"Look up! A monster coming over the stadium walls!" An army soldier yells out.
You see, khundia was a heavily militaristic planet and specialty as the two biggest clans were fighting in the stadium as soon as Doomsday jumped over the wall he was greeted by the military.
As gravity took a hold of him Doomsday landed on top of one of the many tanks that were traveling along the street, immediately crunching it and the people inside into a bloody mess.
"Demon Mother! What is that?" A very confused soldier cried out.
"Whatever it is ...it's a Dead thing Now! Blast it!" His cry was answered by his captain, a person going by his rank a gone to many battles and now even in the face of the unknown had the mental capability to yell an order. But what he didn't know was how much of a danger Doomsday was.
Now even taking another second Doomsday started his slaughter. Jumping in the ground of the people try to run away and the soldiers that try to protect them doomsday kill anything that was in his reach.
As he was doing so his shoulder was hit by a tank shell, that sadly for them only made him madder. Now having a new goal Doomsday wasn't interested in the people running away. At this point, he was holding a woman. Who right now was at the same time pleading for help and asking for pity.
But the true Doomsday had no pity. He proceeded to fling her body away with such force that the impact killed her. Running toward the tank that had previously fired at him Doomsday lift it up and was he was doing so he soldier was firing at him none stop but Doomsday was unphased.
'Our bullets don't even scratch it!"
"The vehicle it's going to throw the…"
He then proceeds to throw the tank at them which explodes on impact.
Not even taking time to appreciate his work Doomsday jumped away, deciding to bring his slaughter somewhere else.
As this went on the world went into a frenzy as his action was being reported on every news channel across the world.
{The creature continues it's rampage across our most densely populated areas. Despise initial reports that the creature was a secret weapon created by a feuding family it is now believed that he came from outer space. Whether he is a weapon of some unknown race deliberately sent against all khundia is unknown at this time. Families with spacefaring potential are beginning to put aside their differences and look to the heavens for answers.]
Unknown to them they were half-right. It is true that aliens are involved in their predicament but even with their best technology they wouldn't find Doomsday ship as they were too well indent. The part they got wrong was the fact that the confused who was in charge. That Doomsday wasn't a weapon, he was the weapon to end all weapons, and most importantly even if their god came down or their devil came up he would have surfer the same fate as them.
As the day went on he became clear that the two families had to put their difference apart and face against the new threat and no one knew this better than Kobald. So as the representative of the black he took the first step.
"We Khundians have the duty to slay their enemies and grow strong in combat. But Grommark's and my right to combat was interrupted by the attack of the creature. We know now that none of us created him. Where is he from? Why is he here? Who sent him? We must learn these answers and we must unite to destroy the creature"
"Until now, it has been right that no clan trusts another. But no clan alone has the power or knowledge to destroy this great enemy. We must find a way to work together or khundia is lost!"
While everyone in the watchtower was stunned by the sudden sentence their attention was gathered by Martian Manhunter's sudden cry.
Squatting next to him Wonder woman helps him up as she asks him what happened.
"hmm, this was telepathy. I try to locate the origin of it but in the process, I was discovered."
"But?" Batman asks, feeling that he had something else to say.
"By pushing and in the process injuring myself I discovered her location.
A few minutes later
Right now a girl in a comic store was crazily searching for something on her phone. Her name is Anna and she is the owner of the store. As a huge fan of Superhero and villain, she took pride in knowing everything about them. But her curiosity was prompt after hearing the sudden message. First, she had heard of all the different doomsday incarnations but never of Lord Doomsday. Second, she had never learned of someone surviving Doomsday and none the less of one who can use telepathy.
She had closed the story which was easy as everybody was shocked or scared leaving the store and going home. But as she continues to do her research she suddenly heard a call
"We know you are inside. Please walkout. We would like to have a talk with you."
'What?' This was her first taught and 'I know this voice was her second.' She proceeded to walk to the window and check outside. She was greeted with an impressive line-up. Most of the justice league and even The Titan.
"Are..are they here for me!" She said out loud in shock as she knew she was the only one in the store. But she proved wrong in the next second.
"No, they are here for me." Anna suddenly here a female voice, looking back she discovered that there was actually somebody else in the store. Looking at the new person she took a few seconds studying her. She was wearing grey armor, a white cape, and two swords on her back which surprisingly didn't hide her well-developed figure. She had green skin and hair making her even more beautiful.
"Who are you?" Anna asks but she only smiles back as she walks to the counter and places a bunch of books on it. Without even saying a word Anna knew what she meant. Walking to the counter she placed the comics in a bag and while doing so she discovered that the story she chose had one thing in common, that they were about Doomsday. Out of muscle memory, she told her the price as she handed the bag over to her.
With another smile Anna watched as she reached behind her and took out a silver looking coin and placed it in front of her, reaching over she grabbed her helmet and walked out the story a bag of comics in one hand and her helmet on the other.
'She had a helmet? Forget about it'. Picking the coin she looks at it discovering a symbol and on top of it a simple sentence "[HAIL LORD DOOMSDAY]