
Once Luca and Sarr'ina return to the village she goes off and distributes the berries in exchange for some meat the other hunters had managed to acquire. The amount of berries they had gathered was enough for around five to six people, not a lot considering the size of the tribe and sudden lack of hunters, but for Luca's first day it was adequate.

Sarr'ina cooked some kind of red meat along with the snake over a fire quickly before handing Luca some, it was quickly eaten and didn't match the sheer quantity they had ate during the celebration/funeral but Luca found to his surprise that snake doesn't taste all that bad. He also kept a handful of berries for tomorrow morning as he didn't expect to be fed at that time.

After eating with Sarr'ina he thanks her for helping him and apologises for shouting earlier in the day.

She just gives him a toothy smile before replying, "No need for thanks, I said to father that I will make you a great hunter. And that is what I shall do!"

He nods at her and continues to butter her up, "Either way, I appreciate it. You didn't have to help me, but you did regardless.

Her eyes shine at this as she thrusts her fist into the dimming sky, "Yes! Sleep early, I have so much to show you tomorrow!" she exclaims excitedly.

After watching Sarr'ina skip away Luca retrieves his dried duvet before returning to his hut to rest. Today had basically been constant walking so his feet were sore and calloused due to him not having anything to protect them, not to mention his bruised body due to Sarr'ina's rather idiotic method of bringing it down... Perhaps if he was as big as the rest of the tribes men it would be a suitable way but for he and Sarr'ina? Definitely not. He glances at the pile of rocks and tall "spear" in the corner of his hut and wonders what he'll be doing tomorrow. He rolls himself up into his duvet and slowly drifts into unconsciousness, all the while dreaming of returning home.

Luca's eyes flicker open as he feels something close to his face, his blurry visions slowly clears up as he sees either two huge brown eyes looking into his own. He gives a startled shout and tries to get up which only has him head butting the person standing over him. "Ouch!"

"Oww! Lu! It is rude to hit heads without permission." Sarr'ina exclaims while rubbing the red mark on her forehead.

"Ask permi-Wait what? Youknow what? Nevermind..." he quickly stops he explanation as he feels he'd be more confused if he had heard it. He rubs the dust from his eyes and glances over Sarr'ina who's wearing the same clothes as yesterday. "Uh, why are you here Ina?" he asks through a yawn.

"The suns up! It is time to learn!" she says with a wide smile cause Luca to groan, "Five more minutes."

"Minutes?" she asks confused.

Hearing this Luca feels as if he's going to get a headache and reluctantly gets up, "Fine, fine. I'm up."

After finally getting up Luca is instructed to take his rocks and follow Sarr'ina where she leads him to a quiet area with a few rocks of her own already set up. She sits down on the floor and gestures for Luca to watch her. She holds a granite stone in one hand while preparing to bring it down on some flint in the other.





She continues to glance the granite stone off of the flint until small shards are broken off, slowly shaping hte flint in a desired shape. During one strike she misses slightly and cuts her finger, she doesn't take it lightly as she has a pained expression and waves it in the air. "Owwwch!... I am not the best a this but it is required that everyone learn to do it." she says after sucking on her finger for a couple seconds.

Luca feels as if he knows how to do this and mimics her movements, bringing down granite onto flint, causing chunks to fly off. He guesses he should be trying to shape it into a knife or something similar, at first it's pretty easy to knock off chunks in an attempt to get it into teh shape his wants but as the flint get's smaller and smaller his strikes have to become more precise, otherwise...


He could break the flint in half and ruin the project, wasting all of the time he'd put into it. Sarr'ina gives him a sympathetic look, "Do not worry Lu." she shows her own knife. "It took me many, many tries to make this one." she says.

The duo had started doing this since sunrise but it was already a little past noon and Luca still hadn't completed a proper knife. It seems Flint knapping is a lot more difficult than he'd first thought, he thinks back to the ease of which those middle aged men did it before and feels as if it's been put in a different perspective... He'd almost completed around three to four knives, only to accidentally break them due to his over eagerness. He had thought they were scrap after his failure but Sarr'ina yet again explained how they could still be used as spear points or arrow head, making him feel a little less useless.

He continued trying to complete this task for a couple more hours before finally creating something resembling a knife! The handle was slightly jagged and would cut into the hand if gripped too tightly while the edge was sharp but fragile. Still, for a first try it was usable, which is all that mattered to Luca at this moment. Of course the overexcited Sarr'ina gave hima hug for his troubles, something he found difficult to deal with as he's still literally naked.

Nevertheless he still had jobs to do according to Sarr'ina, she asked him to go retrieve his "spear" so they could begin working on it. "Why didn't we bring it along with the stones?" he asks.

She gets a sheepish expression and says, "I did not think you would create a knife so quickly..."

"Why? Did you think I couldn't handle it?" he asks curious.

"No... It took me three days to finally make my first one." she says reluctantly.

Luca can't help but laugh as she says this, causing her to pout but eventually laugh with him.

After they had stopped laughing at her expense Luca walked back to the village to collect his "spear" so they could do whatever Sarr'ina thought needed to be done to it, he still wasn't really sure what she intended to have him use it for but atleast they were progressing. If he fixed a couple of those flint shards to the top of it he might be able to start hunting, though he didn't know how he would kill anything with it, maybe he should practise throwing a spear? He mumbles to himself.

As he's walking a large shadow blocks his path, looking up he sees the grim face of Das'ju looking down on his with a still bleeding disembowelled deer on his shoulder.

"I heard that you are getting close to Sarr'ina." he asks in a baritone voice.

Luca looks at him, trying to think of a way to leave without looking like a pussy and or getting his shit kicked in. "Er, yeah... Ina and I-" he's cut off when Das'ju puts a hand on his shoulder. "Ina? You should respect your betters!" he says, squeezing Luca's shoulder, making him feel as though his bones will crumble in his grip.

"Das'ju! If you are going to threaten a tribesman you better beware the consequences!" a man who Luca remembers is called Zul'meshii calls from behind Das'ju. He feels as those reinforcements had just arrived at Normandy "Y-yes! Remember what will happen!" Luca exclaims, not knowing what'd happen himself.

Das'ju tosses the deer carcass to Zul'meshii and pushes Luca away, "Very well, we shall fight for dominance! I will show you why you do not disrespect Sarr'ina!" he shouts, causing Luca to look confusedly at Zuk'meshii. The man sees this and finally remembers that this newcomer probably has no idea what he's in for. "A fight for dominance means to try and force your opponent to submit, you will not try to harm each other, only prove your strength." he says slowly.


Fuck, Luca thinks to himself as a few tribesman gather-round to watch what'll happen. Even the women and children seem to want to watch him get the crap kicked out of him... "Look, I think you misunderstood me-" He tries to negotiate but a roar from Das'ju signals his sprint towards Luca.