
Luca awakes with a start but isn't disorientated like most other times he'd resurrected. His expression morphs into one of rage, he almost throws himself to his feet and looks around for his stone blade, raising a brow to find it already in his hand... Regardless, he was simply too angry to think about that in this moment.

Dusk was breaking and it'd soon be night, yet, Luca felt fresh as a daisy. It made sense, his body was completely rejuvenated after coming back to life. He doesn't waste any time checking for clues for where they may have taken Sarr'ina, it was obvious.

He sends one last glance towards the dead and butchered Sarr'bal before charging off in the direction of the Gutizia tribe. He was going to do what Gaiztoak did to Sarr'bal... He'd skin the fucker and hang the hide where his entire tribe could see it!

As he runs his thoughts drift to Sarr'ina, what her situation may be and who he'd need to kill to sort it. However, the more he contemplated it the angrier he got, his speed slowly increasing to match his sheer rage at the situation. You don't get killed and simply forgive them! Even more so if they steal your woman!

Had anyone else seen Luca at this moment they'd have thought a bear was charging through the foliage. He barely even avoided tree's and simply charged through plants, bushes, streams, and anything else that was in between him and the Gutizia tribe. They may have also seen his strange eyes, the usual blue irises were slowly bleeding a red shade, before clearing and continuing the process again.

Once night had finally fallen Luca clambered up the hill overlooking the Gutizia tribe... The last time he'd been here it was to sabotage their salt supply, now? It was to retrieve what was his. He was slightly out of breath from running so far, but Luca still felt like he could go the same distance twice more should he need to... Something he hadn't been able to do before.

He looks down at the village at the various guard posts... Or lack thereof, apparently there had been a celebration in which everyone had participated... The few guards he did see looked incredibly drunk and high, most likely having eaten some mushrooms or herbs and drank the alcohol they'd stolen from the Olmnar and Sua'jiki tribe.

Luca doesn't wait long before creeping down into the village, he intended to head towards the largest hut that didn't resemble a storehouse. Once he was close enough to the outskirts of the village he sprinted at two guards who were talking to one another.

They weren't even able to respond as his brought his stone blade down on one of their heads, wrenching it out of the unlucky man's skull before slamming the blade into the other panicking guard's temple.

Blood spatters from their wounds onto Luca, but he was already covered in remnants of his own blood and his stained clothing, so it mattered not how dirty he was. He continued into the village, avoiding the other guards and approaching the large hut...

Two guards were posted outside but looked incredibly bored... Luca solved this by sprinting and sending a flying punch into one's face before quickly landing and thrusting his blade through the other's throat.

The man falls to the ground but Luca isn't done, he retrieves his blade and starts brutally slamming it down onto the neck of the other guard who was still disorientated... Honestly, if Luca were aware of his actions he'd compare himself to an animal. Savage and barbaric without mercy.

Once the two men were slain he poked his head through the flap shielding the inside of the large hut... Inside he saw a large space filled with animal furs, empty clay pots of wine, and food. In the center was the man he hated most in the world, a position that was hard to gain due to the existence of Murin.

Next to the sleeping Gaiztoak were two women whose identities Luca thankfully knew not. He'd been dreading the worst, but seeing this meant that Gaiztoak either hadn't thought something like that was worth it, or simply hadn't participated.

Luca growls under his breath as he thinks this and slowly slinks inside... At the side of the furs laid Gaiztoak's copper blade, Luca immediately picks it up and stands above the three residents. He raises the blades up and slams it down... Onto the skulls of the two women.


The feeling of blood splattering on Gaiztoak's face seems to wake him, he opens his eyes and sucks in a breath at the sight of a bloody Luca standing above him. He quickly looks side to side at his bed companions and almost vomits at the sight of their destroyed faces with blades lodged into them.

Luca flowers down at the man and focuses on his Titanium chain that was around Gaiztoak's neck. "Where is Sarr'ina." Luca growls out, his voice somehow seeming lower and more intimidating than ever before.

"Y-you should be dead! H-how!?" Gaiztoak quickly asks as he shuffles backwards, glancing at the copper blade lodged in the girl's skull beside him.

Luca rests a foot on the woman's back and wrenches the blade out of her skull, tossing the weapon to the entrance of the hut to prevent the idiot from grabbing it. He ignores his stone blade as its magical properties made it difficult for others to wield.

Afterwards, he grabs Gaiztoak by the Titanium chain and punches him the face, breaking his nose in the first strike, bruising his cheek with the second, and splitting his lips with the third.

"Where is Sarr'ina." Luca asks again, not raising his voice despite his growing rage.

"S-she's nowhere you can reach! We killed her after ravaging her body!" he exclaims, his look of fear growing into one of manic madness. "I slit her throat with my shaft buried in-Guhk!"

Luca finally loses it and grabs punches the man so hard he rolls over, afterwards he uses the Titanium chain as a rope with which to strangle the piece of shit. "You wanted this, right? You can have it!" he furiously shouts as he attempts to decapitate the man with the chain.

Of course, Luca was neither strong enough, nor was the chain sharp enough to accomplish such a feat, so he only succeeds in strangling the chieftain. Gaiztoak struggles to free himself, grabbing the stone blade but barely managing to lift it, it was lodged in his bed-mates skull and was too heavy to acquire. Instead, he grabs onto the chain in an attempt to get some space to breathe, but Luca continues, using all the strength in his body to kill the man.

"HhheeeelllpP" Gaiztoak barely gets out but he loses unconsciousness... Luca doesn't stop though, instead, increasing his strength and continuing to strangle the man. His eyes gleaming red with rage.