The Cleansing

His name was Brax. He wasn't a Kryptonian but one of the various different alien species Doomsday had recruited. Luckily for him he was in charge of one of the factions. Brax wasn't any normal man, he wasn't satisfied with his current position, he was an ambitious man and in his arrogance and overconfidence, wanted to overthrow Doomsday.

While the scientists who were here since the beginning knew of Doomsday's feats and strength. But Brax as someone new, ambitious, and most importantly ignorant, thought of Doomsday as someone who relies on size to bully people.

The first plans of him and his followers was to place a boom in Doomsday spaceship only to discover that Bertron, the crazy scientist and Ashaosi, rumored to be only loyal to Doomsday out of fear was in charge of checking the Space ship. Even if he was successful in placing a boom in the spaceships Doomsday had changed ship at the last moment.

In a moment of desperation and rage he came up with his own plan. After bringing a few people he managed to get in contact with Ashaosi.

Overconfident on himself he offers her freedom and money for her to leave Doomsday on the planet. What he did know was that even if she wasn't loyal to Doomsday he didn't take into account that in terms of rewards Doomsday could offer a planet.

Upon Doomsday's return he learns of his plan failed and before he could do anything, he learns that everyone has been summoned by Doomsday. Even if he didn't want to, he had to go as the summon was obligatory. Arriving in the room he stood in the back of the crowd. Looking at Doomsday he could see that he had his eyes close.

Then Bertron walked close to him and said a few words to him. Immediately after Doomsday answers he saw Ashaosi followed by two green people, a young girl, and an old man. After they stood next to him Doomsday started talking.

At first he wasn't worried about anything but upon hearing Doomsday's words he started sweating. With everything that happened next he started worrying even more. After Ashaosi took her gun out, the green old man suddenly called out a name. At first nothing happens but using an authoritative tone Ashaosi repeats the name stating for that person to step forward.

As that person steps forward although slowly upon seeing him, Drax recognizes him, he was part of another enemy faction with the same objective as him, taking over. What happens next shocked him, the green old man started talking about his past, the factions, and his plan to betray Doomsday.

This of course shocked the guy that was called forward badly as he tried to explain himself a bang sound resounded in the room and just like that he fell on the floor, dead. Not even giving them time to process what happened the Shaper call someone else.

In the next few minute Brax watch as people you plan to betray Doomsday being called forward, there past being explained than being gun down. Of Course he thought of getting out of the room but he discovered that the door was being guarded and anyone that tried to get out was killed, no question.

At that moment he understood something, that today was his last day. He regretted ever thinking about betraying him and made a short prayer promising never to betray Doomsday and as he did so he saw he discovered that the Shaper was looking toward him, just like that his heart was in pieces as he started sweating even more. He was prepared to submit to his fate even ready to take a step forward only to discover that the person standing next to him went crazy, yelling then running toward the door only to get killed by one of the guards.

Following her death The Shaper said her name and explained her betrayal. Discovering that the Shaper hadn't discovered him, Brax got arrogant immediately forgetting about what happened previously and even started forming a new plan only to discover went he look up that two red ord staring straight at him 'oh yes, absolute loyalty.' he then saw doomsday close his eyes.

Luckily for everyone The Shaper announced that he was done. Having said so, Ashaosi now having killed a dozen or so people dismisses everyone.

Everyone had left, Doomsday, Ashaosi, Bertron, The Shaper, and his daughter were left standing in the middle of the room. What now" The Shaper asked.

"Ashaosi will guide you and your daughter to your room."

"What about me son?"

"Go finish your project and as soon, as you are done I need you to start working on a mindless clone of me."

"Why do you need a clone? And more importantly, why mindless?"

"In the future there will be a time where I will be imprisoned. As I am not a fan of wasting time I need this clone to replace."

"Why do you need to be replaced, is it important for you to be imprisoned."

"Yes, this clone will gather some people's attention, which will inspire them to create ways to kill him/me, plus it will result in a worthy opponent, that in the future could Kill me." And with that Doomsday walk out of the Base, while Bertron was left wondering if that was a great idea.

Leaving the compound Doomsday jumped using his super strength, traveling miles until he reached his destination, a familiar cave that he started using the moment he started interacting with Bertron and the scientist.

You may ask why he used the cave? The reason was at the same time simple and complicated. You see even though Doomsday had become a creature capable of thinking he still had his basic instinct and the most powerful one of them was to kill Bertron and the scientist. To explain how powerful this emotion was when he was in the meeting, his killing intent was going through the roof.

The reason he had closed his eyes wasn't to look cool but to concentrate to suppress his emotion which resulted in him going to this cave to meditate.