
Anzendenai age 4

"Mommy" I said tugging on my mother's shirt.

"What! I told you not to tug on my exspensive shirt!"

" I'm sorry..." I let go of her shirt. "When will daddy be back mommy?"

"Ugh. Stop asking me that!"

" But mommy-"

" Ugh... I'll just tell you the truth..." Denai's mother said. " Your daddy's not coming back. We divorced."

" What's divorced mean?"

" Stop asking questions!! Go to your room! Your grounded." Denai's mother pushed Denai into her room.

" Mommy! Let me out! I'm sorry!" Denai cryed. Denai didn't know why her mom was acting like this.

Yes, her mother always acted rude to her, but ever since her dad left, and her brother, Kirari was born, she was acting very rude and pushing and hitting her.

Machigai POV ( Anzendenai's [or Denai's] mother)

I looked down at my beautiful baby boy Kirari and tickled his little belly as he giggled with joy.

" Who's the best little kid in the world? Hmm?" I chuckled as the little boy laughed and waved his arms around.

I could hear Anzendenai crying in her room, but I didn't care. She deserved to cry and suffer. It's her own fault for asking soooo much questions. It's pathetic.maybe if she wasn't so much like her father, so kind hearted then I might love her. But my amazing, handsome, little boy will be way different. He looks just like me, and I will ease him the right way, not like that annoying father of his.

Anzendenai POV

I could hear Kirari and mommy's luaghs over my crying. It's not fair how Kirari gets so much love and joy from mother and I dont.

Time skip age 9.

Today is my 9th birthday. July 18. Of course my mother didn't care. She didn't give me presents, or a birthday party with my friends. Not that I even have friends. I sort of.. scare everyone. My quirk, demon, is kinda scary. My fingers turn into claws, my hair turns  a dark blue and my skin a light blue. I get even taller, and much stronger. I can jump higher, my smell is inhanced, and I can see even farther then before. Plus, if I use it longer then a hour, I start to forget who is my enemy and fight everyone.

Plus, I dont really care about friends. They just get in your heart and when you get close to them and trust them they betray you and hurt your heart. Kinda like what happened with mother.

I have learned to clean after everyone after they eat, and I clean my brothers room every day otherwise my mother will blame me for the mess.

'i should probably do the dishes..'

Beeeeeep. Beeeeeep. Beeeeeep.

I looked at my mother just before she picked it up.

" What do you want Shinsetsu?" My mother said. I wiped the counters quietly so I could hear what my father said.

( Underlined is Shinsetsu)

" I want to see my little girl and give her a birthday present of course. I was just calling to see when I could meet up with you to see her..."

"  Wait it's her birthday...? Ugh. No! We need anymore trash." I bit my lip holding in a 'smartass' remark as my mother would say. I picked up the broom and started to sweep.

" It's not trash!"

" I don't care! Anything my- no your daughter has is trash! Your not meeting up with me, or her! Your not even going to talk to you! You peice of shit!" She hung up with my father and walked into her room.

'shes probably gonna put a pound of make up on.'

" Hey Anzendenai!" I sighed. It was my brother, Kirari.

" I told you to call me Denai, Kirari."

" I don't care! Did I ask? 'denai'" he said in pranthases.( I don't know how to spell it I'm sorry)

" I just came to tell you that I 'accedently' found some glass in the garage, and may have smashed it with a hammer... In the living room!" He giggled. I followed him into the living room and gasped. There was broken glass every where.

" Kirari! Did you really have to do that? It's my birthday" I cried.

He stopped giggling and stepped near the glass.


I quickly sushed him.

" If you do that I'll get in trouble! Please for once don't do it!!"

He didn't listen. He screamed evern louder.

My mom quickly ran in.

" Kira baby! What did this monster do to you?!"

" I didn-"

"She me cut me and called me a bitch!" He cut me off, crying.

My mother gasped.

" No I didn-" to late.

She grabbed a big peice of glass and cut my face.

I screamed

" AHHH DONT DO THAT! THAT.. THAT HURT...." Every thing went black.

I woke up the next day to be... Right where I blacked out. 'so it wasn't a dream...' I got up and went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I had a scar, about 4 inches long from my chin, to my temple. It still hurt, and it was pretty deep. ' mom probably won't take me to get stitches though... I'll have to wrap it up with a bandage.

Time skip brought to you by broccoli boi. HEY ARE YOU WANTING SOME BROCCLI WELL DONT COME HER-




After I made dinner and cleaned my brothers room up ( as well as mine) I went to clean up the kitchen, While my brother and mother were watching the news. I swept the kitchen floors listening to the news

Alright now to you, Baka.

Ok. Thanks  Tenki. Down town on main Street, there was an accedent. A silver truck hit a small red car with one man in it. Sadly, that man died. Bo one else was injured thankfully. The man's name was Shinsetsu Īto.

I stopped sweeping. And looked at the TV. On the TV was a idiot looking person near a red car and a white truck and next to it was a picture. A picture of Father.

My mother looked at me and said," aren't you going to finish cleaning the kitchen?!"

I looked at her tears forming up.


I ran to my room crying. Later, my mom came into my room and told me to finish cleaning. I had no more saddness. All that was left was rage.

After elementary school she went to

Edolas middle school. This is her last year and after middle school she wants to got to high school.