The story of Maxin Slix Pt:1/2

I look at the surroundings and try to find something to try out my new power on. I find a large nearbye stone and decide it will be the perfect tool. I probe it strangley with my mind. It feels like my thoughts almost diverge from my mind, like they are leaving an invisible boundary that I didn't know was there. After some time the boulder moves with my thoughts. It wobbles slowly at first but then begins to shake wildly. It slowly moves off the ground as I put my full focus onto it. I try and move it slowly but find my focus seems to waver as the boulder falls to the ground with a small rumble.

Phew... That was really taxing. Though it isn't really described by a stat it seems like this 'focus' is similar to MP and once it is drained I need rest to recover it. Maybe it is because the Boulder is pushing my limits but I have a feeling telekineses will take some practice to get used to. The feeling of having my body out of mental energy is almost enlightening as a few images flash through my mind.

The first image depicts a winged serpent boiling through the sky. Not a living creature but a crudley drawn picture of one. It is literally burned into the clouds, it looks like a god took painting upon the sky on and this was a sloppy first attempt. The second image resembles the cabbage in the forest me and maxin visited. Though I was caught up with things to do I remember that the cottage was something I needed to look into the future. Though in this vision it is not broken and burning down but instead in full repair. In the strange cottage you can see an elderly couple playing with a young maxin of around 1 to 2 years of age. The scene looks peaceful and seems to numb my mind of the horrors of what would soon happen to the family. And the final third image is that of a man, large in frame, holding a cane. The mans eyes seem to flash with a green obscure energy as he seems to be looking at me with an intent glare. Like a beast looking at it's prey.

The eyes of the man almost seem to drag me into the scene. The man becomes crystal clear to my vision. An older gentlemen with thick, grey hair and bright green eyes. The man has a large old fashioned hat as well as some kind of glasses that seem to further more highlight the strange mans glow. The cane is made out of stone and the head is a large red jewel. I look at the man for a long time before the systems notification wakes me from this strange mental trip.

The effects of the skill eyes of the veil are truly bizzare. It allows me to see portals into pocket deminsions and then allows me to see into the future? Truly strange. I brush it off as I recall the strange visions. This should be the awakening of the ability if I think about it, so this means that they are of the future in some sort of way. The symbol could represent my protection on the village or something else that I have no way of knowing though I bet it is my protective blessing on the village. The second seems not to depict the present but the past which is strange. From what it sounds like maxins parents are long dead. That or it has to do with his background which could be important for my future. Then the last picture.... It gives me creeps just thinking about it. I don't know what it could symbolize but it seems to be very dangerous.

Hmmm..... I don't know what to do about the first or third picture but the second seems quite easy. Speak to my apprentice on his backstory. Understand what is important about him. This strange foresight ability seems to be truly difficult. I can't tell if the visions are warnings or a guide. A line to follow or a path to damnation. Is it the future? or is it just a possibility? I shake off these muddled thoughts as I head out to to find Maxin.

I find him huddled in the same place I always have, by the familiar tree and house we train at. The strange thing is that it is nearly noon which means that this boy probably waits here everyday until we train. A feeling overtakes me as I look at the boy. I approach slowly and after a few feet the boy lifts his head and stares at me coldly. But as soon as his eyes take in my form a strange spark of life enter his eyes as he stands up and slowly approaches me. After getting very close to me the boy hugs my large form and cries. A feeling of pain enters me, one I havn't really suffered from for a long time. I look at the boy and I snuggle against him gently, trying to ease his pain away.

After a few moments the boy stops crying and finally speaks "I thought you were gone." A crushing feeling enters my chest as I look at the boy with a strange emotion welling inside of me. "I will never be gone. I will always be with you. One way or another I will always be here." Words spill from my mouth that seem to come from this pain inside of me. "Do you promise? Do you promise you won't leave me like they did?" he says on the verge of tears. "I promise" I say heavily not sure if I could keep the promise or not.

"C-Can you keep the M-M-Monster away from me??" he asks as tears leak from his eyes. "I will do all I can to keep it away." I state as the pain seems to dissapear from my mind. He starts crying silently as he clutches me tightly. A strange feeling of protection overcomes me as I look at the somewhat familiar figure of mine. The boy is like me. His family gone and all he has left are the eternal remains of there bodies. His fate is different then mine, far worse. But I know how he feels. I feel his pain. The feeling in me is to protect him, to help him. To protect me and Protect myself.

I look at the figure in front of me and watch as his form slowly falls asleep huddled against me. I rest with him coiled in between me as I feel his heart beat through my body. Almost comforting as I almost drift asleep. But something stops this peaceful moment from taking place, I awake at around 10 at night. A strange thing takes place. A tall man approaches me. His body a piercing white. He flips a watch out checking the time on it's strangely modern screen. He sighs as he approaches me. He looks at the boy and then at me with a look of utter anoyance on his face. It is then that I see it, the mark on his clothing. A large W with a spear piercing through it. The same symbol that is branded upon Maxins arm. I bare my teeth at the man as I prepare my defence. The man looks at me once more before speaking in a strange accent.

"Please don't delay me. I am already running late." he says with a look of pure anger flashing before his face. "You can't take the boy." I say defiantly. "I can take him and I can take you if that is how you would like it. Just please make it quick I don't have much time." He says reluctently before opening up his strange watch. "Where are you taking him to?" I ask with a lingering fear entering me. "You will see. I promise you by my rite of contract that it won't harm him." he says with a slight smile before looking at his watch again. I start to speak before he cuts me off quickly stating "I don't have time for your nonsense." and then he snaps his fingers.

A familiar sight appears before me. A small cottage in a sunlit beautiful forest. The cottage no longer burns though. And instead of a burning mess I see a young maxin voidly staring at his parents who attempt to play with him.