Will of Mettul

The Sua'jiki tribe continued trading their goods within the Olmnar territory, giving wine and wool for various other good Sarr'vuln had requested them to gather. Some rare herbs that only grew in specific parts of the region, difficult to craft tools from the Giffrea tribe, some dried fish from the Olmnar themselves, and... Salt from the Gutizia tribe.

Luca sighed to himself as he remembered that they needed to restock their salt reserves, it wasn't the fact that he was forced to barter, something he wasn't all that familiar with, nor liked. No, it was the fact he had to get the salt from the Gutizia tribe. The group was boisterously making noise not far from them, and they'd not stopped ever since Luca's group had arrived.

They'd been here for two days now, and he found it strange that no one had taken offence to them yet, especially with how the men leered at women from each and every tribe... The group should've been going around and trading, but they seemed content to just sit and wait for people to come to them...

Luca thought it was a good strategy to be honest, their attitude was harsh and rubbed people the wrong way, providing a rather intimidating setting to barter in. Every tribe needed salt to function properly, which forced people to go to the Gutizia and try to negotiate on their terms.

Usually, he'd just allow Sarr'ina to barter for him as she had a favourable reputation and her demeanour suited the task. But he'd rather castrate himself than let her be leered at by those dumb apes selling salt.

As such, he left her with the rest of the group as he walked over to the Gutizia. Almost immediately all eyes were on him as he approached, their gazes were hostile, not befitting what should be traders...

"Who approaches us?" a voice says from the centre of the group, the rest of the tribesman move to allow Luca to see whoever was speaking. The man was sitting in front of many bags of salt, they seemed to be around 6ft with a heavy build decorated with chiselled muscle, he had short black hair and a relatively handsome face that was marred by the arrogant smirk plastered upon their lips. If Conan the Barbarian ever had a cocky piece of shit son, then this would be him.

The man's intimidating physique isn't what draws Luca's eyes though... That'd be the distinct copper sword that he was resting on his shoulder...

"Hmm? You seem interested in my weapon?" the man mutters, displaying the copper sword to Luca proudly. "It is made from Mettul, harder than any rock, any tree, bone, and flesh that exists... If you continue to stare I might use it on you." they say.


Luca isn't sure how to take this... It's the first time he'd actually seen metal during his time here. While it only seemed to be made from copper, it'd undoubtedly be more effective than any other weapon he or his tribe possessed... If the Gutizia tribe could smelt metal then the delicate balance of the tribes would soon be broken.

He eventually composes himself and draws his gaze from the sword and back to the man, "I am Luca from the Sua'jiki tribe. I've come to trade goods." he states.

Now for some reason it was the man's turn to look stunned... It hadn't been Luca's introduction though, instead his eyes seemed to be locked on something. Taking a quick glance at where he was looking, Luca's eyes landed on his own titanium chain that hung around his neck...

The man takes a moment before he finally starts speaking, much to the confusion of the other Gutizia tribesman nearby. "... I am Gaiztoak, son of the leader of the Gutizia Gaiztuk. You wish to trade? Tell me what you can offer, and I will tell you what the Gutizia can do."

Luca crosses his arms, "We want three bags of salt, in return, we are willing to trade twice the amount of wool, and three containers of wine."


Gaiztoak looks thoughtful for a moment before shaking his head, causing Luca's heart to begin beating faster as if he was about to enter combat. "That deal sounds fair, but how about I present you with another?... All the salt we have, for that." he says, pointing at Luca's chest... More specifically the titanium chain his mother had given him.

The other Gutizia tribesman gasp at this, apparently never expecting their "young lord" to do something so reckless... The necklace gave no practical value, the only reason he'd want it is to display his wealth. Or perhaps he wanted to melt it down to see what it was made out of? He doubted they'd be able to get a forge hot enough to melt titanium.

Luca quickly shakes his head, holding back the snarl threatening to make itself known at the presumptuous offer. "I refuse to trade this." he says, resting a hand on the metal chain, "But since you find my previous offer fair, maybe we could come to an agreement." he states, his glare not faltering.

Gaiztoak doesn't seem to like Luca's answer, accidentally gripping the copper blade tight enough to cause a light cut on his hand. "You reject my offer? We will not trade with you, fool..." Luca grits his teeth and turns to walk away, but gets stopped as Gaiztoak calls out to him.

"Wait... I have changed my mind." He says, causing Luca to sigh in relief. But, as always, luck is never on his side.

"The Gutizia tribe will refuse to trade anything with the Sua'jiki for your slight against us! Now leave before I bury my Mettul blade in your guts!"

Luca's tempted to tell the bastard to "BRING IT", he imagines getting stabbed in the gut and not flinching from it before beating the piece of shit half to death, but shakes his head and returns to his group. This would be a massive problem for their tribe, one he'd inadvertently wrought. They'd now have to trade with other tribes as a proxy to get any salt...

Sarr'ina sends a smile his way but he just frowns and shakes his head as he approaches, "We won't be able to get any salt from the Gutizia. They've barred the Sua'jiki from trading with them." he states, causing her to scowl.


Luca looks down for a moment, feeling slightly guilty at the fact that this was his fault, but finds his determination and stares her in the eyes. "I refused to bend."