Days later
"This is of no use," Doomsday said as he got up. He had spent the last weeks trying to get his emotion under control but to no avail. Apparently, he had reached his limit. So he decided to do the next best thing, letting loose. Of Course not here as he would have wasted all of the things he had built but on another planet. Which brings us to Doomsday next Phase: Khundia.
So walking out of the cave Doomsday immediately jumped toward the base. In a huge explosion Doomsday landed in front of the base, not even paying attention to the Guard that he just scared, he directly walked in. '
As he was walking in the walkway of the base Ashasoi came running toward him. "My Lord" She called out worry, not worry about his well being but about the fact that Doomsday was absent for longer than usual.
"I need you to get my ship ready, we are leaving" Ignoring her emotion altogether he said as he continued to walk.
"Hmm, Yes, when?"
"NOW" He responded in a deep and authoritative voice." Also, we are going to span days to a month out there."
Khundia is the homeworld of the Khunds. It is a dark world perpetually eclipsed by its own moon, and Khundia suffers from massive overpopulation. The resultant global tension has been funneled by the Khunds into a massive planetary army.
Anyway, today was a big day for the Khunds, as today the two biggest clans were having a match in one of the biggest stadiums of Khundia. You see because of their volatility, it is not uncommon for them to challenge one another to physical combat, likely to the death, for the slightest offense or insult. So you already understand what's going on.
[The Goal of this combat is to ceremonially avenge a series of insults between the dominant house OF Ebon and Krimsn. The object of all Khundian combat is to destroy the opposition. The prize is VINDICATION--The losing house forfeits to the winners' one-half of its possessions.] The commentator said as the two teams were standing facing each other.
"I hope you have been shriven, Grommark. For soon you will meet the DEMON MOTHER." Kobald said. He was a great warrior of the Black.
"The mother will reject your black soul, Kobald. She does not welcome losers." Grommark responded.
[Let the games BEGIN!]
On his signal, the fight begins. They were using some type of shovel trap on the arm to throw a laser ball at each other...So almost like Dodgeball.
As the match continued, eventually two warriors got it.
[The blacks are down two warriors! The reds surge ahead!]
Immediately some the red who was seated in the stand started discussing with each other
"A pity all were forced to surrender our weapons at the gate!"
"We could conclude this business between us here in the stands."
"Our Red army secretary waits outside to dispute the result should we lose.
"The Blacks will also dispute any loss. We will have our chance to fight soon enough"
But suddenly one of the players discovers something strange "Look, up in the sky! A weapon, whose is it?" In the sky, a fireball was coming down, before anyone could really do anything it collided with the floor creating a huge impact, creating a crater, while also knocking out or even killing some of the players.
Doomsday was standing in the ship with all the passengers standing in front of him.
"In the next few minutes, I will be landing on this planet, and going by my name, you guys can already understand what happened. My goal is to conquer this planet and to do so I have to make them understand who is in charge. During that time, which might last from weeks to months. I will be in a berserk state, anything that gets close to me will be perceived as a trait and will be promptly and brutally taken care of. So during that, I need you to stay in space, never landing, or get close to me. When I need you I will find a way to contact you. Did I make myself clear?"
'Yes, My Lord!"
Doomsday then proceeded to just jump out of the Spaceship, as he was falling down, being pulled by the gravity, Doomsday released the control of his emotion letting himself loose, while also putting in place a signal that will make him revert back.
At that moment unknown to the Khunds it was their Doomsday had arrived.
In shock everyone watches as Doomsday gets up and before they could do anything he jumps, landing on top of one the player, killing him. He then proceeds to grab the closest Khund to him by the head, crushing it as he yells his war cry.
Apparently, the khund head he had crushed was Grammar.
"Kobald, look at it! Is it some secret weapon of the Reds?" One of the black players said as he was staring at Doomsday with fear.
The khund that only fought between each other immediately thought of Doomsday as a secret weapon from another faction.
Not paying attention to the players, Doomsday flung Grommark's lifeless body away, as he proceeded to jump in the stands and start his slaughter. Crushing people as he landed, ripping them in two... etc He was killing them in the most brutal ways.
"What is this beast! Wait don't appr… argh!"
"Mom save me"
"Fuck, we got no blasters! run for your life!"
Everyone at different reactions but anyone intelligent enough or that was not frozen in place from extreme fear started to run away and by accident, if you felt you will be killed by the stampede of people running.
As this was happening Kobald stood in shock watching all of this happening with fear in his eyes.
"Grommark! That monster killed Grommark! He may be a secret weapon... but he's not red...nor apparently, is he Black! He's taking the fray into the stands! Perhaps he represents some third enemy of both our houses. Red or Black, he's slaughtering us all"