Exchange of Knowledge

"I have no clue sir." I said in a calm tone. So divine beasts are just ancestors of really strong beasts? That's strange. And my mark is that of a human which would make sense since I am a human/beast. The man looked at me for awhile before looking at the book in his hands. "Very strange..." he said in an intrigued tone.

"Hmm... would you mind demonstrating your power? I know it wasn't apart of the deal but I would be willing to recuperate your losses." He said in a somewhat exited tone. He nodded to himself while muttering for awhile and then he said "I can offer you free passage through my town for the duration of it's existence... as well as answer any questions you feel the need to ask, but only today. I cannot have you taking up all my time in the future so I must put this condition on. What is your opinion on this transaction?" his tone was filled with an eager tone.

I thought about it for a moment clarifying something that worried me. "What exactly do you mean by Demonstrating my Power?" He looked at me and nodded before thinking for a second and clarifying " Your star marks main function. And the magic you got from it." he said in a serious tone.

I nodded for a second before deciding to accept the request. It shouldn't be too bad right? "I accept the change." I say in a simple tone. He nods before waving his hand as a sign to show me to go on. I look at him and smirk slightly "You want me to use it in this library? And what exactly is it that your would like me to use it on? My magic needs a target to show it's true capabilities. Not only that but my star mark is very... draining. So I would only use it for at most a minute before shutting it off."

The old man nodded and after a second of thought a bright smile appeared on his face. "How about we spar then? For one minute. That should work fairly well and while we are at it I can have a bit of fun." he said in an amused tone. I nod gently before deciding it was time I practiced my skills, even though this old man shouldn't put up much of a fight. He quickly stands up and led me through the library for awhile.

After a short period of time we got to a circular room filled with small tables filled with books and writing equipment. A few beige colored masks lay on the center of the room where light from a sky light. It looked tranquil. He looked at the mess and snapped his fingers. The air seemed to rumble as that strange compression began. All of the books on the ground where quickly transported to tables around the room. Everything became tidied through this strange magic of his. After a few seconds of watching the room clean itself shell alerted me of something.

{Master Space Magic has been detected and recorded. Teleportation spells have been unlocked}

'Space magic huh.... strange.' I thought to myself. Wasn't space magic something very rare and strong? Maybe I should be a little careful... this guy could be dangerous.

After the room was cleaned up he walked across the room and said "Shall we begin?" in a casual tone. I nodded and he just stood there. Waiting for me to activate my star mark. I nodded and quickly activated it. I felt energy soar through me. It burned through me like liquid fire and seemed to be increasing in intensity with every moment. As my body lit up in in a pale azure color he began to cast a spell.

{Master. This spell is an advanced space tier spell. I cannot identify it without you training in space magic.}

I quickly readied up star magic in a hurry. This time instead of trying to make a spear I started to make something bigger. With this incredible amount of energy I formed a cloud of stars. And with my replenished mana I quickly cast storm magic and tried to forcefully combine them. It started off horrible. The two energies clashing and making sounds of cracking. But after dumping more and more energy into it, it finally worked. The strange energy of the storms and stars combined and I was alerted by a system notification that I hastily ignored. What was in front of me was beautiful. It looked like a storm made out of stars. The stars changing colors in a moments notice, creating a rainbow storm of an amalgamation of color.

The storm of chaotic energy pulled more and more energy from me. I felt my health dwindling as the system warned me about my health being halved. The storm didn't stop draining my energy though. It continued even after the spell was cast. The amount of energy it required began to increase by a large amount for every second the spell continued. It began to increase past the amount my star was producing. The near infinite amount of energy that I had thought I had began to dwindle as this storm drained it from me.

I quickly ordered the storm to attack the old man. But I made sure to not hit any vitals. This wasn't a killing match. The old man seemed to have stopped casting his spell and instead watched the spell with an estranged look on his face. He seemed enchanted. The room felt dense, like the storm was making the entire room feel weighed down. Even I, the caster, felt scared of the spell. I sent it out to attack the mans right leg. At the bottom of his foot. The room seemed to crack as the cloud made room for what seemed to be an eye of the storm. And out of it game a single bolt of supreme thunderous lightning. It was crystal white and every particular of it seemed to be made of starlight as it flew towards the old man.

Something was off about this though. This spell was just way to strong and I don't know if he can take the hit. But before I could redirect the shot the man simply seemed to disappear from underneath the storms fire. In his place all that was left was a crater. The area charred beyond repair. After a few seconds of looking in confusion I heard a soft voice from behind me "It's been a minute. I suppose that means that it was a draw."

I turned around to see the man floating in the middle of the air staring at me with an impressed look. "Your star mark gives increased mana regeneration and increased magical damage and physical capabilities. And your magic seems to be of tier four. Newly formed however. Overall when ever you have your star mark activated you can reach my level of arcane and physical strength. Very strong indeed. Especially with the blood line limitation." he said.

"Well at least this was a well worth exchange." He said while nodding. "So do you have any questions?" he said calmly.

"What the hell do you mean Tier Four magic?" I asked, confused.

He nodded and said "Most beasts don't worry about magic, they don't have the mental capacity to do so. So it makes since why you wouldn't know that. Magic goes in 5 known tiers. 1-5. Each tier means a specific thing. For instance the first tier are basic elemental control. It means you can use a single element or more but only one at a time. And the elements are basic like fire, water, air, earth, light, and darkness, ETC. Other than that there is the second tier called combined. This is multiple elements combined to make something stronger, usually known as a combined magic. After that is tier three which is what separates wizards from dabblers. Tier three is unique magic. Like space magic and your two strange magics. Magic that can only be learned through blessings, a lot of training, or divine blessings. "

He stopped to take a breath before continuing. "After that there is Tier 4 which is a combined of unique elements, this is usually called true combination. For instance I manipulate Space magic. The next tier after that which I am aiming for is Space-Time magic. It would be a tier 4 type magic. It's also what you just cast, that storm that is. And then there is Tier 5. It's known as an absolute magic. Something that separates us wizards from gods. "