It took a second but the khund came to a conclusion, the beast was sentient. Their plan consisted of outsmarting him. But as clearly shown this was not going to happen.
After admiring the Spaceship for a few seconds, Doomsday walked to Kobalt and proceeded to lift him by the neck.
"Praise as to be given when it's due…"
'You beast I …aaarrggg" Doomsday tighten his grip cutting Kobalt sentence short.
"Going by my memories of the event upon my arrival you guys allied and most importantly you studied me and came up with a plan focusing on my weakness (at that time) to get rid of me. In another timeline, this would have worked but unfortunately for you, you encounter me" Suddenly Doomsday's smile disappears, replaced by a serious look.
"I am going to assume that you are watching this," Doomsday said as he looked up at the chopper flying on top of him, filming everything. "If so I need you to come down."
'Why?" Kobald suddenly asked.
"Because it's none of your business" Doomsday then proceeded to drop him on the ground. But just as he didn't so there was a huge explosion as the spaceship in front of him was hit by a missile, getting enveloped in flames, not a moment later it was hit by two other missiles.
"Damn," Doomsday said as even he was surprised.
After a few seconds, everyone watched as another huge spaceship came flying down. Then a smaller spacecraft came flying out of it, landing not far from Doomsday gathering the attention of everyone. With the hatch opening out of it a group of five people dressed in full black space suit/Armor walkout.
Out of the five of them, four were armed while the other one was a female who only had a pistol to her waist.
They walk all the way in front of Doomsday and out of nowhere she kneels in front of Doomsday. After looking at Ahaosi for a few seconds he then looked up toward the destroyed spaceship.
"Why destroy it? It could have been useful."
"My lord, they have enough resources to build another one."
Doomsday knew that there was more to it but he decided to let it be. Looking at Kobald who right now was backing away he gave an order 'Bring him here" Immediately, two of the soldiers walked to Kobald and dragged him in front of Doomsday as he was madly struggling but this stopped having a gun pointed toward him.
But just as he was about to ask his question he stops and started to look around him
"Hahaha" He suddenly started laughing. "Order the spaceship to get in attack mode."
Not even taking a second Ashaosi related Doomsday order to the ship. The spaceship flies up with its weapons ready to attack. Just when Ashaosi was about to ask him why she suddenly heard a message from the ship "Miss, we detected enemies moving, surrounding us.
She felt a little worried as she knew that their ship couldn't single-handedly go against the entire military might of a planet, but as she looked at the calm Doomsday she started calming down.
After a few seconds, Doomsday and his group watch as they get surrounded but they didn't get attacked. After a few more minutes nothing happened.
"Can we access their communication system?" Doomsday ask.
"With our superior technology, we might be able to do it."
"Then do it and ask for their leader...also see if you can broadcast the conversation."
"Yes, my lord."
After a few minutes, Ashaosi announces to Doomsday that they were connected. Ashaosi then proceeds to present herself as the underlying of Doomsday and asks for their leader. Luckily for the Khund they spoke the same language. Within seconds Ashaosi was given a direct line to their leader.
As the line connected there leader immediately started presenting himself then he went on a rant asking how he had offended the great Bla Bla Bla, why was their planet attacked and that they wanted peace, etc. He would have said more if Ashaosi hadn't cut him short.
"My lord, what would like me to say to him?"
"Tell him to pull back his forces. If now I am going to show him the might of Doomsday."
"He is not backing up." Ashaosi abbreviated to Doomsday.
Doomsday smiles 'By any chance do you know his location. Ashaosi immediately orders some to trace the signal and after a few minutes, Doomsday obtains the location. With that Doomsday departed jumping away.
Of Course as Doomsday departed the leader of the Khund saw it and asked what was doomsday doing. But Ashaosi ignores him and retreat to the Spaceship.
At this moment the leader of the khund was strolling in front of his throne, sweating while cursing with his advisor standing not far from him. Suddenly the roof came crumbling down as Doomsday landed in the middle of the room. For a second everyone was quiet then suddenly panic erupted in the throne room but not given them any time to escape doomsday started his slaughter.