Star Magic

I awake in the sight of a sleepless double seemingly praying over my body. I look up at him confusedly and try to understand what exactly is going on. After looking around I see that I am currently on the small stone building that I revamped in the center of town with many people standing in front of it holding candles praying just as double is. I then raise my head and look at double and say "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" Double in response to this freaks out back pedaling a few steps looking at me visibly shaken from my form raising. "y-y-your alive?" he asks unstably. "OBVIOUSLY" I state worried about what the heck is happening.

Many of the surrounding people almost start to cry out in prayer at the sight of me rising from my deep sleep. Skylar who was previously skulking around now stands up and jumps on top of the building with enthusiasm. "OH GREAT SNAKE LORD, YOU LIVE!" he then turns away from me and stares at the crowd before yelling loudly "YOU HAVE SEEN OUR LORDS DIVINE RESURRECTION. HE IS ALIVE ONCE MORE" He then proceeds to pound his chest and release a lightning like power out of his body to the surrounding area. The people almost join in with this strange beast like scream. What the hell have these people been doing while I was asleep?

I then look at double before saying "What were the turn outs of the battle?" he then replies almost as if he was dreaming saying "Great, we found out a way to subdue the possessed humans who seemed to be weakened after there demon comrades death." he then pauses and says "the beasts were easy to kill after we eliminated the threat inside, in total we only suffered 27 deaths which is both good and bad. They have been buried with full honors." he says strangely. "Well I am glad that it has turned out better than I expected: I say in relief. He then says "If we didn't have you let alone the 27 people there would have been hundreds of deaths if not the entire Villages death."

I look at double and then look at the surrounding people I then speak to double telepathically once more "Can we move this conversation to a different area? One less public." I ask him solemnly. I don't want to be distracted by these people as I try to get information and figure out what the hell is happening to this world. After some thought double speaks to skylar before leading me into the stone building. After we arrive within I see many candles brightly lit upon the stone tablet, the strange words worn now, almost as if traced many times.

"Double, what the hell happened?" I ask in frustration. "I honestly have no clue. I thought maybe you would know that one." he says still dazed. "How the hell would I know? I am sorry double, I'm just a little.... on edge right now." I say trying to maintain control. Something inside me once to lash out and just try to destroy what's causing me this headache while I try to think rationally. "You said the first wave was Wretches? and the second and third had to deal with Demons and possession?" Double asks almost waking up from his daze. "Yes double that is what the waves were." I say trying to think. "Well I can see at least one thing in common perhaps with all three of those things. Though I have no clue what Demons are really for they have always been myth and legend here they always are depicted as creatures from other worlds. And Wretches are created by soul husks being taken from the dead. Most of the time they don't usually resemble humans but some times they do. Sometimes they resemble people from here and other times they represent strange humans from seemingly a different place." He takes a deep breath before continuing "What I am trying to say is that they all have to do with taking something from the other realm. Whether that be another realm such as hell or the realm of the dead these things are connected together. Though I am not really sure how this matters in anyway I am fairly certain that they are connected. " says double finally.

I take in the mouthful before the system sends me a notification.

Star Magic LV:1:

Star magic is a magic of the sky. Of the stars themselves. Sometimes the stars represent things such as your future or different realms all together. But for now all you can do with this powerful magic is condense the light of stars to make basic magic constructs.

Eyes of the Veil LV:1:

Eyes of the Veil allow the user to see what others can't. Through the veil that separates worlds and other things. But for now all you can do is see things hidden by magic.

Well these powers somehow relate to the situation oddly well. It seems like the star magic and eyes of the veil will allow me to peer into and do things with other dimensions. I suppose if I raised them to a powerful enough level I could be able to prove this theory of Doubles. As I think of it the system seemed to apologize to me about the change in my quest. It has done this once before as well as I recall, when the system had an error. I suppose this is a form of an error as well but it is quite different from what previously happened. The system seems almost bugged, doing things it shouldn't be doing. Perhaps this has to do with my Reincarnation? A thought line for another time.

"I believe you are on the right path Double" I say "Something tells me that we are heading in the right direction. I wonder if there will ever be a way to prevent a wave from happening. Perhaps if we can figure out exactly what is causing them to happen and stop it then maybe we can stop the waves for good." Double looks at me and nods almost lucidly once more. "We don't really have enough information to proceed but one thing is for sure. If we are to be ready for the next wave then we must get stronger, much stronger." he says almost at a low mumble. He seems to be thinking about the situation, distracted by something, almost as if something is at the tip of his tongue but he can't fully grasp it. I leave him at peace as I head to pay my respect to those who lost there lives during the wave.

I see a small burial ground filled with headstones of those who dead, though not much it is still a lot of people who have become dead. It is a strange sight, it brings memories back to me from the Keep and the vast graveyard that stood there. I don't believe I could have saved them all even if I had been awake. It seems we managed to scrape by with minimal casualties. After paying my respects to the graves I head into a small resting place so I can relax and think about all that has happened.

As I rest for awhile a familiar voice fills my head "Earthian." it is strange to hear that. I really hadn't thought that this world had not been named earth but now it really makes since. I just kinda put it off not really thinking about it but now that I look at it It would make perfect since. And the man new I was from earth, and he probably knew that I was reincarnated as well. I can't stop from thinking that maybe this man has something to do with everything that has been going on. The thoughts spiral through my head pounding it into a disarray of thoughts. I shake the thought trail away as I settle down to practice this newly gained star magic.

As I activate the new magic the way of forming spells is immediately different from before. This time instead of using my mana to create the wanted spell element, I now have to use my mana to collect a separate different type of mana, much more pure in complication and power. After collecting the mana I then have to brute force the mana with my own to slap it into a spell form. Though mentally tiring I still manage to do a single spike, I first tried to do a spear but the mana drain of it was just to high. The spike that appeared was only smaller in size then the previous spikes I have made but this new spike also seemed to sparkle and almost seemed to be made out of stars itself. After some admiration a tremendous strain filled my body as the Star spike Ripped from my control harder and more dangerous then any other spell I had cast.

The star shot forward almost like a shooting star, at insane speed zipping forward and burning into the ground a huge distance. After looking at it I find that I can't even tell how deep of a hole it created as after a distance all there is, is darkness. This new magic, though draining, is OP!