Power Ring (Part 2)

Having taken care of the guardians, Doomsday's attention returns back to the ring. Going by his memories this ring was a great and useful tool but sadly his previous incarnation wasn't smart enough to truly exploit it.

Closing his eyes Doomsday concentre second later he blasted off, landing next to the previous Campfire where he was sited before the Green Lantern uninterrupted him. As he sits he throws the already burned meat away, replacing it by another one. During those past 20 years, he had been going from planet to planet killing anything that was on his path while doing something no other Doomsday had done before, absorbing the knowledge and the technology of the planet. But eventually, he got bored so along the years he had been juggling different hobbies and it turned out eating was his current one.

Not having set the food up, Doomsday closed his eyes focusing solely on the ring. You have to understand something. The ring brought great power and abilities. This was important to Doomsday what he searched for was knowledge and the ring was like a giant library.

Slowly he began to assimilate some of the knowledge as this went on the food was cooked causing him to stop his research and get something to eat after enjoying his food he got up and pressed the belt of his pants, causing a white light to briefly flash from it.

Seconds later a slick but futuristic ship flew down and landed in front of Doomsday. While walking in Doomsday was still eating his food and giving an order."Ship leaving for the closest colonized planet."

Immediately the door closed and they soon departed. After making a few turns Doomsday reaches the command room and sits in his chair, starting another round of research.

After days flying Doomsday reaches his destination but when he is preparing to go he suddenly receives a warning message from the ship followed by a message from his ring. He first looks at the warning of the ship, apparently, it detected a few life signs.

Using his ring he identified them as Green Lanterns "Hmm So this is where it begins."

And like that the great war of Doomsday and the Green Lantern started. The fight that was only supposed to last less than a month was stretch to more than 3 months as Doomsday was wasting time to extract more knowledge, but it became clear to doomsday that thing was about to end and he still didn't get enough knowledge and that is how he came up with his next plan.

For those three months, he had fought a handless wave of green lanterns and made sure that none of them survived while also getting a few rings.

Flying down into an inhabited world Doomsday walked out of the ship with a box in his hand. Walking away he sits on the ground. Taking the Green Lantern ring off he places it on the ground. Open the box he could see three-ring inside it glowing with a green glow.

Taking one of the rings out he looked at them closely. Placing it in the middle of his hand he closed them. "First try" Doomsday then started his experience, he proceeded to pour all of himself into it. As time went on he poured more and more into it. When it reaches a certain amount the ring started to glow a grey light then 'cling' followed by a loud sound as the ground was cut apart.

Open his eyes he looked to his left as there was a long gash along the ground. Looking down in his palm he discovered that the ring had a huge crack with the previous green glow gone. "A failure. Expect, but unwanted." Putting the ring back in the box he took out another one. This time he made sure that there was no gap between his fingers, he then started over. After hours of pouring his energy, he felt it the ring started to change causing him to pour even more in it. Then in a huge release of energy, the ring broke free of Doomsday grip.

Flying mid-air as it emitted a grey and white glow. After a minute of emitting its glow, the ring landed on the ground. After admiring it for a second he approached it and picked it up. But in the brief second he did so he felt it. He felt his defensive wall against his true emotion breaking down in seconds. Immediately he dropped it on the ground even taking a few steps back.

'Failure. Damn, that thing almost made me crazy.' Walking in the ship he walked out with a grey box and a plier. Pick it up he places the ring in the box, placing the box down he picks up the third ring and starts the process over again.

But this time he decided to put part of the new him into it, meaning his control over his savage emotion. After hours of work he successfully changed the ring. As the ring drop on the floor, he slowly approaches it after exiting for a second he picks it up.

"Success, although it has flaws. it's still better than nothing, then again I have all eternity to improve my technique." Getting up he places the green ring back into his finger and spick his stuff from the ground, got in his ship, and left the planet.

As his Spaceship flew in space Doomsday walked to his safe and proceeded to place the grey box inside it then lock it. He then walked back to the command room. Seated in the command chair, Doomsday was looking at his brand new Grey ring. "Doomsday ring, Doom Ring, Ring of Doom..sound good. But still, the flaw upon taking it over the ring lost all of its knowledge and even the A.I. that was in it. Can I transfer them over?"

Sitting straight on his chair he placed the ring in front of each other. He then slowly started manipulating the green lantern ring creating a link between them and started to transfer some information over. Upon discovering his success he started transferring them faster and faster

"Sir, we will reach our destination in a week." Upon hearing the sudden voice of the A.I. of the ship Doomsday had a sudden idea.


6 days later

"Finally done." in front of him was the panel of the ship and embedded in it was a grey ring. 'This better work. After he was done transferring the information Doomsday had spent those past days trying to fuse his ring into the Spaceship, To be true he didn't do it with a clear plan in mind, he just wanted to see the result. As he stood admiring his work he suddenly discovered a huge planet in front of him. "It seems that I have arrived. Ship full speed ahead."

As they landed on top of a mountain Doomsday got out "Don't forget my Order." He finally declared as the ship flew away. As he looked in front of him he could see The Guardians' Citadel, a wondrous fortress of scientific marvels, dominated by the huge central power battery which supplies energy to Green Lanterns throughout the universe.

Upon looking at the battery Doomsday could feel the huge amount of power emanating from it. Just when he was about to move, a lone Guardians landed in front of him.

"Hold creature! You shall go no further! The blood of untold victims is upon your transgressions, you must be punished!"

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