Effort of Relief

"Die!" Luca growls as he continues to strangle Gaiztoak, the young chieftain wasn't even begging for his life anymore. His face begins paling with a lack of blood and his eyes bulge from his face.

Even still, Luca doesn't stop. "Die! Die you piece of shit!" he spits.

This continues for a couple more minutes until Luca finally lets go, Luca falls backwards onto his butt as he looks over at Gaiztoak's corpse. The anger had slowly faded into a dull pain in his head, his red eyes had returned to their normal blue...

He sucks in big breaths of air as he huffs in exhaustion... The fact that he'd killed so many people today doesn't even cross his mind however as his thoughts were all on Sarr'ina, as well as Gaiztoak's words.

He clutches his head as tears begin falling from his eyes, the pain in his head becoming unbearable, all his thoughts were currently on her, and whether or not Gaiztoak was being truthful. He tugs at his hair as he struggles to not drop t the floor and begin sobbing like a child.

Afton a while Luca wipes his face through his sniffles and looks back down at the three corpses before him. He focuses on Gaiztoak and his expression becomes harder and more determined. Luca glances around and eventually spots the two weapons, his stone blade and Gaiztoak's copper sword.

He picks both and uses the former to make sure Gaiztoak was dead, one crushed, decapitated skull later and Luca stumbles out of Gaiztoak's hut, completely covered in blood. He cracks his neck and looks over the village, he would find Sarr'ina, dead or alive. He wore it.

Luca began sneaking from hut to hut, checking inside for the residents. Usually the residents were asleep or passed out... But occasionally he stumbled onto someone who was still awake... Luca dealt with them regardless of their age or gender. He couldn't risk alerting the rest of the tribe, even now he was on a time limit due to the corpses he'd left in his rampage.

The massacre he was committing on the tribesman was significantly more mentally taxing than before... Earlier he'd been in some sort of berserk state, not thinking about those her hurt... But now? He was strategically, and knowingly going from hut to hut and butchering any that may become an obstacle... He didn't doubt that he'd killed a few innocents while he was at it, but he couldn't risk wasting time trying to find out.

By the time he'd reached the 'correct' hut he'd slaughtered around forty people, with women and some teenagers being among them. Blood dripped from both blades as he stepped into the dark hut, it took a moment for his eyes to adjust, but once they had he spotted someone at the back of the hut...

It was Sarr'ina, her clothes weren't torn but she was bruised all over, cuts, scratches, and gashes covering her visible skin. She was bound to the wall with rope, keeping her secure for whatever torture they were performing. That wasn't what enraged Luca though. No, that would be the man standing before her with a whip covered in thorns in hand.

Sarr'ina was clearly awake judging by the moisture around her eyes, but she refused to give any indication of her pain.

Luca didn't even need the assistance of his berserker state to push him forwards. He broke into a sprint, and before the man was even aware of his presence he drove both blades through his back.

The man falls to the floor as Luca crashes into him, a lung and his stomach pierced by the two blades. He gives out a horrified wheeze as Luca lands on top of him. But Luca isn't finished, he pulls out the stone blade and begins hacking at the man randomly. Slicing off large chunks of flesh with each strike.

The man tries to scream but Luca just stamps on his head, pushing his face into the dirt to muffle his shouts. Luca isn't even targeting anything specific, simply just releasing his pent up rage upon this more than deserving man.

Eventually, Luca ends their suffering by driving the blade into the back of the man's head, cutting deep into their brain. He huffs out a few breaths and looks up at where Sarr'ina in, spotting that she's looking at him with wide, tearful eyes. "Lu?" she asks in a quiet, hoarse voice.

"Ina." he mutters as he steps closer and gives her a fierce hug. Neither care that he's covered in blood or that she's covered in wounds, both are just too shocked, surprised, and relieved that the other was okay.

Sarr'ina had witnessed Luca get disembowelled and left for dead, and Luca had heard Gaiztoak talk about killing her... Was it any wonder why they were so fervently thankful that the other had lived?

"Lu, Lu!" she cries into his shoulder, she'd hug him back were her arms not tied to the wall, but the discomfort she felt couldn't smother the happiness she felt in this moment.

"Ina, I won't let you go again... Never again." he states while clutching her to his chest... They linger at this moment for a couple more seconds until Luca hears the sound of footsteps outside, fortunately they don't seem to be heading in their direction.

He lets go of Sarr'ina and cuts her loose, she drops weakly to the floor but he catches her before that. He supports her with a shoulder and gives her the copper sword to use should it come down to it.

They both sneak out of the hut, just as the commotion gets louder and louder... Shouts of horror, terror, and anger could be heard as people were presumably finding the bodies of their friends and loved ones.

Luca doesn't wait around though, instead just quickly moving away from the tribe with Sarr'ina under the cloak of darkness. It isn't difficult to leave, but they had to keep moving to prevent any search parties from finding them. The Gutizia tribe would undoubtedly want revenge, so they needed to get as far as possible, or even back to the tribe before they could be found.