
I find double entertaining a group of kids once more, though this time it is the common folk of the village, not his recruits. I find him using Mirror magic to conjure a simple looking mirror but then gives another mirror to another person then sticks his hand through it warping his hand through to the other mirror. Though this doesn't seem implausible it still is quite strange seeing something like this. After closing up his show he approaches me and sees the look on my face before saying "What is wrong Alex?"

I look at him and then say quitley "Do you think I could have a disciple?" I ask hesitantly. "Yes Alex, I do believe you can." he says treating the matter as trivial. "But I don't know if I really have the abilities to teach them." I state feeling strange. "What do you mean Alex? You taught me many things, though you might not have known that at the time it is what has made me be able to breach the barrier of magic as I would like to call it." He says confidently and then speaks again "Whether Human or Animal, whatever becomes your disciple is sure to become strong if they are under you."

After some time I leave wordlessly and go to ponder over his words. I don't really see how I could teach anybody, I never did it in this life or the last. But maybe I could give it a shot? It's not that I really don't want to have an apprentice, it's just that, I don't know if I could even help them. I mean, I like having friends, though I know having an apprentice won't necessarily mean they will be my friend but it is company at least. And perhaps having another head by me could be nice, though I really need to think about what I would even teach them. Double stated the unique way I taught spells is what let him reach his current strength, I suppose that maybe magic is what I have to teach. Though I suppose I would need someone unaware of the conventional way of casting to get a mind free from the shackles of modern thought.

I think after some time, that perhaps I might be able to have an Apprentice. Some one to look for as my own. But now I have to find the correct canidate I suppose. The magic I am most proficient in is the storm elements so someone within those lines would be best. Though now that I think of it I haven't even really gained a single level up in an element other than lightning I think. It seems rather hard to level up magic. Well I don't know how to exactly find out what magic affinities a person has but I think I might be able to manage with my new eyes of the veil skill. I haven't activated it yet because I was honestly scared of what I would see, but now it feels like I have to.

I head out to the village and activate the skill and what I see after that shocks me beyond words. The surrounding was filled with immense colours and vibrancies. The world seemed to come alive, everything generating energy of different colors and filled to the brim with life and abundancy. I look at a nearbye person and see a nexus of colors and a small dim blue light at the core of the swirling energies. Perhaps this is there affinity? I have no clue but I think this is my best shot. I set out on the streets, through this strange world, looking for a suitable person. After some time I find a few people with yellow energy though each different then the last, I only find one that I think truly represents lightning, while I find water and air in abundance but never fully developed. I suppose I am looking for someone fairly young, young enough to not truly comprehend magic so that limits me to people around the age of nine or ten or younger.

After some time I fall back to the only person that interests me. A ten year old boy with lightning affinity from what I can tell. The boy seems to be a wanderer of the village, though in good health I suppose he could be treated as a begger in an actual town. Though here everyone looks out for eachother. After some viewing of him over the next few days I find what I had observed to be true, the boy didn't even have a home to sleep in but instead slept on the streets or patches of grass. After some time I realize that the boy didn't speak much, or atleast not once that I had seen him. He instead communicated through mute nods and shakes of the head. A strange feeling fills me as I look at the boy, a feeling I slowly understand to be sympathy. An emotion I had never really had in this strength. I felt bad for others, but not by relating to them. Something about the boy reminds me of myself some how.

But maybe this is what happens to those with the lightning element. Who knows. I don't know the kid and I know for a fact it would be pretty sketchy if I just asked him to become my Apprentice even though I am the protector of the village. I am sure it would be sketchy none the less. After some time I decide that perhaps I should test the child? I don't know how to do this, so frustrating! Instead of making any real progress I instead watch him. He doesn't do anything at all during the week I spend watching him, I mean other then what is neccisary or him to survive. He almost seems to have lost hope. Like something died inside of him. A strange feeling welled within me every time I watched the child. After a week I finally decide to just ask him.

"hello child." I speak slowly telepathically, a strange feeling enters me almost as if I am doing something wrong. He lifts his head with lightning speed as he looks at his surroundings. I am hidden behind a nearbye building. "What do you want Demon." he says calmly and filled with endless killing energy. "I am no demon. I assure you. I don't wish to harm you whatsoever. All I want to do is ask a single question. If you say no you will not hear from me again, we will flutter apart like two leaves from the same tree blown in two different directions." A strange energy fills me as my speech becomes almost strange. Almost forced? It is hard to describe. The boy stares around and then lays flatly on his back, staring at the setting sky.

"Whats your question. I doubt that I will give you an answer that you want though. I don't care about most things anymore, just living is all. Unless it is truly intriguing I doubt I will accept to say the least." He says almost bland and finished with the conversation. "A simple question is what I wish to ask you. I want you to be my apprentice, my disciple, whatever you may call it I want to take you under my wing." a voice unlike my own comes from me. Something that feels almost like an instinct or something from deep inside of me. " An interesting proposition demon. And what have you to teach me?" He asks dryly but a little interest peaking into his voice. "Many things, new and old. Things I only know. I will teach you things you could never know without me. You share my color, my essence. We are kin you and I. I will teach you how to use this essence, how to truly live." The feeling is almost like I am stating something that is completly ment to be. A strange feeling but it is surfacing through me. "Mmm... I suppose your proposition is generous. Though the colors of my 'essence' I have no clue what it is, but needless to say I am interested. But I wish to see you before I blindly accept. I have nothing to live for, no family to go to, no goal to pursue. I might accept, but only if I know who you are and you finish my test." He says with a spark of energy in his voice.

"Show yourself." he says calmly. I slowly shift from the building and appear in front of him. A massive snake looking at him intently. He trembles slightly under my guise before asking three questions as calm as a pond. "What is your name." he states blandly. "Alexander." I reply calmly. "Where are you from." he asks once more. "Another place, or world perhaps." I say almost as if against my own conciousness. "and finally, why are you asking me this?" he states, finally showing an ounce of emotion. "You remind me of myself. As I said before you are of my kind." words echo throgh my head. He looks at me and finally stops shaking and then slowly says two final words.

"I Accept."