
The massive ball in the sky seemed to complete as the last feather locks into the sphere. The sphere then proceeds to swirl and spin, slowly at first but then it speeds up. The sphere moves faster than before, much faster. The winds surrounding the sphere start to become dangerously fast. Then the lightning starts to become more active. Streaks of lightning leave the orb at incredible speeds. They strike everything around the town, destroying houses with a few strikes. This needs to be stopped.

{Lightning Sacrifice spell has been observed.}

Sacrifice? What the hell is that. I look at the sky once more before deciding that the only way to stop this wierd orb would be through the use of my storm magic. Mirror magic may be able to help but I don't want to take the risk. I start prepping a storm wall, the first I have done of it. I don't prep one wall but 6 to perfectly lock the orb away in storm. Storm Magic should be able to hold a lesser element such as lightning. The walls start blocking the orb and as the walls appear a gastly difference in the surroundings take place. Spears and Spikes last far less when compared to a sphere, and spheres last much less when compared to a wall. This amount of storm magic in one place has made the sky truly.... destructive. Rain pelts the land with an intensity that I hadn't seen before. Wind tears through the land making equal destruction compared to the Sacrifice spell.

I look at the surrounding town to see what havoc I had caused by doing this to only see a strange symbol appear over the town like a shield stopping any damage from the spells I casted from taking place. The wind and water almost seems to have helped the lightnings damage even though only a little. Everyone seems to be locked away in there houses trying to protect themselves from any damage the fight might have caused. I look back at the orb to see how effective my wall was. As I look at it I see that a strange situation began to happen. The lightning from the orb strikes the walls with a large intensity. The walls flair strangely, almost as if it is trying to absorb the energy. I have a strange suspicion that this isn't gonna work out well.

The lightning keeps striking and then I see it. The walls seem to be destabalizing. They start becoming more lightning then storm and then it all falls apart. The walls fall, it is as simple as that. Then the lightning comes with it. Large bolts strike the town once more. The ball about half the size it was previously but the bolts just as powerful as they were before. I focus on the orb trying to think of what I can do to help when the screams start. Many of them all in pain. They come from every direction of the town dozens of people damaged. I then begin to launch my last ditch effort. A star spell. I look at the orb and cast a Star Spear, hoping that this will work. The strangely beautiful spear flew through the sky like a shooting star as it landed and pierced through the orb.

The orb seems fine after it was pierced but then it starts to shatter. The orb cracks as lightning leaks out of it at a high speed, not damaging the town but damaging the floor all around it. The orb finally realeses a large cracking sound before it dissolved. Lightning blasts all around, though not going more than 10 metres. The lightning shreds though me damaging me severely as I take the blunt of the attack. I then lose conciousness.

I awake to a void, an endless void surrounding me. Slowly drifting everwhere by what seems like the will of the universe. After some time I feel a new sense come over me allowing me to sense others like me, others that float through this void. They vary in colour but they all seem to be like me. With out a choice in where they go. It seems like forever before anything happens. It could have been seconds or years but it still felt like an eternity. It was after this eternity that I felt a strange hand grasping upon me. I am not like the form I was before, just a husk almost. The hand was cold, freezing as it grabbed me harshly. I felt a searing pain coarse through me with this freezing ice like energy. Then someone speaks to me, a strange almost ancient voice says "Become.... Reborn."

Then I awake to a group of people looking over me worriedly. The people of the village stay there as I meekly move around trying to get control of my body once more. A strange energy fills me as I look at the crowd of familiar faces, a strange emotion that makes me feel like these are my people. My family. I feel an urge to cry but find that this body cannot do so. But the emotions are still there.

After awhile of me laying there watching the people around me a familiar figure approaches quickly. Double runs with vigor as he sees my form badly burnt and damaged. He runs at me and slides to the ground by me as he looks at my body and crys. A strange comfort overtakes me as I look at him there, crying tears for me. Almost like something became confirmed in me. Then the stupid system gives me a notification that brings me out of my strange realization.

Well I supose it isn't that stupid if it can warn me when I am about to die. I quickly activate Life aura around me as I feel my wounds slowly healing. A strange searing heat coarses through my body as I finally feel the strange heat as I lose conciousness once more. The darkness overtakes me once more. I am back once more in the void with the hand holding onto me. "You will become a brother." the voice echoes. "A wretch like me." it continues. Then another hand grasps me very different then the other. If the other was burning cold then this one was comforting warmth. A strange voice echoes through my head, almost familiar but I cannot place it. "remember" it pauses and continues "Just Remember me".

I awake in my resting place with double laying by me holding me. He seems to be trying to heal me as he tries to cast mirror magic on me hoping that it can somehow help. The energy floods me as he poors his mana out. I look at his form become weak from mana loss as I hurridly speak to stop him from doing anything. "Double I am fine." I say quickly. He looks at me for a second his eyes showing almost madness as they calm down. He stares at me for awhile before saying weakly "You really need to stop scaring me like this" he then passes out from mana usage. I shake my head before casting a life boost on him before slowly getting up and stretching. My body feels refreshed with no lingering affects from the previous damage.

The strange dream echoes through my mind as I try to figure out what it means. Then the System notifications start popping up.

Well the upgrades are nice. I quickly place the 8 AP points into Wisdom to upgrade my damage a little bit more with magic. I then go and open up the shop to decide what I want to purchase next.

Mind Powers:

Mental Unlock LV:2 (50 cost)

Telekinesis LV: 1 (10 cost)

Mental Spy LV:1 (10 cost)

Mental Conection LV:1 (10 cost)

Body Powers:

Physical Unlock LV: 2 (50 cost)

Agility Boost LV:1 (10 cost)

Strength Boost LV:1 (10 cost)

Endurance Boost LV:1 (10 cost)

Soul Powers:

Soul Unlock LV: 2 (50 cost)

Soul Read LV: 1 (10 cost)

Soul Pressure LV: 1 (10 cost)

After some time I decide to get telekinesis. It should be something that can help me move objects and interact with things easier. I don't have hands or feet after all. Plus it could be useful for moving and doing things at a range.

Telekinesis LV:1

This ability allows the user to manipulate objects with your mental power. You can currently move 50 kilos at max. You can move things faster if they weigh less. This ability costs no mana to use only focus. At future levels the max amount you can carry and speed in which you can move them will be increased dramatically as well as the elegance of moving them.

Not exactly what I thought it would be but still really useful.