Golden Eagle

After some time of sleep I awake to the Maxin staring at me with a strange look on his face. I look around to see what is the matter but find nothing, I then look at him and ask "What is the matter?" He looks at me before replying "i'm still here." he says almost with a hint of emotion in his eyes. "And your still here." he states again almost as if trying to figure out what is happening. "What do you mean? You went to sleep here did you now?" I ask confused. "Yes but I never wake up where I sleep at. I always wake up... there." he says as he starts to tremble. "Where?" I ask trying to understand what is going on. "I wake up at the cottage in the forest." he states with a fear in his eyes.

"You wake up there? Every morning? No matter where you sleep?" I ask trying to understand what is bothering the child. "Yes, and I am not there. Something must be wrong. I must be dead or something." He states as he starts crying almost from fear. 'What the hell is going on?' I look at the boy before asking him "Do you think you could take me there? So we can find out what is wrong." He looks at me and barely nods, almost as if he is giving up. He slowly stumbles through the door before I make him get on my back and tell me where to go. After some time we arrive on the outskirts of the forest and something strange happens.

{Anomaly detected, Magic Shell has been activated. Alex the Anomaly has been detected to be on the wrist of the boy and also on the tree approximatly 4.2 meters north east from you.}

The voice sounded cold, mechanical. Almost like the system but with more fluidity. I look at the wrist of the boy and see nothing but after I activate my magical sight I recoil in shock. I see a small mark almost branded against his skin. The symbol depicts a small W that is impailed by a spear. The symbol seems to almost burn into place the closer we get to the tree. I look at the tree and see something that wasn't there before as well. I see a small crack in the bark of the tree. But the inside of the crack is pitch black. The darness seems to pull light into it strangely enough. As we approach the boy points at the tree and says "It is in there, though I doubt you will believe me. No one else does." he says riddled with fear. I don't say a word as I approch the crack and slowly nudge it.

As soon as I touch the crack I feel my stomach lurch as I feel the world get turned upside down. And then Shell gives me a notification.

{Spacial anomaly detected. User is getting contorted and moved to pocket dimension. Shell will record all teqhniques used for future use.}

A Spacial anomaly? What is that? Then it happens. I see a light surround me. A brilliant forest appears before me filled with huge trees made out of a dark wood. The leaves of the trees are a dark shade, almost black but with a tint of red to them. The light beating down from the sky is an ethereal green as it hits the ground brightly. And as I take in my surroundings I see a charred Cottage that was burned to the ground. Embers still remain alight as the cottage seems to burn eternally. The boy on my back looks relieved as he jumps off my back and takes running at the cottage. After some time I see him look around as if trying to find something. After a few minutes he finally pulls out a small pendent from the ground and hugs it to his chest.

I approach, wary of the strange surroundings, and I see the true form of the cottage. there are runic marks everywhere, coating the surface of everthing that remains in this cottage. Everything is in a half burning stasis, not burned down completly. I look around and see small bloodstains littering the ground that are bright red almost as if it was just drawn. None of this bothers Maxin as he just falls to the ground with the small silver pendent in his hand.

{Alex, Shell has found out what the name of this mini deminsion is. It is The Eternal Hunt.}

The words that shell said send shivers down my long spine. I have no clue what the name means but it seems to have some sort of power that comes with it. I look around and notice that a deep dark green fog has appeared through the land rolling through the land quickly. Maxin notices this and nudges me back towards the tree. After some time I find myself back in the normal forest with the small maxin clutching the a small pendent. "What was that maxin?" I ask him in an almost shocked state. "My home. Or it used to be my home before the Wretches came and burnt it." he says with almost no emotion but joy. 'Shell could you please check out that pendent?'

{Of course master..... There you go}

{Pendent of the Hunt}

Rarity: ???


Description: A small locket holding a small tooth of an unknown creature inside. A strange aura of being at peace comes from the locket.

Function: Unknown. Too complex to understand. Please learn the new Space Element in the library to learn more.

A space Element? I can learn the element of Space? That's just insane. After some thought I look at the boy and ask "Tell me the specifics Maxin. You can trust me." I try to say with as much courage as possible. He looks at me and a tear falls as he shakes his head. '...' okay that was unexpected. "I can't tell you. I am not allowed to." he says as he points to the small invisible mark on his hand. I nod at him slightly before slowly letting him hop up on me as I take him back to my resting place. As I drop him off I head out, if I count correctly it has been roughly a month since the last bird came.

I look at the stone building and stay there for a long period of time. After about an hour something happens. The skies darken and lightning starts to batter the village. Though this type of storm doesn't carry a drop of water nor rain, just lightning. Then I see it, a golden figure in the sky quickly flying down. He lands a few metres away from me and looks at me coldly. A golden eagle in all it's glory. The creatures feathers seem to be mixed with lightning as they shuffle around strangly. "I challenge you, Storm Dragon to a life and death Duel. Do you accept?" he says with energy coming off of his voice quickly.

I look at him and see that his eyes are resolute unlike the Black Crow. I don't think I could back out of this situation even if I tried. "I accept" I say calmly. The Eagle launches forward at lightning pace as he gives me no time to prepare whatsoever. I dodge by a hair as I start casting boost spells on my self. The system gives me a notification but I brush it off as I start to prep. The eagle moves it's wings in a strange fashion before 10 feathers fly out at a quick pace. The lightning feathers impale my body only slightly but sting horrible as I try to move away and recover some mana. After a few minutes I manage to cast a storm Ball to act as my defence and my offense. The ball looks strange, almost like a miniature storm cloud. He looks at it with disdain before he releases 10 lightning spears at me in rapid succesion. I make my Storm Ball zip through the air and block about half of them while I dodge about half of them myself. The eagle seems to be getting upset by the minute.

I move the ball to the back of the beast as I attempt to pincer him. He looks at me wildly as he makes a deep cut into me using a lightning coated beak agains my hide. The wound is deep and quickly bleeding but I smirk. After he attacked the lightning ball burns through him cutting a hole through him easily. I look at him as he falls to the ground and finally speak "I didn't mean for this to happen, any of this. I didn't want conflict with your brother. I only wanted to understand what was going on in this place." My voice slowly drifts through the air. The Eagle looks at me with anger in his eyes as the once blue eyes turn golden. He stares at me and smirks and then his body disapates into nothing. The small feathers float through the sky. The clouds continue to darken though. I look at the sky and see something strange. A large ball of energy, almost like a miniature sun. It swirls around endlessly as the feathers slowly add to the ball making it spin faster and faster.

'uh oh' This time I knew I was in danger.