Mirror Magic

I then rest once more before awaking to find the sun rising in a beautiful fashion. I stretch in the sun just relaxing in the rays, after a few minutes I finally begin my day. I leave the small pad I have for resting and move out to the village to view the villagers activities. As I walk down the small dirt roads I find many people going about there day with almost new found hope, almost as if what had happened the other week had never happened at all. Though this is a strange sight I still move on as I try to help the Villagers help fix up the damage done to the village. Though not much was done, the walls were damaged a little and a few buildings were burned down by the few remaining possessed.

I help with the heavy lifting and after a few days the repairs are made with even some upgrades. After doing this the people show more energy, almost as if happy that I am helping them in such a way. Though being worshipped like this can some time be uncomfortable I don't dislike it. I kinda like having a people I can call my own, whether human or beast. I just like having people with me, someone I can protect and help instead of being on my own. Though it feels strange I almost feel like I am changing almost. However strange that might sound. After some time I decide it is time to go and relax once more. After bathing in the sun for a few more hours I finally decide to get something done.

After looking at the timer I only have a little over two weeks before I will be able to learn doubles magic. There is also that strange error magic in the library but the unlock time for it is 666 Years of practice, though strange I leave it at bay. I devote my time to studying the strange magic for the duration of the next two weeks, though I have said this before studying feels refreshing. It almost feels easy to learn these magics, though it does take awhile it makes me feel good knowing I am getting stronger by just learning elements. After the two weeks pass I am surprised by two system updates.

Well that is quite nice I say as I look at the two weeks gains. It feels nice being able to gain EXP and Power in this fashion instead of the path I had to take before. The killing path. I open my Status to see the recent gains.

Name: Alex Champion of the Forest(X4 mana regen while in the forest, all creatures trust you in the forest) One Title not in use. Only one title may be used at a time.

Level: 12 (0/1200)

Path : Practitioner of the Art of Practice.

HP 250/250

MP 376/376

SP 161/161

Bloodline:Name: Unknown/Rarity: Legendary/Species: Storm-dragon 50% Unknown 50% current percentage unlocked: 50%/100%

Strength: 38 ( + 10% Physical damage )

Agility: 20 ( + 10% physical speed)

Endurance: 21 ( + 21 SP )

Body: 79

Intelligence: 24 ( +10% casting speed)

Wisdom: 20 ( + 10% magic damage)

Willpower: 63 ( + 126 MP )

Mind: 107

Soul Strength:15

Soul Speed:15

Soul Integrity: 15

Soul: 45

AP: 12

MetaPhysical Stats:

Luck: 2

(Previous Evolutions)




(Current Powers)(may only be improved upon training.)

Mental Unlock LV:1

Physical Unlock LV: 1

Blessings of the Forest LV:MAX

Telepathy LV: 1

Adrenilene Rush LV:1

Soul Sense LV:1

Star Magic LV:1

Eyes of the Veil LV: 1

Mirror Magic LV: 1

Power Points: 6

The progress is immense to say the least. I slap the remaining AP points into Strength just barely able to make it to 50 points which is nice. The system quickly notifies me of the update.

Though less overwhelming then the wisdom bonus it is still a nice bonus. I then ready myself to practice the new Mirror Magic I have learned. I settle down trying to use it to form a Spear to only learn that the way of casting this Element is strange. Different then the Star Magic but also not like the other Elements. The mana seems to be wanting to copy nearbye mana sources, almost like a mirror so to say. I remember how double used it and think carefully. I carefully create a water wall before trying to copy it with Mirror magic. After some time a copy is made a few meters away from the current wall. Though slightly different then the original I believe this to be because my low level of control of the magic. Double must have a high proficiency to be able to use it the way he uses it now.

After some time I think of something. Could I use mirror magic to counteract a spell that is coming towards me? Or mabey even a physical Attack? I remember seeing double create a copy of himself and remembering how neat it was before he collapsed. Could I make copies of others? Mirror magic seemed to be different from the other types of magic I had seen or used before. It seems to base itself off of other elements so I suppose it wouldn't be that strange for me to be able to mimic others. After some time I decide it is time to try what double did. Though he made it look impossible I am not sure if that is do to his mana pool or control. After some time I manage to try it out but find out that it drains mana much faster than previously thought to. It seemed to almost drain my energy away, almost as if the lack of control was being made up with sheer mana.

After a few minutes a very crude version of me appears in front of me. It mimics my movements but after I dash the spell gives out quickly, almost as if it can't handle the stress of the current spell. Though I really don't have the double form I can still replicate the effects after some time, it feels strange to say the least. Almost as if I am looking at a crudly made mirror that is warped a ton and a hardly recognizable me shows up. Perhaps this is do to the fact that I am not used to the element or perhaps this is do to the fact that this is merely an improvised form but still it isn't that strong yet. Thinking of the way Double did it I find it wierd. He could create two wands but could cast different spells with each wand, or at least different elements I think remembering the sight of the two stars.

I ponder over this before deciding it is time to pick up a new quest before I decide to do anything further. I look at the loading quests in anticipation.

-Practicing your Path (Ancestor Quest. Permanent)

Mission Description: Practice makes perfect.

Mission Requirements: Practice for 200 Hours. You cannot spend more than 20 hours on one thing or it won't count. Infinite time.

Bonus Objective: Practice under the training of a master for 200 Additional hours.

Mission Rewards: +5% bloodline unlocked. +1000 EXP.

Bonus Objective Rewards: +Training technique based on master. +10 to all physical stats.

-Help the villagers

Mission Description: The villagers are crude in there ways, as your guardian you should give them a helping hand

Mission Requirements: Help the villagers progress. The objectives are as follows.

1: Help them up there farming skills.

2: Help them up there combat skills.

3: Take on one as your personal Apprentice.

Mission Rewards: Depends on which objectives you accomplish or not before you voluntary quit.

-Kill the three divine birds

Mission Description: The Order of birds is coming for you, why don't you take the initiative?

Mission Requirements: Kill the three divine birds.

1: White Talon(Killed)

2: Gold Feather(Alive)

3: Black Beak (Alive)

Mission Rewards: 5000 EXP as well as +2 Stats to all stats including Luck.

Mission Failure Penalties: If you die you die.

Well looking at the list I decide to go on to the second quest, though the third is a threat I don't want to deal with any more conflict for a while. And if they come then I will kill them anyway, I have a feeling they should be easy if compared to there brother, and maybe they will be more intelligent then there brother as well. Perhaps I could talk something out with them.