Getting Acquainted

After some rest I head out to the town. From what the quest states I will have to help them improve there Farming and Combat skills while also taking one on as my apprentice. Though I think I will probably skip out on the apprentice, though another soul on a journey would be nice I am really not a master at anything. Unless it was a snake I really couldn't give many pointers. After heading through the villagers I find there farms. On the outskirts of the Village are small farmlands, these people primarily seem to be focused on hunting while farming being there secondary income for food.

I look at there shoddy farms and make a decision, the people here don't know how to farm well that is for certain. After some thought I manage to scrawl some information from the human world though I don't know much about farming I know a little having learned some from a few elective classes. Farming is rather simple when first starting but long term farming gets more complicated. Not only that but people have to focus on working out on what the most efficient ways of farming are, how to get the most yield and etc. These people don't even have a proper irrigation system, I reckon the only way these people have been able to farm as much as they have so far is do to the magical rains that have blessed the rain since I blessed the village. And of coarse a nearbye river. Though farming has been working well so far they could for sure increase there efficiency as well as long term damage to the soil.

Though they seem to be farming only wheat and other basic crops they do so constantly and at the same locations. From the little information I know that you need to rotate what crops you plant to help prevent soil erosion and the like. After speaking to skylar I help him implement the idea, though he is slightly confused by the prospects he will thank me in the future. After a while I decide to also help them in there hunting skills, though not neccessary I do feel like I should help them as the protector of there Village. After some time I realize they mostly hunt manually, using strong warriors. Though I thought about farming animals it doesn't seem to possible with the current situation of the village. I think about having them use some basic traps to help increase there gain as well as try to make sure the hunters are taken care of. If the hunters get injured or are struggling with starvation that would be horrible. We need experienced hunters, this will help reduce mortality rates and help increase gains. Skylar understood this and helped me once more.

Combat will be a little different. I never studied combat when ever I was a human. I never got in a fight as a matter of fact, I all ways minded my own space and my own buisness. So I don't know much about fighting as a human, even the experience I have gained as a fight has been developed by fighting, not a tactic or training method. Though now that I think of it maybe it would be better to practice a training method, it could be useful to have. Though anything I practiced would have to be for animals I suppose seeing I am one. I scrap the thought and go back to the current thought line, a way to increase the warriors combat skills. After thinking about it for awhile the Warriors don't really seem to have much moral during combat. This might be do to the training that they under go or perhaps just this villages moral overall but from the little I know about combat is that it is like many other things. Done better when you are confident and know you can do it.

I suppose the only way to strengthen there combat skills would be to make them happier and also feel more connected together. From what I see they don't really show much in the form of teamwork, focused instead on solo combat in a larger fashion. So after speaking with skylar he decides to altar the training process to build teamwork and self confidence. Though I am not sure if it will work it seems to have worked well enough as I see some minor improvment over a week or so. Then comes the apprentice part. I don't really want an apprentice, I have nothing to say about it other than I don't really see how I can teach any body the skills I have aquired. Perhaps magic training could be an option but I use magic different then humans do apparently.

After some thought I think I am gonna leave it for later. After awhile I figure that I should probably get familiar with the more influenctial locals. After some time I figure out the locals I want to visit. There is the head farmer, a person in charge of managing the farms and manage where the food ends up at. I also find that there is a head of the guard, a young man named daniel, in charge of training recruits and leading attacks, he also trains hunters in his free time. And finally the village elder, though I feel like he almost doesn't want to meet me for some reason, I mean surely this person would want to meet me right? I head to the farm to meet the Head Farmer.

After a few minutes I arrive at a small crude wooden building where an older lady around the age of 50 to 60 years in age sits on a desk looking over papers on her desk, marking various things and trying to do some basic calculations. After I go inside the building I feel slightly cramped in the small building with my large frame, not even able to fit more than my head in. The lady looks at me surprised for a moment before standing abruptly and bowing once before speaking to me. Though I can't understand her I quickly link telepathically to her to begin our conversation. "Hello Ma'am I believe you are the Head Farmer of this village." I say happily. She then replies in an enthusiastic voice " Yes that is me. I am the Head Farmer and have been for 20 years now." She says proudly. "What Brings you here oh great Dragon?" she asks happily.

"I came here to check up on my people personally. I also wanted to know your progress and if the harvest has been good this year so far." I reply casually. She takes a second to calm down before replying "how kind of you oh great Dragon. The Harvest has been very bountiful. We have been able to get much food with your sacred rains that have washed upon the land." She says happily. "Great, and apologies for asking but what is your name madam?" I ask calmly. "My name is Sophia." she says happily. "Well it was nice to meet you Sophia, I hope the rains continue to be kind. I must excuse myself for I need to do some more mingling before I end today." I say happily before leaving the shocked woman. That went well I suppose all people aren't as much of a lunatic as skylar is. Then again Skylar is my prophet after all.

I head to the training grounds before trying to find the man named daniel. After some time I manage to find a young blonde haired man standing before a group of soldiers drilling them relentlessly. The Men happily doing physical exercise before practicing there weapon skills. After they begin Practicing there weapons Daniel notices me and approaches me with a large smile on his face. "I must say great Dragon Lord that your tips that you gave the Prophet have been useful. The men have started forming bonds that stand out in there training." he says happily. "Yes and you are daniel the Captain of the Guard correct?" I ask with a kind of snake smile on my face. "Yes that would be me." he says with a smile on his face. "How are the troops coming along? I am sure the Prophet drilled you on what is to come correct?" I ask calmly. "Yes, I know and the troops have been doing great comparede to before. Though I don't know if they will be a match for a demon they will sure have the courage to face one by the time the wave comes" he says Confidently. "Well I must bid you a farewell I have to visit the village elder today." I state calmly. His eyes narrow slightly at the name and then leans in and whispers closely "Be on your guard, the elder has never been known to care for religious things." I look at him before shaking my head and saying "Thank you for your warning, I will be careful."

After some more time I head off to the village elders building to make conversation. After reaching it the guard that was guarding the building opens the door to let my head through. I see a wise old man scribing calmly on a neat wooden table. He offers me one glance before going back to his work. "Hello Village Elder, I came to speak with you" I speak rather happily. He replies with a deep raspy voice "Please leave." He states quickly. "If that is your wish Village elder." I state not wanting to bother him again. After leaving the room I decide that perhaps It is time to truly debate the third option. I go to find double to seek his council.