Murin the Mad.

Luca tries to crawl away from the madman but finds himself being dragged further in the room by his injured legs, he feels sick to his stomach when he looks up and sees Murin pulling him over the awfully smelling stained black dirt.


Out of nowhere, Luca is kicked in the ribs which forces the air from his lungs, he curls into a ball on the floor as Murin laughs at his reaction

"Hahahahahhahaaaa! DO IT, CRY FOR ME! SING!" He exclaims as he kick Luca again, this time in the back causing the teen to grunt loudly in pain.

Gundulf grins at the side, "Boy, you have no idea how much worse this can get. I am looking forward to you pleading for death."

Murin sends him a glare, "Do not scare my toy, that is my job!" he says, stifling a manic sounding giggle through it.

Luca groans in pain, "Fuck off, I don't know anything so just let me go!"

Murin laughs, "The chief may have just killed you for being useless, but you still have many uses to me." he says grimly as he and Gundulf lift Luca up by the arms and throw him into a primitive-looking seat, they then tie his arms and legs to it with rope. Luca begins to sweat profusely as he thinks about what they're about to do to him, he tries to scramble out of the restraints but finds they are too tight for any movement whatsoever.

Murin tosses a variety of stones before Luca, some are blunt, some are sharp with lips while others are strangely shaped... All in all, it's a horrifying sight considering the situation.

"We can talk this out, I-I can be useful..." he tries to negotiate, despite the chances of it succeeding being incredibly low.

Murin shakes his head and picks up a large blunt stone while standing above Luca, "Any thing else you wish to say before you lose your voice?" he says with a sadistic grin.

"Lose my voice? How would you go about doing that!?" Luca asks frantically.

Murin laughs, "It is not me who will be taking your voice, it will be yourself and all that screaming you will be doing!" he says as he pries one of Luca's fingers away from his clenched fist.

The fat man brings the blunt stone up and Luca closes his eyes to try and brace for the pain...


Luca doesn't feel anything and opens them to check what's happening, and only then does Murin bring the stone down. The finger that's hit produces a horrific squelch as it indents, distorts and bends in the wrong direction, Luca unfortunately watching as his finger is mutilated.

"AHHHHHHHHHH! S-STOP PLE-AHHHHHHHHHH!" He screams, his throat releasing the loudest sound it ever had before.

The only other thing Luca can hear apart from his own agonising screams is Murin's laughter, the man giggling like a school girl every time he brings the stone down.

Gundulf stands at the side with a smug, satisfied smirk. Usually he'd stay far away from Murin's tent but for this piece of shit kid that dared to spit at him? He enjoyed every second of it.

Once Murin was done with one finger he moved on the next, and the next, then the next. Eventually the man had crippled every single one of Luca's fingers, the teen throat feeling torn up from all the screaming he'd done. His pale, clammy skin looking remarkably different to how it usually does.

Murin kneels down, making Luca tense up, however when the man pries out one of his toes tears begin to form in his eyes.

Luca pleads in a rough, hoarse voice. "N-o... Pl-ease."

Only for his sincerity to be laughed at by the fat, bald, madman. Murin laughs louder than he had before, apparently taking pleasure at Luca's hopeless expression.

"You know what? You remind me of myself when I was younger." he says after his laugher ceases.

Luca perks up at this, the man revealing personal information probably means that he'll be able to manipulate him into stopping the torture.

Murin continues, "Yes, I probably had the same expression as my mother watched my father pommel and screw me. Oh, those, were, the days." he says with a smile that doesn't extend to his eyes.

Luca holds his grimace and tries to reason with him, "Y-ou, do-n't need to-be.. Like-them." he manages to get out, his throat feeling as if he was swallowing glass with every word.

Murin's smile fades, "I know that! BUT I WANT TO! HAHAHAHAHA!" he exclaims as he brings the stone down on Luca's toe, delivering the same treatment that he'd given to his fingers.

Luca feels his toe's being crippled one by one, his reactions to each becoming less and less prominent. Until the man smashes the last toe and receives no reaction from Luca who'd fainted from the pain.

Murin grins at this and begins tying tight knots around the boy's fingers and toes, his actions delicate and graceful when compared to the brutality he'd just displayed.

Half an hour later Gundulf returns with a bowls of water that he throws over Luca which wakes him, after waking he looks around and is horrified to find himself in the same place as before... Fortunately his mangled and crippled fingers and toes didn't seem to be hurting as much anymore, he looks down at the and goes pale when he sees them looking unnaturally pale.

Murin grabs a handful of red hair and forces the boy to look him in the eyes, "Welcome back! Look at this, I prepared it earlier for your... Enjoyment." he says with a giggle.

Luca doesn't say anything and just attempts to struggle out of his restraints, though he doesn't manage to do anything, same as last time.

Murin brings out a different tool this time, a large rock that's been ground into a sharp edge... Luca can already tell what's about to happen and struggles harder, and harder.

The fat man brings the stone down which severs his fingers, not much blood comes from the wound due to knot tied around the base. The stone going through them easily due to the bone already being completely smashed.

Luca doesn't scream, instead the only sound that comes from him is a whimper.

Murin continues and severs every digit from the teen until he's left with nothing, Luca knows that if he can get out of here he'll be safe and regain everything he'd lost, but this torture wasn't just physical, but mental and emotional too. Being forced to watch Murin perform every sick thing that comes to his mind on him.

"Now... You know I used to have amazing hair, before it fell out." he says with a giggle. "Would you be willing to share your with me?" he says as he brushes his fingers through it.

Luca grimaces at his touch but thinks that having a hair cut doesn't seem all that bad, maybe the man will stop if he agrees? He nods his head quickly, drawing a sick laugh from Murin.

"Good. Then I will not be polite." he says as he pulls out a thinner, sharper stone and digs it into Luca's forehead, the boy going even paler as he realises what the man had meant.

Gundulf holds Luca's head still as Murin begins to skin the flesh from his head, revealing the top of the teens skull as he skins the flesh with red hair growing from it.

Tears stream from Luca's face as he feels the stone grind against his skull, the pain indescribably awful. He had never imagined something like this, and yet it was happening him. What had he possibly done to deserve this!