The Beginning of the wave

After sleeping up I feel my body has become much stronger than before. An almost elastic stretchy power fills every seem of my body. Physical activities seem to take a little less stamina and added up that bonus is already truly powerful. After I finished admiring the upgrade I decided it was time to take a look at the shop to see what new physical upgrades there are.

Mind Powers:

Mental Unlock LV:2 (50 cost)

Telekinesis LV: 1 (10 cost)

Mental Spy LV:1 (10 cost)

Mental Conection LV:1 (10 cost)

Body Powers:

Physical Unlock LV: 2 (50 cost)

Agility Boost LV:1 (10 cost)

Strength Boost LV:1 (10 cost)

Endurance Boost LV:1 (10 cost)

Soul Powers:

Soul Unlock LV: 1(10 cost)

Though bland the new abilities seem quite good. They seem to be focusing on strengthening my body further while the mental abilities focus on adding to what I can already do. Perhaps my body is not strong enough to get truly high bonuses. For the next two weeks I study intensley doubles magic. Trying to take it in and add it into my arsenal.

Though doubles magic is quite strange it seems to be powerful if used correctly. Though my Training was stopped just shy of two weeks because the system sent a scary notification.

<24 Hours until the second wave begins.>

I stop training immediatly and as soon as I do so I get a system notification once more.

Well I suppose that is nice, I slam the AP into strength as I leave my small resting space to seek Skylar and Double. Skylar was found at the newly improved walls of the town, helping set up small archer outposts for easy striking of the incoming enemies. "What is it you need Lord Serpent?" Skylar asks attentively. "The wave is coming soon, in around 24 hours." I state calmly. "So Soon Lord? I don't know if our defenses are strong enough." Skylar states worringly. "Perhaps not" I say as I look at the wooden walls. Though not made badly they just seem weak compared to the stone walls of the Keep. "I will go warn my companion of the upcoming fight." I say sadly. "Absolutley Lord" skylar says as he hits his fist against his fist.

I look at the setting sun, if it is twenty four hours from now then it should be around night fall when the wave comes... I hope there ready for the upcoming fight. After a few moments I find double sitting at a table with a woman showing off his new magic to her. As I approach he stands up and proudly bows towards me. "..." silence fills the surroundings. I look at Double trying not to laugh at his over the top appearence. He wears a long black robe with a beautiful green outline.

"Double. The wave is coming in 24 Hours" I state seriously. The cheerful double dissapears in seconds as he looks at me with a straight face and says "Any information regarding what it will contain?" I look at him and think "I bet it will have to do with Wretches as the last one did but I don't really see how it could since I killed them all here." I say calmly. "I have not wasted the last two weeks be wasted." he states calmly as he pulls out a small silver wand from his pocket. "Though I must save my mana for the upcoming fight since I can't regenerate it as freakishly as you can." he says happily.

I say my goodbyes to him as I go and make some last minute decisions. In this fight I won't have Jad to help me, instead it will be double and me. I don't know how well we do but I am certain, unless this wave is much bigger, that I should be able to take it easily. Though I have a feeling I'm jinxing my self by thinking that. I head to bed early hoping to awake a few hours before the wave so I can stay up throughout the night.

The sun is starting to set by the time I awake. I quickly leave my resting space and head to the designated meeting place. Skylar and 4 young soldiers stand by him as well as double with the three young mages. As I approach the soldiers bow slightly before skylar begins speaking again. "The wave from what Young Double has told me is filled with Wretches. Those in which we have taught you how to fight." He says as he stares at all the young combatants. "And at the odd choice that the wave is filled with something different then we expected, then we must adapt on the spot."

"Now get to your station. The wave should be starting soon." he says and then looks at me. "It will start in around thirty minutes" I say solemnly. Skylar nods and puts his fist against his chests as the the people around him do the same before hurridly leaving. "What do you want to do in the Wave Oh great Snake Lord?" Skylar asks calmly. "I shall fight whatever comes at us front on. I believe I am strong enough to deal with most basic threats by now." I state confidently. "Then that is great. I am sure it is the frontlines honor to be fighting with you." Skylar says happily.

We break shortly after and arrive at our posts. Double leaving with the young mages to the top of the walls to get ready in casting spells. While skylar and me head to the frontlines, getting ready for the incoming battle. A notification comes to me from the system after the timer ends.

Mission description: Energy leaking from another world is bringing forth evil spirits. The Spirits will steal your body and take over your mind as they assault your kind.

War mission Objectives:

Total Number of Humans possessed in Village: 100 (100 EXP per kill. There is no way of saving them now.)

Total Number of Beasts Possessed attacking the village: 1000 (10 EXP per kill,. There is no way of saving them now.)

Calculating Bonus Objectives.....

-Pacifist: There is no way they are beyond saving. Don't kill them and instead keep them prisoners while trying to find a cure for them. Rewards: 10,000 EXP if you succesfully save them all.

-Find the cause of the spirits leaking into our world. Rewards: 10 % Bloodline.

-Killer: The people are without salvation, they must all die as well as the beasts. Kill all the possesed people and beasts. Reward: 1000 EXP if you kill them all.

This looks bad. The Wave is completely different then what I thought it would be. I look into the forest and see and hear nothing as the sun slowly sets in the distance. I then hear it, the first scream. I look behind me and see a soldier thrusting his shortsword wildly into the body of his comrade. After killing one he looks directly at me and laughs happily. A crazy red glint showing in his eyes. A split decision was made. Do I kill them or try to save them?

I don't want to make any more needless sacrifices. I don't want to kill people to finish the wave. I quickly make my decision as I wrap around the man stopping him from moving. "BIND HIM" I scream mentally to the men around me. Though they hesitate for awhile they then begin to run and fetch rope before binding him up. "There are 99 more of these people in our town. 99 People who have been taken over by Evil Spirits. If you find any bind them up. Remember they are dangerous. Not only will we be having an attack from the inside but soon enough the animals should appear." I look into the future and hear a distant howl. "And if we don't have them done with by the time the creatures come. We will be destroyed." I say hurridley. The Men look at me confused and then Skylar Yells "You heard him, let's get going."

I fly into the city before looking and inspecting all the people possible. Most of the people are in there houses but I should be able to find them if I act quick enough. As I narrowly move through the streets looking at every person looking for that crazy red glint through there eyes. Then a man looks directly at me, seemingly running towards his home a moment ago, but now his eyes are trained on me. Like a predator looking at his prey his red eyes lock onto me. "Finally. A breath of fresh air." He says calmly. He lifts his hand up as ten arrows bounce off my skin harmlessly. "Well you are a tough Bastard aren't you?" he says as a grin opens up on his face.

"I suppose I should teach you a lesson or two." His eyes spark with crimson energy as his body starts to swell with energy.