Nearly a quarter of a million of years ago, there lived a mighty champion. His name was Zharan Pel and he wore the power ring of the fabled Green Lantern Corps. For years, Zharan wielded his power ring in the cause of justice, using its amazing energies to protect the sentient lifeforms of space sector 2813.
Then one fateful day, he came upon a small world on the outer reaches of his sector...A world whose lone space station was besieged by a Ragtag Armada of ships. But the ships were not attacking, the transmissions that Zhiran intercepted indicated that their passengers were all seeking refuge.
Calling upon the power of his wondrous ring, the Green Lantern willed himself to pass through the station's outer hull. As though he were immaterial. His sudden appearance quite unnerved the station's sentries.
"Do not fear! I come in peace! I wish to speak with your commander"
Minutes later he was standing in front of their commander, who was seated on his throne.
Your arrival is most welcome, Green Lantern! My people have heard of your great exploits from other visitors." The commander said with respect.
'There is panic aboard the orbiting ships."
"Yes, and there are more of them than this station was ever designed to handle. They were all launched in a desperate attempt to escape the monster that even now terrorizes our homeworld below. Half of our planet lies in ruins.'
"I know, it seems impossible that one creature could cause such destruction but I have seen the transmissions, I have listened to the lamentations of survivors. We know that he crash-landed on our planet like a meteorite a week ago and survived. It then starts a killing spree hell-bent on destroying everything in its path."
"Our armies have been unable to stop it. You, Green Lantern, are our only remaining hope!"
Of Course as Green lantern, he didn't shy away from this challenge and proceeded to fly down toward the planet. After flying around for half an hour around the location the commander had said they last saw the monster he finally found it.
There around a huge fire set a beast. It had grey skin, with white bone protrusion and it was wearing long black pants. Currently, the beast was roasting some type of meat.
Not even phased by the appearance of the beast Zharan Pel flew down. "Creature! I demand your surrender!" He yells out with authorities"
Upon this sudden noise, the beast looked up to see him a yellow sky humanoid alien while a brown tail with three tentacles replacing each arm and his eyes occupying each side of his head. But instead of the look of surprise, he expected the beast seemed to be excited of arrival. Not taking another second the beast leaped at Zharan ignoring his command. Immediately he created a shield around him that upon impact sent the beast flying down proving that it had no experience fighting lanterns.
At first, the monster seemed confused by the sudden appearance of Zharan's force-field. But then, his expression turned from confusion to a look of maddened glee!. For the monster, you see lived only to kill, to destroy, and here, at last, was an opponent who presented a challenge!
The monster attacked anew, striking so savagely that despite the power of his ring, Zharan was forced back. So powerful was the force of the monster's blows that the Green Lantern protective energy sphere began to weaken, to crack and finally to shatter, as if it were the most fragile of eggshells.
Even though he was greatly shocked, Zharan rallied and struck back, channeling every bit of his will through his power ring, The unleashed energy blasted the monster through dozen stone walls and halfway across the ruins city.
But still, the monster got up and so Zharen struck again, sealing him within a block of green energy, trapping it like a bird trap in a cage. In all his years as a green lantern, Zharan had never encountered an opponent as mighty as that monster and so, he needed help.
'Hear me, Great Guardians." At that moment Zharan contacted the Guardians of the universe.
"Speak, Zharan Pel you have our attention." one of the Guardians answered as the others were listening to the side.
'I have captured a creature of incredible destruction force, I have not yet been able to determine if it is sentient but it is most definitely dangerous. I recommend immediately stasis cell incarceration.``
But while Zharan attention was on his report, within the cube the monster began to move. The monster flexed and strained and finally burst free, the sudden energy disruption stunned Zharan Pel, directly knocking him out, and leaving him open to the monster's merciless attack.
Zahran's power ring was programmed to protect him automatically from mortal injury if he were rendered unconscious but that safeguard did little good. Once dead the monster pull the glowing ring from Zharan tentacle, the monster hold the power ring as though he was mesmerized by it and then
"Creature you have laid waste to this planet!" One of the Guardians said
You have slain a green lantern!" Another guardian said
"You shall answer for these crimes!"
"Hahaha" Subtly a bellowing laugh resounded to the area. Greatly surprising the guardians as they also thought that the creature wasn't capable of thinking
"You guys have to know that threatening me is laughable. A vast and wide the universe is it seems that you haven't learned the greatest lesson it had to teach. Witch is to mind your own business, But know that you gain my attention. I shall accept your challenge!"
"You beast!"
"Who are you!" One of the only calm Guardians asks.
"Now let show you how to properly threatening someone. The name is Doomsday and by my name sake I shall bring doom to your homeworld as he said so hr channeled through the power ring his rage, a rage that consist of the fusion of the rage of uncountable Doomsday, obliterating the ethereal projections of the Guardians.
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