Taking over

Doomsday had slaughtered everyone, only living the king. Who right now was crawling back until he hit his throne as Doomsday killed the last advisor. As he reached the throne he pulled out a gun then shot at Doomsday which evidently did nothing. which only made him more panicky causing him to unload the gun with his eyes closed.

As the sound of the click of the trigger fills the room, the gun now having run out of ammo. "are you done?"Doomsday's deep voice immediately snapped him out of his panic state. Opening his eyes the king was greeted with the site of Doomsday standing in front of him.

"You monster." Not paying attention to his emotion, Doomsday lifts him up by his head in front of his face.

Listen here, I don't feel like wasting more of my time taking over this planet. So I am going to tell you some facts, then you can decide the fate of your planet.

You monster, Khundia will never…" But his sentence was cut short as right now he was looking in Doomsday red eyes. His face that was previously full of anger slowly changed into fear.

Know this my name is Doomsday and going against me is suicide. The fight that you are trying to start will cost me nothing, My ship can easily leave while with me here it costs you everything. Understand this, me trying to take over your planet it's me being generous, as destroying this planet is unnecessary work. All while saying so Doomsday was also mentally projecting in his mind in the different atrocities that his different incarnation had caused.

Doomsday then drops him on the floor as he fearfully backs away. Crossing his arms Doomsday looked down at him "So what is your choice."


A week had already passed, right now Doomsday was sitting on his throne in the main ship in front of him was the king of the khund accompanied by Ashaosi reporting on the situation of the khund. After his show of strength to the king, the king decided to give up, on that day it was announced that they were under the rule of Doomsday of course there were people protesting but they were quickly taking care of. Doomsday sends Ashaosi accompanied by others to take care of everything they started by gathering information about everything while making some change and every day the report to Doomsday.

But he paid no attention to them as he was thinking of more important stuff. He was thinking of the next step. Sadly this is where it gets complicated. His plan required him to live but with the intellect he held something was clear to him without him his force didn't truly have the capability to keep Khundia under his rule if the revolt.

When doing the math he realized he would lose too much. He didn't when to lose his forces or khundia as he had spent great resources on his forces while khundia give him both more manpower and resource

So during those past days, he had closed his eyes, going through his memory searching for something that could help him. Luckily today he found something more useful than he ever thought.

As he suddenly opened his eyes the room became quiet as during those past days he hadn't moved as he rested his head on his arms while he closed his eyes as though he was sleeping.

Getting up, Doomsday walked by the king, not even acknowledging his presence and telling Ashaosi to follow him.

Minutes later

A grey ship flew out of the main ship and flew toward the moon

As he lands Ashaosi holds herself back, not asking anything. Doomsday then got up and opened the door and walked out with Ashaosi following him but he suddenly stopped then looked back at her.

"Sorry my lord am-i supposed to stay?"

"No, I need you to take off your suit."


"Get started."

After taking a second she swallows her fear. She proceeds to take her suit and then walks out. As she was about to walk out, Doomsday gave her a breathing mask and an oxygen tank. She proceeded to put it on, then step out as she looked at the sun in the distance she immediately felt different.

What is happening?" She asks, confused.

"During the next month, you are going to stay on this moon, and don't worry I already order to build a base here.

As things started to progress the base slowly started coming together while Ashaosi was required to step in the sun every day for 30 minutes while spending the rest of the day training either exercising or learning to fight from anyone that had any training Doomsday also taught her a few things. But strangely Ashaosi discover that Doomsday didn't get too close to her,

Like that, 3 months past and Doomsday announced that he would be leaving. As he left she give Ashaosi the order to absorb more sunlight while taking her time to master her power and gave her full control of his force as long as she doesn't fuck it up.


Ashaosi was standing watching in the deep of space as Doomsday's personal ship flew away due to her heightened senses she could still see him. On that day she made the promise that she would spread the might of Doomsday throughout the galaxy, that she would make him proud when he came back.

During his memory search, Doomsday had discovered something both simple and valuable. It turns out that if a Kryptonian stood under a healthy sun they could gain ability. So he did the next best thing. As his most loyal subordinate Doomsday spent the last month training her to take control of stuff. With the amount of power, she gained he knew that she could take care of the khund and keep them in place if they ever revolted.

But this wasn't the only thing that he did. He also built himself his own spaceship. The spaceship posed weapons, a great defense, an A.I. and most importantly it was fast. Of course, the ship had other features.

Anyway, Doomsday's next step had begun.

[Next step, a 20-year skip]