With a Boom sound, Steppenwolf Boom Tube behind Darkseid. Grabbing Darkseid's shoulder he tried to talk him down. "Darkseid! The atmosphere grows too toxic! If we don't leave this planet now, we'll all perish! This place is useless to us, Apokolips has opened the Boom Tube! We must leave now!"
"Then there is no chance for victory here. A shame we will never have the opportunity to meet again." Darkseid said as he walked toward the Boom Tube.
"Speak of this to no one Steppenwolf."
"Indeed. The universe will never know."
'That for the first time, the great Darkseid turned his back on an opponent.'
Now that Darkseid and Steppenwolf had Boom Tube out of the planet the pilot of their ship was left to wonder what to do.
"They-they left without us!"
"And every living soul on this mudball is gonna be dead in about ten minutes!"
"Initiate launch! We're leaving! Hurry!"
As the ship powered up unknown to them Doomsday had stopped his mindless rampage. Looking at the ship he smiles and proceeds to squat down, grabbing a rock.
As the ship lifted up and started flying away Doomsday threw the rock, piercing the engine of the spaceship and causing a chain reaction, completely destroying it.
Not taking time to watch the fireworks he jumped toward the top of a mountain on which was The Shaper and his daughter Karreev. In a huge impact, he landed in front of them. Not leaving time for them to sap out of the shock of watching their planet being destroyed he grabs them and jumps. in time for his spaceship to pass by. Just like that, they left the planet.
Now that she completed her part, she put the plane on autopilot with their destination Kryton. Getting out of the cockpit she walks toward the back of the ship where she discovers Doomsday walking into the med bay, he puts the body of the Sharper on the bed, while sitting Karreev on one of the chairs.
Before Ashaosi could even welcome Doomsday back Karreev went full rage mode, pulling a knife out of her dress she jumped toward Doomsday stabbing him, only for her knife to break on contact with his skin. But blinded by rage, she didn't stop, stabbing him over and over, grinding her knife away with every stab, eventually, she even started using her fist.
Doomsday was patient, but that didn't mean he liked to be disrespected. Grabbing Karreev by the arm he held her up but that didn't stop her as now she started kicking him all the while cursing him while also crying.
Just as Doomsday was about to say something to her father, the Sharper woke up " Stop!" He yells out. She did listen to him but when he started coughing she stopped now focusing her attention on him.
"Run a scan on him" Doomsday's order to Ashaosi "I will put her in a cell," He said as he walked away.
A few seconds later Doomsday walks into Ashaosi stenting next to the medical bed with The Sharper on it. Stepping in front of him Doomsday crossed his arm " Do you know why I saved you?"
"You-you can talk, you're not mindless"
"Yes, I am not a mindless beast."
"Yoy-you destroy our planet"
"A few minutes ago you predict the end of your people."
"Plus it was the destiny of you, your daughter, and your people. But I saved both of you from that fate."
"...Why did you save us?"
"I saw it as a waste to throw your ability away" What Doomsday wasn't telling was that he possesses the memory of all of his incarnations but they were all in pieces, except for the one from the original Doomsday.
Meaning that he knew very well about his previous self and what he did and he saw it as a waste. So he had devised a plan to use all of what his previous incarnation had destroyed or ignored to propel himself to greatness. The first phase of his plan was to be at the top of the food chain of Krypton sooner than before his previous self which he managed to do by 10 years. The second phase was to use those ten years to gather resources before leaving the planet and retracing his step. This brings us here, Phase 3 obtaining the Sharper as his subordinate.
"You see, Doomsday knew how such an ability like his will be useful to him.
"Why should I work for you? You are EVIL incarnated."
"True but there is a deeper truth. Use your power and search for it."
Hearing him he did so and as second past you visibly see his eyes going with."Y-you.."
"What you previously saw was what I let you see but as you can see I am holding those feelings down. If not this ship would have already been destroyed and you would be dead. You have to understand even though I am an evil force everything I do has a goal."
"My daughter?"
"What about her?"
"If I accept, promise that you are not going to kill her."
"I have no interest in her. I just felt if I saved her you will be more willing to work for me. I didn't save her to use her as a treat. I had already planned a better incentive."
"And what might this possibly be"
"The truth is even if I didn't show up your planet was already doom, as that was its fate."
"How so"
"Darkseid. Did you really think that making a deal with him will save your people"
"Yes," he replies in a firm tone.
"You see this requires for you and Darkseid to be equal and he would never let that happen. Deep down you know that is the truth. As soon as they lay their eyes on your resource, it was the end for your people."
"...So what is the incentive?"