Exchange of Knowledge P:2

Thoughts whirled through my head as I thought of what these things could actually mean. 5 tiers of strength? I wanted to ask a question but it looked like the man wanted to say something else.

"I have told you the 5 tiers that I have decent knowledge of. There are presumably three tiers above that, two of which are confirmed. For instance there is tier 6 and 7 which have been confirmed by a few people. For instance there are 3 tier 6 wizards in the continent known as Spiral. It's north east from Yrin." He said gently then with he pondered for a moment as if thinking of some old memories.

"Not only do they have 3 tier 6 wizards but they also have the only tier 7 wizard that has been recorded to exist in the past 400 years. As for there powers I honestly have no clue. If the logic remains the same for the other tiers then I suppose it would be a combination of absolution elements, and a completely different level for tier 7.... Though that is just speculation." he said in a final tone.

I nodded before taking a breather to intake all the information. I slowly asked the question that seemed to burn in my mind "And what about physical strength? If there is a scale for magic strength then surely there will be a scale for Physical Strength right?"

He nodded before quickly saying "Of coarse. It a very similar scale as magic. On a 1-5 level for basic achievement and anything above that being much rarer and difficult to achieve. For instance, level one in the physical field would be known as Basic Body Strengthening. Tier two would be Body Mastering. Then between tier 2-3 there would be a power gap known as the transformation from a standard human to a soldier. Tier three is known as the Battle Will achievement. It is created from the warriors sheer will and has incredible power. Similar to mana but much stronger, but in much smaller quantities."

He then thinks for a moment before saying "Then there is tier 4 which if I recall correctly would be Battle Meld. Which basically means the Battle Will and Body Mastery combine to allow you to easily control Battle will and use it effectively on your body instead of only being able to project it outwards. This stage also drastically increases the bodies capabilities. Allowing a man who specializes on speed and running techniques to run across water with enough practice. Then there is level 5 which is known as Weapon Condensation. It basically makes a soul bound weapon that can easily be affected by the users Battle Will as well as giving it unique properties.

He then sighs lightly before saying "Then there is Tier 6, 7, and finally 8. The continent you are currently in is known as the World of Blades. It's because the fact that if you were to go to the capitals of this continent you would find many soldiers but rarely any wizards. It's a soldiers world here. And because of that we have managed to gain the only tier 8 Gods Blessed Warrior that has ever existed. But of his capabilities.... I cannot say. It's not that I don't want to tell you, it is just that I can't. By oath.

I nod slightly but I feel strange thoughts echo from the back of my mind 'this man must be truly strong if he knows someone so strong.'

He says after a little thought "But the oath says nothing of me explaining tier 6 and 7 so as such I will explain them. Tier 6 is known as the leap into a fully fledged warrior. This stage is called the Spirit Armour Stage. It allows the users of it to manifest a spirit bound Armour Set with custom abilities. And Tier 7 is known as the Holy Blessed Knight . It allows a major improvement in the pool of battle will and the ability gain a blessing from a god."

His shoulders seemed to slump slightly as he said "It is at this level that warriors become slightly stronger than wizards. And this gap get's worse at level 7 because the battle will increases tremendously."

I looked at his figure and felt as though he was sharing very useful information. I mean Double had gone to an arcane academy and hadn't even been able to tell me the first thing about tiers. It was at this time that I realized double and his apprentice sitting in the corner with looks of awe and intense focus in there eyes. Almost as if trying to memorize every word of this misters.

I looked at him while he collected his thoughts and gently asked "Sir, who exactly are you?"

He looked slightly taken a back after his train of thought was lost and simply said "My Formal name as a wizard is 'Dimension Lord, the 107th High Ark Mage of the continent of Yrin' but you can just call me Dime for short."

A few memories bubbled in my head as I seemed to understand the general meaning of the term Ark Mage. "Then you are an Ark Mage? Surely the strongest mage in the continent?" I asked in a tone of awe.

He shook his head and laughed for a second before saying "Absolutely not, the High Ark Mage is forced to be in the capital at all times. Therefore you should be able to tell I am no longer the current High Ark Mage. I'm sure you don't know this but the title of High Ark Mage is something that is decided by a vote that is held every 10 years. I haven't been the High Ark Mage for... Around 80 years I would say."

He looked completely calm while stating this. Almost as if it was the most basic achievement a creature could accomplish. He closed his eyes for a second before continuing his train of thought leaving my questioning gaze unanswered "Fighters beat wizards at a higher tier from my knowledge. Though my knowledge is very... undeveloped do to not knowing the extent of the power of a Tier 7 wizard. And as for other types of scales there are many. For almost all specialization there is a scale, but all but the basic Physical and Magic scales have been developed as far as it currently is. For instance there is a few paths I have knowledge of such as the path of the Berserker, Cook, Archer, Blacksmith, Shaman, and Divine Servant. All of these things are very underdeveloped but in the past 100 to 200 years they have seen much development. There are even talks of Paths based on beast powers, but that is currently just talk."

He stood there in silence as he looked at me as if waiting for something. I slowly take in the information he had given me before slowly speaking a question that seemed to take place in my mind. "As the System has designated I am currently taking on the Path of Practice. Do you know of such a Path?" I asked in a very intrigued tone.

The look on his face instantly darkened as he grimaced. He nodded very slowly, his eyes darting around the room as if looking for something. "I have heard of it but unless you cast something that can break a tier 6 wizard spell lock I will not be able to say anything of it." He said in a grim voice.

I slowly nod taking in the implications of what this could mean. Someone Locked him? A ward? Something that prevents him from talking of certain things. Strange...

'Shell is there anything that can be used for this' I ask gently. I know I was just a tier 4 wizard from what Dime has said but I can only hope.




{Alex... I can't do anything without a very hefty price. I couldn't do anything but with the work of the system it would be possible to do... something. }

'What would this price be?' I asked as a strange feeling welled up within me.

An offer not to be taken lightly. It means that I wouldn't be able to get access to any of my previous skills or use them what so ever.... but access to tier 5 and 6 magic.... what a power up! I would still have mana issues but... it would totally be worth it.

'Before I accept this deal I must know what magics I will be getting.' I says seriously. Though it's a good chance I still don't think it is something that I should be doing lightly. I need to know what Elements I will be gaining...


I let out an audible gasp after hearing this. A Reincarnation Element? Isn't that too strong? The possibilities with it are endless. But as if reading my thoughts the system reigned in my crazy thoughts.

I nod slowly before understanding dawns upon my snaky face.