Shōnen plot ensues!

The night carries on with the same celebratory mood, the men and women perform strange dances with each other around the fire, children sing and play and everyone all around seems to be having a good time... That is, with the exception of Luca who was pulled into a hut by Sarr'vuln while Sarr'ina is dancing with the guy called Das'ju.

The insides of the hit itself are quite homely, the floor is completely covered by wood with fur's scattered around that feel pleasant to Luca's bare feet, he's interrupted from his thoughts by Sarr'vuln who growls at him "Sit down, now!" which causes Luca to promptly drop to the floor, fearing what the man'll do to him.

"You, not a moment had gone by after your initiation that the Ruler of the Forest attacks!... Tell me, did you intend to harm the tribe?" he asks, grasping a flint knife and appraising its edge, causing Luca to gulp in apprehension.

"No sir! Never, I would never do something like that! Why would I put myself at risk by luring it here?" he asks, hoping the logical inconsistency would save him from whatever wrath Sarr'vuln would inflict on him.

The man nods while giving a grunt, "Yes... You also would not defend the village had you intended to try and destroy us. My apologies but we are currently having trouble with other tribes who seek our resources..." he trails off.

"I'm loya-"

"BUT!" he exclaims, pointing his knife at Luca, "You still caused the deaths of two valued hunters, hunters that were needed to keep us from starving. With their loss we will have to start trading for food with other groups, something which I hold no pleasure in, nor faith that they will uphold the deals we offer..." he trails off again with a contemplative look.

Suddenly the flap of hide blocking the entrance flies open as Sarr'ina falls face first on the floor, giving a cute "squeak" as she does so.

Sarr'vuln gives her a scathing look which causes her to sheepishly get up. "Daughter... I assume you were listening?" he says, as if she'd done the same exact thing before...

She nods, "Father, the loss of Harra'patu and Ezbe'harra is great but if you give me Luca I promise I will train him to be worthy of their sacrifice!"


A moment goes past and Luca who was struck dumb by this exclaims "What!?", this is followed by Sarr'vuln shaking his head, dropping the knife and walking over to Luca. "Sarr'ina, this boy has not even grown yet." he points to various points on Luca's body. "His arms are skinny and weak, his legs lack the muscle to even climb the smallest trees... I agree he has the courage to brave the wilds but his body is not suitable!"

Sarr'ina walks fowards and places her hands on Luca's shoulders while looking her father in his eyes. "Father, the earth tells me he has potential! I can feel it in my flesh and bones!"



Sarr'vuln continues to give her an appraising glare while occasionally looking at Luca who's currently red faced and squirming under her firm grip. "Fine!" he spits, "But you will be responsible for him! He does not seem able to keep himself alive so it falls to you to teach him everything! From wiping his shit-hole to fending off predators!"

"Of-course Father! I will not let you down, won't we Luca!"

He looks up into her eyes and sighs, "Yes....Ugk" he finds himself been shook excitedly by Sarr'ina who seems so enthusiastic enough for ten people. Why does it feel like she's constantly on a sugar high? Luca wonders to himself.

The next day Luca wakes up bleary eyed in the hut that used to belong to Harra'patu, he felt like there was something wrong with immediately recycling all of their belongings and distributing it among the rest of the tribe... Ezbe'Harra's hut was given to a son of one of the tribes men who was quarrelling with their father, even the men's weapons and bow's were given to their parents and siblings... Luca felt like he would probably need a weapon and felt bitter that he didn't receive one of them, he found out that even the spears scattered around the village belonged to people... This was probably the reason he got scolded by a woman who apparently owned the spear he broke while killing the bear. He was of-course forgiven due to saving everyone but they made sure to hammer home that theft was absolutely not acceptable here. Come to think of it, where did he put his duvet?

He steps out of the hut, still naked as he had to return the furs that he'd been using to keep himself warm. The night was cold but the climate was warm enough when combined with the rather well made hut to keep him warm. He still felt weird about having his dong flopping about in the open but apparently everything you own has to either be gifted by someone, earned or made yourself. Something he found weird as something from modern civilised society where you'd specialise in something that everyone else would pay for, allowing you to pay for someone else's services.

Another thing he'd been struggling with was comprehending his current state of apparent "Immortality", he wasn't sure whether it was a gift or a curse... What would happened if he was buried alive or thrown in a volcano? Would he just keep coming back to life and dying an excruciating death?.. This would need further research, though he was wary of testing it as dying hurts and he didn't know how many times he could kick the bucket before the magic wore off.

Right now his current goals for the future were to get back to England, keep his Immortality hidden and hopefully bed Sarr'ina... Though his latter goal will be put on the burner until he found a way to escape Sarr'vuln's wrath, he didn't know much about their society but considering how technologically poor they are he wouldn't put it past them to eat him...

"Luca!" he hears a voice call his name behind him, turning he sees Sarr'ina walking towards him with a bow slung over her shoulder, along with a quiver made from a patchwork of leather parts that look sewn together. "Sarr'ina, morning." he says, yawning to himself.

"Are you ready to become the best hunter these lands have ever seen!" she asks excitedly.

"Er, can we find my duvet first? Youknow that big black thing that I was carrying before the bear attacked..."

She looks like she's thinking about something while tapping her chin with her index finger, when she suddenly lights up. "Ah! The big black smelly hide?"


"Yes." he says in a dull voice.

She nods and states,"Follow me!" before briskly walking off in a direction.

Luca quickly catches up and walks beside her and looks over the village as they go. He spots people doing various things, some that he has an idea about and others he has no clue... He sees a couple women skinning... Plants? The group are sitting on the floor with crossed legs and are skinning a large pile of various stems before laying them in a big organised pile.

He shakes his head confused and looks at a nearby group of men that seem to be hitting rocks together... Looking closely he can see them skilfully chipping pieces of stone and eventually shaping them into a knife that looks pretty sharp. Now this, he understands. Luca thinks it looks pretty easy to do and hopes to have a go if he has time in the future, no doubt Sarr'ina will have him learn how to do literally everything. Or at least, that's how Luca interprets it.

He continues to follow her until they spot a river nearby, he steps forward to examine it but almost falls in when he hears a "Baaa"... Looking at where the sound had come from he sees a large group of sheep? They seem a lot smaller than the ones he'd seen pictures of and they also seem to be missing the majority of their wool. This raises multiple questions for him, if they have sheep and wool, why are they all wearing a patchwork of leather and hides?

"Ah, so you have met Bell'a?" Sarr'ina asks with a smile.

Luca just looks at the sheep which is currently chewing a mouthful of grass while giving him the stink eye, "Er, yes..."

"She is beautiful is she not?"

... "Yep." he says, wondering when she'd show him where his duvet is and stop talking about some bloody sheep. He looks at her and sees her holding some sort of rope and trying to heave it onto shore. "Sarr'ina? What is that?" he asks confused, wondering if she had caught a fish or something.

"Your big smelly black hide!" she exclaims, finally pulling something on shore... Sure enough, it was his duvet that's completely soaking wet.

"Uh, why was my duvet in the river?"

"It still had bear smell on it, we do not need another attack any time soon!" she says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. Luca can only reluctantly nod his head as he and the rest of the tribe clearly remembers what'd happened last time.