chapter one

Present time

I sat up. It was morning now. My brother was still asleep,like ussual, I should be able to get to school before he wakes up and destroys things. I walked out of my room and ate breakfast. I saw my mother get up from the couch and into the kitchen, and sat down next to me.

"So... Uh denai..." She said akwardly.

She never uses my Nick name!

" If you want me to make you a bowl of cereal you could just ask!"

" What! No! Listen to me for once!"

She said,"I'm sitting here to give you a phone. You need one for if you get lost or if your kidnapped. I don't want the police thinking that I killed you or somthing."

I looked at her, shocked. Her mother was holding a pun-phone S 15.

" That's the new pun-phone!" I gasped.

" Are you gonna say thank you?!"

" If you just wait, Maybe I would!"

" Just here. Take it already!" Her mother exclaimed. I took the phone from her. It was soft, and it was thin, thinner then she thought a phone would feel.

" Go to school already I don't want to see your face."

" Well I don't like seeing yours either! But bye anyway!" I said finishing my cereal, and leaving for school, ignoring my mother's calls.

Time skip brought to you by rip off pikachu,- Whey!!!! Whe-wheyyyyyy!

" - and so, the question that has been asked for generations, 'do fairys have tails' is unknown." Mrs. Evergreen said," I personally believe they don't have tails' though." She said popping out her fairy wings, Wich is apart of her quirk, fairy.

" I don't have a tail whenever I use my quirk, and I certainly am the fairy of this world I must say!" She said, flying around the room with fairy dust falling everywhere. Then the bell rang.

" Well I was supposed to talk to you about high school's but I know you all wanna go to UA anyway!"

UA? I've never thought about going there... Or becoming a hero... I picked up my bookbag and started to walk home. Mother wouldn't want me to become a pro hero... She wants me to stay home and work for her.

I turned the corner and headed for my mailbox. I had to check for mail, other wise no one would pick up the mail and it would get stuffed.

Spam... More Spam..we don't need that... Mother's work... UA... Wait... UA?!? I checked the paper again. Yep. It was from UA... For Anzendenai Karenzu. For me? I never even wanted to go... I walked into my house and handed the mail to my mother.

"What's that?"

" A letter. For me."

"Pfft. Who would write to you? Let me see it"

" Why should you see it?!"

" Cuase I'm your mother!" She grabbed my letter and read it.

"So... UA wants you to go to their school?"

" I guess."

"Well you can go the entrance exam I doubt you'll get in though."she smirked

"I will go! And I will get in! You'll see!"

"Do I look like I care? As long as you get home make dinner and clean every day I don't care what the fuck you do with your life."

"What if I stopped cleaning for once, huh? What would you do then!"

She put down the letters and glared at me.

" You already know."

" You wouldn't dare. The police were on your ass when you gave me this scar" I pointed to my scar.

" MOOOOOOOOOM" my brothers call echoed throughout the house.

"What honey?" My mother answered as she glared at me, then said in a quieter voice: " the police wouldn't stop me" she ran off to my brothers room.

She wouldn't dare kill me or even try to hurt me. When she gave me my scar, the police suspected her of child abuse. Of course, she put up a act and convinced the police. She's to worried about the " family name" well jokes on her when I grow up I'm moving out and Changing my name.

TiMe sKiP bEcUaSe iM lAzY

[ This part of the story is gonna be a bit... Bad. I know nothing about the reccamended entrance exam so uh yeah...

Today was the entrance exam for the recommended people for UA.

So here I am.(SeNiOr YeAr! Sorry I'll stop-) UA high entrance exam. I was told to go to the back of the school- that is where I'll be tested.

Once I get there there are alot of people. One has two hair colors- white and red. Another has an unusual mint green skin with small stick like hair, and looks a bit mad.

I can't blame him though. These people looked to happy- it was .

"ALRIGHTT!! WHOOO!" A blonde teacher with bannana like hair yelled as I plugged my sensitive ears, why is he so loud?! So times I wish I didn't have this quirk!

