
Elsewhere :

A large group of men accompanied by their animal companions slowly stalk through the forest, occasionally retrieving small prey from the mouths of the wolves. However, this isn't a typical hunt that they'd usually do, instead... This was a hunt for men. "Gundulf, you sure they gonna come for us? They would be stupid to do it!" asks a man with a thin face, short black hair, large pointy nose and skinny frame wearing various wolf hides.

A tall muscular man with curly black hair growls at him, "Feimrir has planned this, I was there to advise him. This plan is sound if you think about the Sua'jiki tribes past conflicts, rarely every going on the offensive except when pushed."

"But how would they know we are here!" he exclaims, wondering if they'd fall into some kind of poison trap as they are already quite deep into Sua'jiki territory.

Gundulf smacks him in the face with the back of his hand, "Shut your mouth Sithel! If you had a brain to comprehend anything other than food, our tribe or women then you would realise that the Sua'jiki are reluctant to fight, but when prodded they strike back like a bear out of hibernation!"

Sithel rubs his jaw, wishing that he could overpower Gundulf and teach him a lesson, alas the man was almost as prominent as Feimrir, without the notoriety of other tribes due to his relative inexperience of course. "Fine, but if shit goes to the wolves then I am running with Basi." he states, recieving a harsh glare from Gundulf.

"Shh, quiet... I think I hear something..." his words cause the group to fall silent, in the distance they hear the cracking of twigs and branches that they'd liberally planted as a warning system. "They tripped our traps."

Luca had been trailing behind the group with Le'du, he was reluctant to come but knew he had some sort of duty to the village that'd taken him in. Even if he disagreed with some of their methods.

"Men at the back catch up, we are approaching the end of our territory. We need to be together for us to all come back." Cuth'lu's voice calls far ahead of the duo from a place not visible.

Le'du nods unconsciously and runs ahead, leaving Luca alone. He sighs and starts walking with a quickened pace... Except as soon as he started moving he began to hear the foliage around him rustling heavily. Fear takes him as he grips his spear so hard his knuckles go white as he starts surveying the surroundings.


Sounds of horrific screaming start coming from the group ahead of him, he can recognise some of the screams as those given by the teens after they use the drug, however he could also hear Cuth'lu's voice shouting in what seems like agony.

Luca feels as if his heart is about to escape his chest and slowly starts backing away, wishing to abandon the people he'd come with, though his story for Sarr'vuln would be different.


A sound he had hoped he wouldn't hear was coming from a bush next to him, he turns around with speed he hadn't thought possible and points his spear towards it, only to find something hit him in the back. His back flashes with intense pain as he rolls over and sees a large grey wolf with a lump of flesh in it's mouth.. His flesh.

Luca frantically kicks the wolf off of himself and scrambles to get up, the surroundings going silent momentarily...


The tension is thick and the pain in his pain causes him to wince and tear up, deciding that he'd rather not feel anything right now, a situation where he'll likely be ripped apart, he retrieves the pouch full of white powder and pushes his face into it, breathing in heavily and coughing out a cloud of what looks like flour after he pulls out.

Immediately his world starts turning, as if the sky was the ground and the ground was the sky. The pain in his back was gone and he felt as if he could lift a mountain... Suddenly nothing mattered anymore, the fear he knew he should be feeling simply wasn't there and instead, resting in it's place was... Fury. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE THOSE WOLVES, COME HERE YOU BASTARDS!" he roars as he sprints into the bushes with his spear.

However Luca's charge is halted as two pairs of jaws wrap themselves around his calves, causing him to fall to the ground. Luca begins to fall but turns his body so he lands on his back, his spear still in his hands and a euphoric smile on his face. The Wolve's noses wrinkle as if they'd smelt something vile and back away while growling up a storm, Luca tries to get to his feet but finds the strength in his legs are somehow gone? Looking at the wounds on his calves he sees mangled and lacerated flesh.

"NO! I HATE YOU FUCKERS MORE THAN EVER THOSE SQUIRRELS RIGHT NOW!" he screams as he pulls out the bag of powder again and pushes his face into it and taking a deeper breath than before. Once he's done taking another dose of whatever this good shit was he pushes himself off of the ground and stumbles slightly as he legs aren't working the way he wants them to.

The Wolves stay back and continue growling at him warily and Luca heads towards them to stab them with his spear, however they keep backing away at a speed he can't manage. Furious at the Wolves apparent cowardice he starts picking up sticks and stones from the ground and throwing them at the Wolves. A few hit but don't seem to do all that much damage to them, eventually though his legs give out and aren't able to support his full weight anymore. But for Luca, that's just fine... He'll just TEAR THEM APART WITH HIS BARE HANDS!

Dropping his spear he begins to flail his body towards them in an erratic mess, however despite how it looks he manages to catch up to one which whines and tries to fight back causing Luca to try and pry it's eyes out with his fingers and thumbs. He laughs maniacally and bites the snout of the wolf as it tries to escape, his teeth causing blood to floor from the sheer force of the bite.


Suddenly an angry voice comes from behind Luca, though he continues to try and kill the Wolf with his hands and teeth. That is, until-




The world goes black.