
Luca wakes with a start, his ears are ringing and head throbbing in pain. He was on his back... No, he was being dragged? He was still so disoriented that he couldn't really tell. He was in pain due to the stones, sticks and other debris that were digging into his back as he was being pulled by the leg, Luca turns his head and looks to the side, only to see a Wolf walking next to him... It snarls as him which makes him flinch away, which causes the man holding his leg to drop it.

"Ohoho! He is awake!" he laughs.

Luca groans from the floor as a few other people crowd around above him, "He is a skinny one that is for sure." one snarks.

"Atleast he will give them a struggle before it ends." one remarks.

Luca grits his teeth, he remembered that he'd snorted the powder but everything after that is fuzzy, if not completely blank. "Get your fucking hands off me!" he exclaims while trying to kick out at them, though he finds that he's completely unable to even move his legs...

"Haha! Gundulf! Lookee, he is a fighter!"

A tall man with curly black hair walks towards them and bends over to get a better look at Luca, "Yes, fighter. Or atleast, he would be if he had not tried to run at the first sign of combat... I think I will use your hair as threads boy." he says with a sadistic grin.

Luca spits in his face, causing everyone to go silent... Gundulf wipes the spit from his face slowly, looking at it drip from his fingers before furiously looking at Luca. "Oh, you will be the first to see Murin." he says gravely.

Gundulf fiercely kicks Luca in the face, causing the teen to cough up a few of his teeth in the process. "Keep dragging him, I want to watch what Murin will do to this one." he shouts, causing the others to continue.

Luca is being dragged yet again, though this allows him to check the situation... Obviously they'd lost the battle, though he wasn't sure where everyone else is. He checks his body and realises his Bear skin is gone, along with his spear, pouches and everything else... With the exception of his necklace. They must not care about it? Or have something else planned.

He looks around for while and finally spots other people being dragged through the forest, Cuth'lu and Le'du being among them. He can't really get a good look at them though due to the foliage and distance between them.

Eventually he starts to see signs of civilisation, tree's thinning until they reach a huge clearing with many huts inside. Children play with Wolf cubs while people go about their days idly, the place is significantly more relaxed than the Sua'jiki is, though the atmosphere tenses up when people spot them.

Most people who see his bloody, injured state look on sombrely, while others leer and cheer at him... They're dragged in-front of a larger hut and one goes inside while the others wait.

Two people leave the tent, one being a large man with rugged long white hair and a thick beard. His body is incredibly muscular despite the wrinkles and has one eye missing. He scans them like a chef would for ingredients, the man called Gundulf addresses him with respect, "Feimrir, we captured them as they were trying to ambush us."

The old man nods, "Take the dead ones to the Kennel, and the others to Murin for information."

"Ah, I'd like to volunteer the red head to go first with Murin." Gundulf adds, though Feimrir shakes his head.

"No, the adult will go first, he will not last much longer so we must gather as much information about the Sua'jiki as possible." he says and ducks back into his hut.

Luca who'd heard his words looks over and see's that Cuth'lu had indeed been heavily injured, completely missing his right leg from the knee down and most of his fingers. He looked pale and had Luca worry for his own safety... He was immortal, but if they found out that fact they may just use him as an unlimited food source for their wolves.

Gundulf doesn't look pleased at his leaders response but can't do anything about it, he growls at the men carrying the bodies. "You heard them, to the Kennel." he says as he grabs Luca's leg and starts dragging him through the village.

"You will go second boy, I will make sure of it." he says threateningly.

Luca while in an incredibly dangerous still feels prideful, and refuses to be talked down to by some kind of primitive savage. "Keep talking cunt, I'll get my revenge for this."

Gundulf laughs and gives another sadistic smile at him, "Oh you have no idea what you have gotten yourself into, do you!?!"

Luca doesn't reply and so doesn't get an answer, the man called Gundulf seemingly satisfied at knowing his fate.

The Sua'jiki tribesman are eventually dragged in-front of a slightly smaller hut than the chieftain, though is was still bigger than the majority of the residents in the Sua'jiki...

Luca looks over a Cuth'lu who's barely conscious and being dragged into the hut, he wants to try and say something but his words get stuck in his throat as he sees the man glaring at him. He probably knows that he tried to escape as the fighting started...

Le'du is still out cold, though a few of the other teens who're still alive scream and shout at their captors, only to be bound and gagged and viciously beaten by them. If it doesn't knock them unconscious it shuts them up for sure.

A few minutes are Cuth'lu had disappeared horrible screams start coming from the hut, though it is soon joined by the cackling laughter belonging to someone else.

Gundulf starts chuckling, "You are next boy, I want to see how long you can go before you spill your guts."

Cuth'lu's screaming continues for another hour until someone from inside calls for the man to be dragged out, when Luca sees him he almost vomits. The man is covered in delicate cuts and is missing a large portion of his skin, revealing the muscle underneath. The fingers that remained after the battle are no longer there, along with his toes.

One thing that made Luca feel bile in his throat was the man's crotch... It was bloody and missing a vital part of what makes a man, a man. He looks up to Gundulf who's grinning maliciously and pleads with his eyes, shaking his head.

"What? Feeling scared now? Well, too late! Hey Murin, I got you a feisty one!" he shouts, while dragging the squirming Luca inside the hut.

Immediately inside entrance Luca was hit with the potent scent of blood and rot, looking around he sees a dirt floor completely stained black from dried blood. Standing there naked and covered in blood is a fat, pot bellied man with thin, balding brown hair. Luca can't help but the man seems to be aroused, though for what reason he doesn't to think about.

Gundulf "Yo Murin, you smelly bastard. Do what you want with the kid, I just want to watch." he says as he drops Luca to the floor in-front of the deranged looking man.

Murin tilts his head and smiles, revealing black rotten teeth. "Ouuouohh? He is a handsome one... I love his hair!" he says as he bends down and roughly grabs a handful of Luca's dark red locks and stuffs his face into them, taking a loud sniff as he does so.

Luca tries to push the man off but finds himself too weak to achieve it, "Get off me you psycho!"

"Ohohohoh! You are so fun! Let me play with you, boy." he exclaims excitedly, a large blush finding it's way onto his face.