White Gold... Salt.

Things only seemed to get worse after the Gutizia started refusing the trade with the Sua'jiki. Sarr'ina had wanted to negotiate with them in order to fix whatever problem Luca had caused, but he refused to allow her to go. He didn't like the way they had looked at his necklace, and he might find himself unable to control his anger if they tried to make a pass at her.

Instead, Jubba attempted to speak on their behalf with Gaiztoak, but the young leader completely refused to have anything to do with the Sua'jiki. Luca didn't know why they were acting so irrationally, but whatever it was it'd no doubt spell trouble for them.

The other tribes heard of the latest news and started taking sides, though, all tribes that sided with the Sua'jiki did so silently as they too needed the salt that only the Gutizia could provide.

Luca was forced to change tactics and started negotiating with other tribes in order to get salt from them... It'd be more expensive than buying it straight from the Gutizia, but there was nothing they could do about it.

A day later, none-other-than Gaiztoak strolled towards the Sua'jiki stall with a broad grin on his face, he had his 'Mettul' blade strapped to his side and a few strong-looking followers behind him. He stopped in front of their stall and crossed his arms while glaring down at the sitting Luca.

"Hello fool, have you decided to work with me yet?" he says as if Luca had already agreed to give up his necklace.

Luca just shakes his head, "I won't trade my necklace, and I won't be bullied into giving it to you. You'll have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands." he states, not mentioning the fact that even if he was killed he'd come back like a vengeful spirit.

Gaiztoak scowls, "Then you will never trade with us again! Nor will you acquire our goods through other tribes!" he says as he walks away, taking his groupies with him.



Sarr'ina rubs his shoulder with an understanding look, "Do not worry Lu, we will find a way to deal with this... We always have."

Luca just looks away, not daring to look her in the eyes with all the problems he'd inadvertently caused. He felt guilty, something that he'd only experienced a few times in his young life. The worst part about all of this was the fact that Luca couldn't think of a way to fix this without giving up his mother's necklace, something he'd rather die than do.

After Gaiztoak's latest visit no tribes were able to be the middlemen for the Sua'jiki. One who tried to had received a warning that if they did so again they'd receive the same treatment as the Sua'jiki... Unfortunately, even three weeks later the situation had yet to be rectified.

Luca and Sarr'ina had successfully sold off all of their wares for other goods, but the only thing they were lacking was salt. With no way to purchase it, they'd probably have to find another means of getting it.

Luca was tempted to try and steal some, but knew he was neither skilful enough nor had enough information for that method to even be viable. That wasn't even mentioning the risk of starting a conflict in a dedicated neutral zone, if he was caught the other tribes would likely turn against the Sua'jiki...

The war between them and the Karaskir was still in recent memory, the losses both sides had suffered had weakened them significantly. The Sua'jiki losing many valuable hunters, and the Karaskir being completely annihilated. Luca had never considered it before, his only previous interactions with war had been in one of the many video games he'd played... Now he felt he had a better understanding of it, it was needed in some instances, but there'd be no winners. Only those who'd suffered heavier losses.

Eventually, the group had to return back to the tribe with the bad news. Luca had no doubt that Sarr'vuln would be furious, it was whether or not his anger would be directed at the Gutizia or himself that left him wondering.

Luca and Sarr'ina got back and reported what'd happened to Sarr'vuln who was rightfully pissed.

"You, show me what you thought was worth straining our relations with the Gutizia." Sarr'vuln growls out while pointing towards Luca who slowly unclips his titanium necklace and hands it to him.

Sarr'vuln looks it over for a while, squinting at the engraving in it and testing its strength. His face going red as he tried to break it apart with strength alone... "This is... Mettul..." he mutters to himself in wonder, "Can you make more of this?" he asks Luca who shakes his head.

"No... It was an art which was lost..." he states.

Sarr'vuln reluctantly nods, having not one clue about how to go about making such a thing himself. "Fine. The Gutizia has always been known to be greedy, but their actions insult all of us! We will not trade with them again, but we must find another way to acquire salt... Illness awaits those who lack it after all."

Luca nods, "I caused the problem, so I'll dedicate my time to discovering some. Surely the Gutizia cannot control all salt deposits in these lands." he says. From what he understood, the Gutizia controlled a large territory south, most of which was rocky and slightly mountainous terrain which probably allowed them to find salt deposits easier.

Sarr'vuln waves him off and sends him away, looking to the other hunters that'd been present to discuss the situation further. Truth be told, Luca's necklace wasn't worth the conflict, but the Gutizia had been getting more aggressive as time had gone on. Sarr'vuln himself knew that it was only a matter of time before they started trying to claim more territory.

The Sua'jiki hadn't completely recovered from the war with the Karaskir, but at least in this circumstance, the other tribes would be able to see who was the aggressor in this instance. Especially with the original commotion being caused within the Olmnar neutral zone.

It looked like they'd need to start preparing their warriors again... Hopefully this time they'd have the aid of the other tribes, if they weren't fools then they'd understand that the Gutizia wouldn't be content with what they have, continually pushing for more advantages until they get it, or were wiped out.