
"SYSTEM WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE SECOND WAVE IS BREAKING?" I ask hurridly towards the system.

"WHAT THE F***" I yell angrily at the voice in my head. I look at the human in front of me. His skin begins to rip with crimson energy as his body starts to grow somewhat. From standard height to double then triple and it just keeps going from there. His body taking on a purplish tinge as it grows demonic features. A demon, unlike those I had envisioned in the human world, has awoken.

I launch an attack trying to get in before he completes his transformation. As I come forward the strange crimson evergy stops almost as if knowing I was starting the fight. "Your mistake kid" The man states with a devilish grin on his face. "My brotheren will come soon eno-" cut short the man is bit deeply by me. I strike his neck, trying to kill this creature as soon as possible. My mouth burns as his blood seems to be made out of molten lava. I continue biting him trying to whittle his strength down. After a time he simply lets me dangle from his neck as he continues speaking.

"You know many people let the villain monologue. I suppose your better in that front at least. Even though your obviously stupid." The Demon then proceeds to grab onto my body easily. Then Tears my body off his neck with little hesitation. I grip on but all that happens is a large chunk of his neck comes with me. Blood gushes out, sizzling with heat, of the wound. He takes his free arm and swabs it through the wound then takes a finger and sucks upon it. His white teeth stained with blood. Then smiles and says "I mean, really, you think you can tangle with a demon?"

I then proceed to activate my star mark. Though the last time it didn't turn out so well I have a feeling this fight won't turn out well without it. After I activate it heat rushes through me as well as the familiar heat. I then look at a nearbye shadow as I teleport to it with the help of the long forgotten cloak. I then look at the demon and ready 4 Storm Spears. Though they come together rather slowly they rip through my control as the demon looks at me with a large smile on his face.

The spears rip forward. The sky covered in clouds and lightning. as two aproach he simply raises his hands as he grabs the first two deflecting them into the sky. His hands burn as the energy ruins his hands. "You little-" the two other Spears strike through his chest, cleanly cutting through his body. "As I was saying, You little Bastard, you think you can kill me with magic?" he says as he calmly walks towards me. ARE DEMONS THIS OP? I ask myself angrily. This creature doesn't even seem to flinch at the damage dealt to his body.


The demon has moved forward and now ripped his hand towards me quickly. I try to dodge but the strike is too quick. The strike nails through my body, cutting all the way through until the ground. A wound that is fatal. I look at the demon and launch out 4 more Spears hoping to see some damage. The strikes sever an arm off as well as cutting deeper into his torso. "Really. You really think this will hurt me. Did you not get my hint earlier? MAGIC WON'T KILL ME" He yells at me in a manaical laugh.

Then something strange happens. The demon falls to the ground. Blood leaking out of his body he slumps but looks at me energetically and says "I won't die. Maybe my body will but I won't. Maybe I should have been a little more careful with this body but It was sure worth it to see the look on your face Alexander." The demon then slumps forward dead.

Pain overtakes my body, the mark seemingly stealing my life essence away. I deactivate it quickly, though the damage has been done. I look at the status and see myself at half health. And viciously injured. I will die if I am not carefull, I say as I see the rapidly draining HP. I wish I could have gotten some healing ability of some kind, something that could help me in this situation but I am at a lost. Wait a minute....

Didn't I get an ability that let me rapidly heal? Shed Right? I completly forgot about it since it has been so long, and I really didn't need it until now. Though it might take me out of the fight for the day It should heal me stopping me from dying at least. "DOUBLE. I WON'T BE ABLE TO FIGHT ANYMORE. KEEP GOING PLEASE FRIEND. SAVE THESE PEOPLE. DON'T LET THEM SUFFER THE SAME FATE AS THOSE AT THE KEEP." I yell with my last breath before I activate shedding entering a trance state as I slowly fall asleep.

The fight seemed to be over as I awake not in the surroundings of dead skin but in what seems to be a medical ward. Double sits on a chair by the palet made for me sleeping silently. The system alerts me as soon as I awake.

That's strange of the system to apologize, I mean really why would it even think to apologize? Another notification quickly pops up on the screen.

This happened last time right? I lay down and nap, not bothering double. I still feel rather drained and hopefully I won't be too weak before the so called test. The last test wasn't that hard and was actually just meeting one of my ancestors. After sleeping I awake in a desert covered in only the light of the vibrant moon in the sky. The strange feeling of coldness rocks through my body cooling my body and mind. My body swerves it's face up into the sky. The stars stretch out endlessly before me.

The stars shine with a luster of briliance, a strange feeling enters me, one of tranquility as I look at the vast stars. Then the stars move. Slowly at first by they slowly seem to dance in the sky, one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen yet it feels strangly lonely. Almost as if it is a dance made for one. A dance not made to be seen by me. The stars then slowly form into a vauge body, though still constantly dancing. The figure kneels down almost though hard to describe such an act when in the sky.

A familiar voice echoed through my mind as it spoke "You.... are.... like..... me." The creature points at me and slowly at it's self then speaks once more "I.... must.... have.... let.... you.... in" the form says eerily. Then it slowly stands then looks at the moon before looking at me. "A.... Gift.... my..... First..... Gift" he says slowly. The figure moves his hands before sending ethereal stars around the moon. After awhile one of them moves to it's center, a beautiful blue star that spins rapidly, then grows closer.

The Star rockets towards me, but upon getting closer it resembles a small crystal shard instead of a huge planet as I had thought it to be. The small star moves to me and playfully boops into my head as it disapears into nothingness. "Goodbye..... Earthian....." it says at last as an inky blackness overtakes my body.

As I slumber I feel the star echoing through my body almost. Stragely enough it feels almost as if it is alive as it dances with me in my dreams bringing a sort of hope to me. Something seems vaugly familiar coming from the star, almost like a lost friend as it dances with me. It hums a simple tune that sounds bright yet is stunningly beautiful. After it feels almost like I am slipping and falling asleep in a dream how strangely that seems. After awhile a new blackness comes to me in company with a calm humming in the distance.