" Today is your entrance exam! If you really want to get in, we need you to Go Beyond!" He yelled.

"Plus ultra!" A boy my age said, obviously to into it, and the only one into it.

" Tough crowd huh? Just need more pep..."

" Hey! Can we get started? I'm getting bored just standing here!" I yelled at the teacher.

" Huh? oh Right! I am present mic, and today all of you will be split up into groups of six! After that, you will race! But be careful! Your racing on a obstacle course!"

After the race Wich I got first place in, I started to head home. The teacher " present mic" said that if you got in, a letter would arrive soon after saying that you got in.

Time skip brought to you by an angry Pomeranian.


Ever since I got accepted into UA my mother has avoided me. I love it! Honestly I've never been happier in my life. Except for with Dad.... I shook my head. Now wasn't time to think about the past. Today is my first day of UA. But I'll probably never get to be a hero... Pfft. Who cares what happens to me once I move out. I finished eating breakfast, grabbed my bookbag and headed out to UA.

Once there, not all of class 1A was there. But the people there, I can tell you, were socializing like there was no tommorow.

I sighed, and sat down in the second row,staring at the front of the classroom.

" Hi! My name's Kirishima!" A boy with bright red hair, smelled like strawberries, and had sharp teeth said.


" Well? ...What's your name?" He said.

" Why do you want to know?"

"... Well we're classmates...?" He's really pushing his luck! I minus well tell him my name... No one's ever asked me for my name... I guess I'll use my dad's last name. No one needs to know I'm related to that discussing excuse of a mother.

" Īto."

" That's a beautiful name!" He smiled, "so this is where you sit? That's great! I sit here!"

" Hey don't go thinking were friends!" I said sitting up in my seat.

He frowned, "why not?"

" Beacuase were not!" He smirked at me, " you just need some convincing! I'm gonna hang out with you every day until you admit that were friends!" He pumped his hand in the air. Great. Now he's gonna be around me forever.

"now, now class, settle down." A man with long black hair, looked kind of lazy, is he the teacher? He doesn't look like he enjoys the job!  Kirishima sat down in his seat, and so did the rest of the class.  The teacher said something about going outside to see how far our quirks went, but I wasn't really listening. We went out side, and then Mr. Aizawa, our teacher, said, " we are going to have many tests on how far your quirks can stretch. For each task, depending on how good you did, then you get points. The person who gets the least points, gets expelled."

Everyone in my class gasped, except a few people including me.  He doesn't mean it. He just wants us to try as hard as we can.

" what! You cant do that! Its our first day!" Kirishima exclaimed. I'm not sure Kirishima new that though.  I tapped on his shoulder.

He looked very surprised, "uh… Īto? Your talking to me?"

" oh shut up! I was going to tell you that mr. Aizawa was just trying to make us do our best, and wasn't gonna expel any of us, but if your gonna make a big deal about it, I wont bother!"

"really?" he said, still shocked.

" Quiet!" mr. Aizawa yelled to the class.  Everyone stopped talking at once.

AnOtHeR TiMe SkIp BrOuGhT tO yOu By ShInSoU

Who's the pwettest kitty in the wuorld? You are! Yesh you are! * relizes hes on camera and hides his cat* uh… hi…

After the "do good or get expelled" test, I looked at the board with our results. Number five… not bad. but who got last? Izuku Midorya? Who is that?

" Midorya got last? Poor dude. " A guy with blonde hair and a lighting scar said. I walked over to him. Maybe if I ask him he'll know.

"Who's Midorya?"

He turned to me and Immediately changed his expression.

" That doesn't matter, I'm Kaminari, your electric hero" he winked. I rolled my eyes.

" Well thanks  for nothing." I walked back to where I was standing.

Ok so I finished this chapter, 1633 words. So this was a pretty bad chapter, but eh. I tried ok? Plus I had a bad day I don't even know why I'm writing right now.