
After recovering his duvet Luca hung it over a tree branch near his hut to try and dry it off and make it usable again, the temperature was relatively warm now so he didn't feel the need to constantly wear it. That and he was kind of looking forward to the time when the bear hide would be ready, I mean, what's cooler than wearing the flesh of your fallen enemies? He muses to himself.

"Luca!" Sarr'ina's voice echoes behind him like an ever-present ghost.

He sighs, "Yes?"

"Let us start already!"

"Fine..." he says reluctantly, following her out of the clearing and into the forest. They walk for around ten minutes before he begins to question what they're actually doing. "Hey, Sarr'ina? Aren't you going to teach me something?" he asks tentatively.

She looks back and smiles, "Nature dictates everything must start at the beginning."

Luca gives her a confused look, isn't that obvious? You can't start at the end can you? "Er, okay? If we're going to hunt something can I at least have a bow?"

She shakes her head, "Start at the beginning!" she says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Luca drags his hands through his crimson hair in exasperation, "Just tell me what you want me to do, you want me to catch things with my bare hands or something!?!" he exclaims.

She has a weird expression on her face due to him raising his voice, she places a hand on her hip and looks contemplative. "I am sorry Luca, this is my first time teaching... Let me show you what I mean." she says, leaning her bow against the tree and placing her quiver next to it. Afterwards she walks over to a young tree that's about fourteen feet tall, Luca watches as she composes herself for a moment before launching herself at the tree, bouncing off of it in the process...

Luca watches as she rolls over, gets up and does it again, and again, and again. "Have you gone mental Sarr'ina?" he asks, watching as she jumps at the tree yet again.

She huffs and glances at him, "Do not stand there like a.." she points at the young sapling and grins, "Tree"


Luca just rubs his head, wondering if staying in the wilderness would have been a better option, "Can you just explain to me why you're jumping at a tree?"

"I am showing you how to do it." she states.

"Do what? Give yourself a concussion?"

"What is a con-cussion? Oh! Do not worry Luca, I will not con you for any cushions!" she exclaims with a smile, before leaping at the tree yet again.

Luca shakes his head and decides to just go with the flow and throws himself at the tree while his "teacher" is recovering.

"Hurghh" he groans as he falls onto his back, feeling a bruise forming where he'd hit the tree.

"That is it Luca! Keep going, we might finish by mid day!" she says happily, causing Luca to curse under his breath.

The duo keep jumping at the tree for around half an hour until a *Crack!* signals the victor of the competition between man vs tree... The base of the tree bends at a ninety degree angle as the rest of it's trunk rests on the floor, Luca who's currently on his back breathing heavily lifts his head to see they'd finally done whatever Sarr'ina was trying to show him.

He rolls onto his front and slowly gets up and sees Sarr'ina pulling what looks like a flint knife from a pocket on his quiver. "We've felled the tree... Is that all? Because I'm going to be hurting in the morning." he says rubbing his arms, shoulders and back.

She nods at him and walks over to the felled tree and sits next to it, while gesturing for him to come closer. "Do not tell my father that I allowed you to use this." she says handing the primitive tool to him.

Luca glances at her then the knife a couple times before taking it out of her hands, "What do you want me to do?"

"Start at he beg-" She's interrupted by Luca who quickly says, "I don't know where the beginning is so just tell me what you want me to do!"

This time instead of looking confused she just points to the still attached base of the tree before crossing her arms and pouting.

Luca doesn't really know what she wants but guesses it's to sever the tree's connection with it's base. He uses the flint knife and starts sawing away at it, he hadn't thought it would be as sharp as it turned out, it easily cut the fibres and damaged wood connecting the tree. He would've thought it was sharper than any metal tool, were it not quickly becoming blunt at his use of it.

Eventually he just passes the flint knife back to Sarr'ina and wrenches the top of the tree hard enough for it to separate from it's base, causing him to fall on his ass with it. He looks up and sees Sarr'ina with a small smile looking at him but quickly covering it with her hand. Seeing this Luca can't help but equate this girls personality to one of cliche types in anime, though with how general it is it could probably apply to most women. "I'm sorry Sarr'ina, you're a great teacher." he says slowly and reluctantly to try and improve her mood, which it of course does...

"You did it Luca!" she excitedly says, Luca feels as though she's about to hug him and opens in arms with a slightly perverted grin, but finds her picking up the felled tree instead. Grumbling to himself he stands and sees her inspecting the final product.

The sapling that they'd brought down is slightly bent probably due to their method of bringing it down, with a green tint to it's bark and numerous small branches that are coated in leaves. She tries to bend it but finds it springy but not too flexible, she uses the knife to quickly cut the branches from it before handing it back to Luca. "Spear."


"Spear?" he asks, thinking that it's a pretty shitty spear with the way it's bent.

"For now."


Luca doesn't reply as he's having trouble figuring out what this girls trying to convey, while he does magically understand their language he still has no idea about most of the things she says, something that doesn't make the greatest teacher... "Can we at least sharpen it?" he asks but she shakes her head in return. "Start at the beginning, make a knife to sharpen." she says. The latter half of the sentence making Luca realise that he'll have to do everything himself, hopefully she'll teach him before telling him what to do though...

After gaining his "Spear" Sarr'ina told him to follow her as she readied her bow and started tiptoeing through the forest, halting at the sound of any movement. Looking more like a proper hunter than the cheerful hard to understand girl he'd gotten to know throughout the day, a while after they began a hand belonging to said girl stretches in-front of him, causing Luca to halt in his tracks. Looking around he doesn't see anything and is about to ask why she'd stopped, that is until she retrieves an arrow from her quiver and nooks it. Luca continues to look around to try and spot what's she's aiming at but steps on a dry stick, causing a *Crunch* to echo throughout the quiet forest, causing Sarr'ina to click her tongue and give him a harsh look.

"Luca! Do, not, do, that, AGAIN!" she shouts, waving an arrow in his face.

"I'm sorry! It was a mistake!"

"A mistake you will go hungry for." she says as she stomps off further into the forest, leaving him gazing at her back. He jogs after her and quickly catches up, she doesn't look at him but keeps walking, until they reach a large group of bushes holding many berries of varying colour.

"A bad hunter means bad eating, we will have to settle for these." she says, picking the black ones and placing them in a hide pouch which has a string around it's brim, allowing her to tie it up and attach it to her quiver.

Luca just nods along and starts picking berries absentmindedly, not bothering with their colours as they must all be the same. He gets a handful before an angry voice interrupts his daydreaming. "Luca! Why are you picking poison berries!" she exclaims.

He looks down at the pile of red, purple, blue and black berries before focusing his gaze back up at her. "What ones are poison? He asks.

She points at the purple and red ones vigorously, "If you eat these you will hurt a lot! Maybe even die!" she says.

Luca's brows furrow as he sarcastically replies, "Well, if you had told me which ones were safe I wouldn't have picked the poison ones, would I?"

She sighs, "Luca! I am trying to teach but you are making it difficult!"

Luca throws the handful of berries on the full and starts, "Stop saying that! It's always, Luca this, or Luca that! Just tell me what you want so I can learn for fuck sake! You think I know what fucking berries are poisonous or not? You think throwing yourself at a tree until it snaps is normal?" he says quickly, "It's not like I want to be here, in the woods picking some fucking berries in order to not starve!"