From hunter to... Trader.

Luca and Sarr'ina had been given the task of selling some of their goods to other tribes, the wine they were producing had become quite popular as of late, and the wool from their livestock was always in demand.

He was in charge of a small group of relatively new hunters that were tasked with carrying the goods to the Olmnar tribe.

The Olmnar were a relatively large and peaceful tribe that dealt mostly in fish. Due to their location, they'd become the hotspot for trade, being placed directly in the middle of most tribes allowed goods to be exchanged here more efficiently than they were forced to previously.

In the past you'd need to send people to the tribe to make an offer, due to the relatively volatile relations between even the most peaceful tribes the people sent weren't all that important, mostly just simple hunters. This meant that negotiations would have to sent back and forth through the messenger, making the process take significantly longer than it otherwise would do if you had just talked face to face.

In the Olmnar tribe though, everyone had come to a consensus that no violence should be committed here in-order to maintain the revolutionary trading methods they currently had access to.

To Luca it looked more like a bazaar than anything, the Olmnar tribe was directly next to the great river that had previously been separating the Karaskir and Sua'Jiki... Obviously, the Karaskir was not around anymore so it was a moot point.

Why had Luca and Sarr'ina been sent here to trade instead of someone else? Luca had a few ideas... The first being to test how he'd negotiate with other tribes. His intention to woo Sarr'ina was now well known to Sarr'vuln, if Luca were to actually marry her then he'd likely be made the next leader of the Sua'jiki. This meant he'd need a good reputation amongst the tribes otherwise no-one would take them seriously.

Of course he already had 'The Bloody Lu'ka', 'Slayer of the Lord of the forest', and 'Monster Slayer' under his belt. Though, he admitted to himself that his latter two titles were as a result of the creatures literally falling atop him. First the bear atop his spear, and then the giant frog on the tree... Thinking back to it, he'd not really done anything all that impressive.

Sarr'ina would also need to start learning how to interact with other tribes, as the wife of the chieftain, or if that didn't work out, the Shaman.

Eye's were already on the group as they entered the Olmnar tribe, it looked markedly different than the Sua'jiki and Karaskir did. Instead of living in huts, the Olmnal decided to make shack-like buildings entirely made of wood. Perhaps being so close to the river made using wool unreliable, especially in the winter.

Luca glanced around and could see a variety of people in different styles of clothing. While the Sua'jiki looked more like typical barbarians, with hides sewn together covering their bodies, the others looked more refined.

The Olmnar tribesman made heavy use of plant fibre ropes, tying them around their waists, biceps, wrists, and shins. They still made use of animal hide and leather, but differently than the Sua'jiki did.

Luca could spot some men from the Gutizia tribe in the distance, their outfits were a lot nicer than anything else people had. Their leather clothes looked to be more skillfully made than anyone else's. The reason for this was obvious, the Gutizia had access to large deposits of salt, a valuable resource no-matter-what tribe you were.

The looked around for a while before being approached by some Olmnar tribesman. They bow slightly towards the group before inquiring as to who they represented.

"The Sua'jiki tribe." Sarr'ina states, getting a nod from the Olmnar.

Afterwards they are led through to meet with the Olmnar chieftain, Luca didn't really know why they needed to meet, surely the Sua'jiki coming to trade wasn't that great of an event was it?

They are led to the largest shack in the village, the Olmnar wishes for Sarr'ina to speak to the chieftain alone for some reason, but with some persistence, Luca was allowed in with her. He knew Sarr'ina was a beautiful woman, enough so that tribes might be willing to start a war for her. He wasn't going to let her out of his sight during this trip for this reason, among others.

Fortunately, it didn't seem that the Olmnar leader named Jubba the Shack wanted to do anything vile to her, on the contrary actually. He wanted to thank Sarr'ina in place of her mother for healing him when he was younger. Apparently he'd been afflicted with a strange disease in his childhood, one that had his range of motion steadily decline as he aged.

Truthfully Luca had been wary when he saw the large, potbellied Jubba, getting strange feelings of Deja Vu upon hearing his name. But he turned out to be of the "Jolly Giant" sort instead of the "Stranger Danger Molester" variety.

Sarr'ina gives a bright smile to the man, "I am happy someone outside of our tribe remembers my mother. I feel her legacy has been forgotten much too quickly."

Jubba nods, "Lady Ina helped many during her life, even some in the Karaskir. Though, they seem to have forgotten their gratitude when she passed. Ah, my condolences by the way." he adds apologetically.

"Do not worry, my mother is one with nature now." Sarr'ina says comfortingly. Luca rests a hand on her shoulder and she sends a grateful glance at him.

Jubba breaks the silence before picking up his lost enthusiasm, "You have come to trade I am sure?", the duo nod and he continues. "I will have the Sua'jiki tribe area ready for you in a moment, I will advise you do not approach the Gutizia tribe without an escort young Sarr'ina. They have been... More confident as of late." Sarr'ina nods at his warning.

"She won't leave my side Cheiften, I will make sure of that." Luca adds.

Jubba and Sarr'ina continue to talk about her mother as Luca silently watches from the side, he hadn't gotten the chance to even know the woman, so it was best to leave them to reminisce. Thirty minutes later they left the shack and were led to an area which had a small shack for storage. Next to it had a wooden roof that'd block them from the rain while they traded goods.

Luca had the hunters carrying the wine and wool into the shack before he started placing some on the ground to display what they had to trade. He sits down cross-legged behind it with Sarr'ina as people wandered past.

The Gutizia tribe and Tomnal tribe were nearby trading goods, the latter mainly trading what looked like wheat? As well as many clay items such as pots, bowls, and ornamental objects.

"I didn't expect to become a trader when I first arrived in the Sua'jiki tribe Sarr'ina." Luca jokes.

She smirks at him, "And I did not expect to fall for the incompetent welp you once were."

He can't help but blush at her, he turns his head sheepishly, ignoring her even as she held his hand, a happy look on her face as she hummed to herself.