyes. "Yes Lord" he stutters almost in astonishment. He starts running away, seemingly off to his next task. Though he is quite anoying he is very loyal. I have faith in him for the future.

I stop in by double to see how he has progressed the past few days. Young double sits by three young youths holding small wooden staffs staring at him intensly. Double sits in front of them with a small wooden stick. He notices me quickly and looks at me happily and winks as he stares at the children happily. The small wooden stick starts to glow slightly as a small rune begins to shimmer through the air. Mini Fireworks lauch from it's tip as they bathe the children in beautiful shades of greens, blues, and reds. Then he takes the small stick and focuses.

Concentration etches on his face as he begins to draw a very strange yet complex and unique rune. Though similar to what I once saw in the cave it was much different. The small wooden stick flashes in a blue light as the stick materializes in his other hand. An identical copy of the stick on the right. Almosted mirrored across his body. He looks at the stick in his left hand with a bright smile before he lifts both of them and casts two seperate yet the same spells from each stick. The spells launch at exactly same time making a small blue and red star bounce amont the children who laugh happily as the stars dance among them.

Double slowly stands up and moves over towards me. "What do you think of my progress Alex?" Double states happily. "You are progressing fast to say the least." I state warmly. Double seems livelier than ever before. "I learned how to do that pesky double spell easily just by implementing my own runes. It is rather simple when you look at it with free eyes." he says cheerfully. "I have learned a new spear form, but other than that I haven't made much progress magically. I think I will try to try to learn a new element soon, though I wish I could view more so I could gain more." I state.

"I don't know much other than basic mana element and my own element. I wish I could show you some but I truly don't have many things I could show you." He pauses before looking at the sky quickly "I think it's about time I say fairwell, I have something I need to be doing around now, and I already am late enough." he runs quickly away like somethings nibling at his feet.

Well alone once more.

{Master you will never be alone. You have Shell ;D. Also Double has finally shown enough of that magic for me to figure out what element it is and mark it down for future learning.}

"I suppose you are right shell" I say happily "Please open up the void library to that spell." I ask.

{Void Library}

New Element: Mirror Element (1 month)

Well I suppose that would make since. I think it would be a much better idea to learn this element compared to the Blood element. Though the blood element sounds strong it also sounds a little evil and I really don't want to go down that path. I go back to base to plan on what to do next. After arriving I hear one more magical system notification.

WHO DID I HELP? I MEAN SERIOUSLY? Then the figure of double hopping off huridly pops into my mind once more. That rascal. I suppose I shouldn't be complaining since it is just free EXP but still. I open up my status screen to Use my Ap points as well as my Power Points.

Name: Alex Champion of the Forest(X4 mana regen while in the forest, all creatures trust you in the forest) One Title not in use. Only one title may be used at a time.

Level: 6 (110/600)

Path : Practitioner of the Art of Practice.

HP 250/250

MP 376/376

SP 161/161

Bloodline:Name: Unknown/Rarity: Legendary/Species: Storm-dragon 50% Unknown 50% current percentage unlocked: 25%/100%

Strength: 36 ( + 10% Physical damage )

Agility: 20 ( + 10% physical speed)

Endurance: 21 ( + 21 SP )

Body: 77

Intelligence: 24 ( +10% casting speed)

Wisdom: 20 ( + 10% magic damage)

Willpower: 63 ( + 126 MP )

Mind: 107

Soul Strength:15

Soul Speed:15

Soul Integrity: 15

Soul: 45

AP: 6

MetaPhysical Stats:

Luck: 2

(Previous Evolutions)




(Current Powers)(may only be improved upon training.)

Mental Unlock LV:1

Blessings of the Forest LV:MAX

Telepathy LV: 1

Adrenilene Rush LV:1

Soul Sense LV:1

Power Points: 10

I eagerly slam the AP points into strength as I look at the newly bought Skill. Body Unlock.

The pain aches through my body, strangly enough. It feels almost like the most intense growing pains in the world. I slither off to bed to sleep it off.