Stings doesn't it?

Luca almost shits his pants as he sees the huge man sprinting at him with a fierce look, he holds his hands up in a boxing pose but simply has no idea how to fight in the first place, as he's about to be stampeded by Das'ju he holds his hands up and closes his eyes.

"OOOFF" he grunts as he's tackled to the ground, straight onto his back.

Das'ju grins as he wrestles Luca and slams him to the floor, receiving a satisfying grunt of pain from the young boy. His pent up anger from seeing the woman he's pursuing being followed around by this weak foreigner like a lonely puppy is realised as he wraps his forearm around the boys neck in an attempt to strangle him.

Luca feels himself being man handled by Das'ju but simply can't stop it, he lacks the strength or the skill to attempt any manoeuvres that'd help him fend of the stronger and heavier man. The surrounding tribesman give hoots and cheers as Das'ju starts squeezing Luca's throat, causing the boys face to go red, then purple. He can feel himself about to pass out and has to resort to his trump card! He presses his behind into Das'ju's while lowering his hand to the man's genitals, once he locates the man's rather large sack Luca grabs onto it and squeezes as hard as possible.

"AIIGH!" Das'ju shouts as he feels his jewels being given the BDSM treatment, his body stiffens as he pushes his prey away in attempt to get him to release his grip. Luca obliges and quickly crawls away before getting back to his feet, not forgetting to rub his now sweaty hand into the dirt with a disgusted look.

"You are a foul trickster! You disrespect our very traditions with your actions!" Das'ju shouts indignantly.

Luca spits on the ground and scoffs, "What!?! You can squeeze my neck but I can't squeeze your balls? You're a hypocrite!" he shouts at the man with a smug grin, but quickly loses it when he sees Das'ju's gaze lower to his own delicate jewels... "Yo! I may be naked but I don't swing that way my dude!" he says, turning slightly and trying to block Das'ju's view of him. This causes the surrounding tribesman to laugh which has Das'ju almost steaming in rage.

Luca chuckles along with the tribesman until he sees Das'ju's face go red, knowing he's about to get charged at again he bends his legs slightly in an attempt to be a smaller target. His suspicion was right as the larger man gives another roar and sprints at him, arms outstretched. He's so fast that Luca is sure he won't be able to avoid him and instead attempts to get this over and done with but rolling onto his back, he feels something soft on his foot as Das'ju leaps on him but closes his eyes and shields his face from the beatdown he's about to receieve... Only, after ten seconds of nothing he realises something must've happened. Glancing around he sees Das'ju not far from him rolling around on the floor holding his junk, Luca remembers a soft feeling on his foot and can't help the laugh that escapes his mouth. This is only echoed by the surrounding tribesman who laugh at Das'ju's situation as well.

After Das'ju finished holding his nuts he sends a baleful glare at Luca and quickly starts walking over, finally done playing around apparently. He reels back his fist in preparation to punch Luca's face off when a feminine voice interrupts him, "Lu! Why are you fighting Das'ju!?" Sarr'ina asks while standing amongst the surrounding tribesman.

Luca sends a toothy grin at Das'ju before replying, "Ina! My back hurts after wrestling with him, can you help?"

"Of course! It would be awful if you were injured!" she says, walking over and starting to massage Luca's back, all under Das'ju's livid gaze.

"I never noticed before but your hands are so soft Ina." he says, still smirking at Das'ju. If this muscle bound idiot is going to bother him then he'll give him a reason to, as they say, there are no rules in love and war!

She giggles at his complement "Your back is also soft." she says, making Luca grimace.

Eventually Das'ju has had enough and wrenches the deer he'd hunted before briskly walking away, Luca cannot help but feel his actions will soon bite him in the ass but couldn't help angering the man further. Das'ju hadn't liked him from the first time they had met so why should he attempt to even be civil? He'll just try ignore and occasionally escape the man should they ever see each other. Hopefully Sarr'ina would teach him how to hunt soon so he could spend all day out of the village and more importantly, away from an angry tribesman.

After Sarr'ina was done massaging his back he went to retrieve his "Spear" to continue whatever she was trying to teach him. He'd led back to the clearing where they'd be flint knapping before while Sarr'ina shows a branch similar to his own. She lays it on the ground before walking over to a bunch of tall stinging nettles, a plant Luca doesn't have fond memories of...

She carefully plunges her hand between it's leaves and digs into the ground before pulling it's stem out, once out she quickly drops it to the floor to avoid being stun and starts cutting the small branches which hold the leaves off. She does this a number of times and is eventually left with a small pile of long stems, still covered in thin hair's that'll sting you should you touch them.

"Er, how did you get them out without being stung?" he asks curious.

"Eh? I was stung though?" she says, showing him the many small red bumps on her arms. "The trick to harvesting this is to not get your fingers stung, otherwise everything becomes difficult." she says, semi-wisely. Why not just choose another plant Luca mentally comments.

After explaining a few more tricks that he could use to safely harvest this plant, one being covering your hand in leather and running the material across the stems to remove the fine hairs to make modification easier. As he doesn't have any leather suitable for such a task she instead just drags her flint knife across the stem gently, this removes the majority of the "sting" from the plant, though it's not as consistent as using the previous mentioned method. Once done she starts using a nearby stone to crush the stems into a more flexible texture before starting to peel the "Bark" from them. Once she's done removing the "bark" she throws away the other parts and bundles up the ribbon like material before hanging it over a nearby branch.

"What'll we be doing with those?" Luca asks curious.

"We wait for it to dry then we use to tie things, like flint onto a spear." she says, gesturing towards his branch.

After she'd given a demonstration she had Luca try and create his own fibres. As soon as he stuck his hand into the nettle in an attempt to retrieve one his hand was strung all over, slowly going red and looking quite painful. Sarr'ina didn't bother with this however and told him to continue as it's "Just a sting", gritting his teeth through the pain he eventually had a small pile of stems at his feet which resembled the size of Sarr'ina's own. After using his newly created flint knife to rid the stems of the fine stinging hairs he crushed them as she had shown him before, only after this did he start peeling the "Bark" away. During this he accidentally tore some but Sarr'ina waved his concerns off and told him to continue as it didn't really matter in the end. Once he was done he ended up with a few ribbons of nettle fibres which he then hung on branch beside Sarr'ina's own to dry.

Luca looks down at his red bumpy and sore hands before glancing at Sarr'ina who was happily carving a thin groove into one of her branches ends. "Ina? What're you doing?" he asks.

"Making a place for flint to sit." she slowly says, putting one of the smaller shards from their previous flint knapping against the end to estimate how much more need to be carved from the branch.

Luca simply shrugs and starts mimicking her, finding a relatively large shard and measuring how much he'd need to carve for it to comfortably sit on the spearhead, he assumed they'd be using the dried fibres to tie these pieces of flint onto the spear, hopefully they'd then start hunting.

A few hours later the nettle ribbons had sufficiently dried enough after sitting in the sun for a while, Sarr'ina collects them and tells him to store them in his hut for tomorrow as she'd need to go off and hunt during the remaining sunlight. He absentmindedly nods and starts taking all of his rocks, branches and dried nettle fibres back to his hut in the village. Feeling pretty satisfied with his progress, despite the pain emanating from his hands.