All Bite with a lot of Bark...

The hole to the world above quickly retreats from Luca's vision as he falls, he hits the floor heavily which knocks his head against it and disorients him. He tries to find his bearings by feeling around but the agonising pain he feels as his scabbed-over stumps run through the dirt only causing more chaos within his mind.

He grits his teeth and resist the pain and looks around for Le'du, he fell immediately after him so they shouldn't be far... Luca shakes his head and looks around, and immediately regretted doing so as he sees himself completely surrounded by Wolves. The pit he's currently in is surrounded by waist-high passageways that seem designed for wolves to travel through, the animals peer out from them at him and he feels the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

Taking another glance around he finds Le'du unconscious behind him, the boy's leg seemingly broken from the fall. Truly, they were fucked. Even if he came back to life here, what would he do? Get eaten again? And that's not even mentioning Le'du.


Luca backs up until he's in contact with Le'du's body as a wolf begins to approach, it's nose twitching in his direction. His heart beats furiously as the adrenaline starts flowing through his veins. "Fuck off, Scooby Cunt." he says as he gives a quick kick to the Wolves snout, it hits its nose which causes the wolf to whimper and retreat into the passageway.

However, as soon as Luca kicked the wolf the others jumped int action, like a piranha feeding frenzy. One comes up from behind and bites Le'du's face, sinking it's teeth into his nose.

Luca sees this and pulls himself over Le'du's body while giving a weak punch at the perpetrator, his digit-less fist scaring it off momentarily, until it turns and bites his wrist. "Huurrgh! Get. The. Fuck. OFF!" he shouts and he slams his other hand into its eye, forcing it away.

Luca groans loudly again as he feels another mouth wrap around his ankle, looking back he sees a smaller wolf throwing it's head around crazily in some kind of attempt to tear the flesh away from his leg. He kicks it in the face with his other but the weakness of it seemed to have emboldened it, the wolf jumping forwards and biting his thigh.

The teen is about to whack it away as he had done to the others but two more wolves come in and start trying to get at his neck, he manically tries to push them back but it's no use. He doesn't have the strength to resist as more and more come into the pit.

A strip of flesh is torn from his arm as the wolf responsible scampers off to devour it, though a few others try and steal the meat from out of its mouth. The smell of fresh blood seems to have triggered their hunger as they all begin savaging him, "AHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He screams as teeth and claws find their way into his stomach and internal organs, they tear his intestines out while others play tug of war with his ligaments.

Outside Feimrir is sitting in his hut with Gundulf, listening to the screams, the latter with a satisfied smile plastered across his face.

The elder looks at Gundulf with an appraising expression, "You seem are enjoying today's entertainment?"

Gundulf nods, "Today, it was personal."

Feimrir shakes his head, "Every day, is personal. That is the reason I find your interest in that boys suffering peculiar."

"I do not know either, all I know is that I hate that boy with my entire being. Must be his attitude and how he tried to flee from battle." Gundulf reasons.

"Cowards do not deserve the mercy of a swift death, that is one justified use for the Kennel. Even if some wish for the screams to relent for at least a day."

Inside the Kennel :

Luca had lost consciousness as what looked like his liver was torn out, now he's awake again... And still surrounded by wolves. Under where he'd earlier perished Luca looks at Le'du, or at least what used to be him. It s seemed that while he was... Dead? The wolves had continued, most of Le'du's flesh was gone leaving visible bone in its place.

One boon though is that he was no longer in agonising pain, for the moment at least. His hair was back, even if he didn't have time to examine it... Not to mention his genitals that'd been cut away by Murin had returned.

He can't do anything anymore for Le'du and so tries to get up and move through one of the passageways, only to have a wolf bite him on the calf, they apparently hadn't eaten enough yet. Feeling stronger and more confident Luca brutally kicks the beast in the face, distorting it's nose and snout before turning and attempt again to leave.

He bends down and looks into the pass-age-way... His mind stops functioning when he sees many, many drooling faces staring at him hungrily. Before he even gets a chance to step back one leaps at his face, making him fall onto his back while more gather and start biting at him.

Luca fights them off as best he can but it isn't enough, he has no weapons apart from his fists and while he might eventually win in a fight with a human, he stands no chance here. The wolves move smartly and tear out the tendons in his arms to prevent him resisting,

Yet again, he screaming resumes. Surprising the Karaskir who assumed he had died, though it wasn't the first time someone had had a second wind mid-being eaten. The Wolves weren't kind, biting off his ears, nose and other easy to access, delicate areas.

Luca cries and shouts in pain as he crawls towards a passageway with only his legs as his arms had been crippled, but to no avail. He breathes his last breath as strong jaws close around his neck and tear out his jugular.