Loyalty and Savagery

A couple minutes later the procedure is finished, Murin slapping the flesh with red hair on his bald head and wearing it like a hair prosthetic or a wig. Luca's head in slump down, blood streaming from the huge wound on his head, almost catatonic from the pain.

Murin giggles, "Oh, I think I broke him, hahahahaha!"

Gundulf snorts and spits phlegm at Luca, the disgusting mixture of snot and saliva landing painfully on his open wound. However the teen doesn't react, the stream of blood concealing the tears cascading down his face.

"Hmm, I think we are done for today... If he is still alive tomorrow then bring him back, I am sure he will have more pleasant reactions the next time." Murin says as he exits the tent, leaving Gundulf alone with Luca.

Gundulf unties the boy from the chair and drags him by his arms outside, the Sua'jiki tribesman screaming in horrified anger at the boy's state.

Le'du who's now awake stares wide-eyed at Murin who's currently wearing the bloody, fleshy wig made from Luca's flesh and hair. "M-m-monster!"

Murin laughs and kneels next to the boy, grabbing his face and turning it side to side as if to inspect it. "Oohhhh, are I am done with your friend, you are next." he says as he laughs and walks away.

The men who'd dragged the hostages here begin taking them deeper into the village, Gundulf getting someone to makesure Luca isn't getting injured by the rough treatment, he really wanted to see the boy live to see tomorrow.

Eventually they're thrown into a hut before being barricaded inside, even after that the group can still hear Wolves patrolling around the hut, presumably looking to see if any of their food would try to escape early.

Le'du weakly crawls over to Luca and examines him, almost vomiting when he sees the extent of his wounds. He weeps as he sees the teen's fingers and toes missing, the stumps still tied to prevent bleeding and can't believe what's before his eyes when he sees the large patch of missing flesh on his head. "What have those animals done to you Lu'ca..." he mutters, wondering if he'd get the same treatment tomorrow.

He doesn't try to wake him up from whatever state he's in, feeling as if it's a kindness to let him ignore the pain instead of drawing attention to it. However everyone else in the hut is terrified by what'd happened to Luca and Cuth'lu, no doubt many of them would happily give up any information they have just to have a swift death.

The night was long for those in the hut, the howls of the Wolves making most unable to sleep, this along with the smell of blood, rot, piss and shit coming from Luca made the night seem like the longest they'd ever experienced... Until, finally.


Murin strolls in, limp red hair still resting on his bald head as he eyes the room, causing everyone to shrink under he gaze. Eventually he notices Luca and a sadistic smile comes to his face as he grabs the boys neck and hefts him up with the help of another man. "Oohh, I think today will your last boy hehehehehe!" he giggles.

Le'du had been unable to sleep causing black rings to form around his eyes, however the almost hollow looking eyes focus on the man and his friend. He shakily gets to his feet, ignoring the pain of his broken leg and leaps at the man, almost making him drop Luca if it weren't for another Karaskir tribesman kicking the young boy in the stomach.

Le'du falls to the ground and vomits while holding his stomach, only to have his head pushed into it by the angry Karaskir. "You will regret your actions boy." he says as he uses some sort of rope to strike him, causing a red mark to appear on Le'du's body.

This goes on for a couple minutes, the other Sua'jiki not daring to disobey their captors. However, Luca who'd been almost unresponsive since having his scalp removed twitches at the sight, Murin who notices the movement grins and hands the boy to someone else, retrieving a sharp rock from his pouch and leaning over the restrained Le'du.

"So, you wish to save your friend? How... Interesting... Would you die for him?" Murin asks with a grin.

Le'du scowls at the man, "You will pay for this!" he shouts furiously.

Murin's grin only widens, "I take that as a yes then." he states as he holds down Le'du's face in his own vomit while approaching the boy's eye with the sharp stone. He struggles to escape but he's unable to overpower both of the men, the others just watch in horror as the event progress.

Luca's heart beats quickly as he watches this happen, his breaths becoming heavy. "P-please, stop!" he rasps out.

Murin quickly pulls his arm back and almost leaps in the air in excitement, "Hehehehe! I knew you couldn't resist! After all, you are all the same. Acting selflessly for someone else at death's door."

Luca continues to glare at him, his hatred for this single man overtaking every other emotion. Everything else seemed trivial in the face of such hatred, he only wished he had the capabilities to act upon these thoughts and feelings.

Murin giggles, "Oh, I hope you resist this much later!" he says as he walks out, pulling on his foot as if to command the Karaskir Tribesman carrying the boy with it.

Luca's eyes tear up when he's brought back to the same hut as before, the blood he'd shed now adding to the black staining the dirt floor. He's taken in and the torture begins anew, his newfound voice being taken away again but the screams that are torn from his throat.

A couple hours later his state returns to the same catatonic one he'd assumed yesterday, however as soon as Murin sees this he requests for the guards to bring Le'du here. The teen squirming to try and get out of their grip and getting viciously beaten to prevent any more resistance, he shouts Luca's name when he sees him tied t the chair with wounds covering him, his nipples and crotch bloody from having new parts removed.

Luca doesn't react, but this isn't the case for long as Murin starts operation on Le'du. Again, first beginning with his fingers, scalp, ears, nipples and then crotch. Le'du stayed conscious throughout it all, screaming for help, for his mother and father the entire time. Though this only seemed to excite Murin further.

Eventually, he was in the same state as Luca, both not responding to anything the man did to them... He didn't even ask them questions, seemingly only there to cause pain.

Murin cuts into Le'du's flesh again but grumbles as the boy doesn't react, "Fine! If the fun is over then so is your life! Take them to feed the Kennel." he says with an angry expression.

The two teens don't react as they are carried to the large wooden structure, eventually taken to the hole that's used to drop meat in, the stained bloody sides indicating that anyone who fell inside would definitely meet their demise.

The duo are propped up against the wall next to each other as one of them men tap the wood loudly, signaling that food was about to be served.

Luca turns his head painfully to the side and looks at his bloody and mutilated companion, "I-I'm sorry." he mutters, not really sure as to what to say... If only he were stronger, he'd be able to stop what was about to happen to them.

Le'du doesn't respond, having apparently lost consciousness due to blood loss. Luca can only thank whatever gods exist that the boy won't have to experience getting eaten while awake.

Not soon after steps are heard, a familiar face looking down at Luca... Gundulf. "I think its unfortunate that Murin cannot find another way to "gather information" from you, at least I will be able to hear the Wolves tear you to pieces." he says with a chuckle, grabbing Le'du and kicking him in the hole just before he does the same to Luca.

Gundulf laughs as the teen falls, "GOOD LUCK! And may nature be with you."