"Ah, beautiful Karreev. It is good to meet you at last."
"Spare me your condescending tone, Darkseid! We both know this is about our chemical deposits!"
"Careful, wench! Or I'll take these chemicals and leave you all to chew on your own entrails!"
"P-please! You will address my daughter with RESPECT, or…"
"Still your tongue lest you lose it, lowly!" Master Mayhem said, cutting the Shaper mind sentence."
"Since all you want is our chemicals you should remember something about them, Dark One. It is their very volatility that makes them useful to you. But the chemicals reach such a dangerous level at this time of year that their exposure to air can cause a chain reaction in the atmosphere!"
"I know all this well, woman! Let us continue and get this over with!"
Suddenly Darkseid and Karreev's conversation were cut short by a siren.
"That siren?!"
"Another ship approaches!"
But what they saw wasn't a spaceship but a ball of flame.
"If this is some kind of trick"
"No trick! I have never seen this happen before but I sense the presence of death about it!!" The Shaper said.
"Are seeing that this ball of flames is alive"
The ball of fire flew down fast and the impact was violent. All realize no one could possibly survive. As the smoke clears, it becomes clear one man… one creature...did survive.
"What manner of being is that?" Master Mayhem asked.
"My liege! What-what is it?
"I fear uncle...it is death personified!"
A few seconds earlier.
Unknown to anyone on Bylan 5 neither the habitant or Darkseid and his forces there was as spaceship flying on top of them in space.
"Sir, we are on top of them, we are ready."
Doomsday was standing at the end of the spaceship. "Remember, on my signal, you know what to do." with that press a button, opening the hatch as he then proceeds to jump out. As soon as Doomsday was out Ashaosi close the door. As soon as she did so she suddenly received a call.
Doomsday was falling fast. When he was grabbed by the gravity pull of the planet he accelerated and as he breaches the atmosphere he went in flame.
"Tell me What you Know of this, Shaper! Put your powers to work!" Darkseid order.
"As you know, I can see past my blindness into the very nature of a man! Just as I know your heart to be Evil. So do I know this creature to be a monster without a heart! He has journeyed a long way from a place called Krypton, where he was created as a tortured soul!... He is the Armageddon come Alive, the murder of millions… The end of us all!
"No! Before this Armageddon creature can feast on me, he will taste his own Death!" Master Mayhem said in his arrogance as he dashes toward Doomsday
"Kill him, Mayhem," Darkseid said, confident in Mayhem's victory.
Long, long ago, Darkseid and Master Mayhem trained together as warriors on Apokolips. Darkseid saw his mighty friend defeat countless foes beneath the burning blaze of the planet's fire pits and always assumed his friend unkillable. As he watches the creature tears his friend limb from limb with a swift brutality unimagined until this day. Darkseid experiences the very first twinge of fear in his life as he looks at Doomsday, crushing the head of Master Mayhem like it was a fragile egg.
"The storms come! The prophecies say that when the sky itself seems to open up as though mortally wounded death is nigh!" said the Shaper.
Mesmerized by the creature's ferocity and destructive power, Darkseid does not answer. It only takes minutes for the creature's mindless rampage to carry him to the chemical mines. For the first time, he interferes with Darkseid's plans. Something no one does.
So walking to Doomsday he caught his arm
"HOLD" Darkseid order.
But Doomsday took none of that as he sent Darkseid flying away. As he got up Steppenwolk ran next to him.
"Careful, Nephew! My sister is not prepared to lose you yet!"
���Stand aside! I'll grind this creature's bones to powder before this day is out!"
"Your Omega Beams! Use them!"
"No! Honor demands hand-to-hand combat! I'll best this beast with my fists or die trying!"
As he walks behind Doomsday he orders "Turn creature!"
As a chemical chain reaction rips the atmosphere apart and creates gases toxic to all inhabitants, a storm of a different sort begins to brew. Doomsday and Darkseid were standing face to face, realizing that when this battle is fought only one will walk away and the opponents study each other with great care. It's a search for weakness and fear. It's also a waste of time. Only one word can describe what is to come. WAR.