
Luca and Sarr'ina continue going as fast as they can through the forest, but eventually, Sarr'ina just collapses, her body not able to take any more of this. The recent battle, emotional turmoil, and torture had a big toll on her, one that'd come back with a vengeance.

Sarr'ina slips and falls into the foliage, her breaths weak yet heavy. "L-Lu, I can't go, any longer..."

Luca shakes his head, "We're almost back, come on Ina!"

She tries to get up but groans in pain and collapses back to the floor, "I am sorry, Lu..." she mutters with moist eyes.

Luca just hugs her tightly, "Then we won't move until you're ready. I won't leave you again, Ina." he states, he'd carry her back were he not completely exhausted himself.

Sarr'ina looks to want to refuse and send him ahead, but he covers her mouth with his lips. "I said I won't let you go, ever, you're mine and I won't give you to anyone else, no matter who they are!" he says, kissing her again. The sudden actions of affection surprise Sarr'ina, but it isn't unwelcome at all, even despite her heavy injuries. She reciprocates with equal if not more passion than Luca.

Luca on the other hand was also scrunching his brows in concentration, causing a green glow to envelop his hand as he holds it over her injuries. Sarr'ina's expression softens as her wounds slowly start healing, she continues to hold Luca tightly while slowly chanting, assisting him in his efforts.

The duo just sits like this in the forest for hours, a faint green glow being the only visible thing in the darkness. Unfortunately, the sound of shifting foliage makes them all too aware that they were no longer alone.

Luca lets Sarr'ina go and picks up his stone blade, ready to cut down any Gutizia that may have found them. He could hear branches being crushed underfoot, leaves brushing by something, and most importantly... Light breathes coming from behind him.

Luca's eyes widen as he whips around, his arm raised and about to slash at whatever had flanked him... Only to stop and fall over from the momentum as he sees who it is, "Das'ju!?"

"Luca? Sarr'ina? Thank the spirits! You are alive!" the friendly face joyfully exclaims as he helps Luca up and brings them both into a hug.

"Das'ju, we were attacked by the Gutizia tribe, they tortured Ina!" Luca informs their friend, rage over what'd happened to his love still fresh in his mind.

Das'ju's teeth clean as he hears this, "We know. The tribe found the remains of the expedition and sent spies to watch the Gutizia... Sarr'vuln is already preparing the hunters for war... We thought you were dead."


The trio are silent for a moment before Luca finally speaks up, "We should return to the tribe, we can decide on how to deal with them later..."

Das'ju nods and grabs one of Sarr'ina's arms, Luca grabbing the other as both support her weight and carry her towards Sua'jiki territory.

A couple hours later the group finally gets back, already there were many hunters looking ready to crack heads all listening to Sarr'vuln as he gives some sort of speech. Though, his words are cut off when everyone finally spots the returning trio, cheers and shouts of anger at Sarr'ina's state could be heard.

Despite Luca's best attempts to heal her, she was still covered in wounds, though, most of those had healed and formed unpleasant-looking scars instead.

Sarr'vuln marches over like a moving mountain and hugs all three of them, surprising Luca with this uncharacteristic gesture.

Sarr'ina grips him tightly, "Father! T-they killed everyone! Zul'meshi, Gil'ga, even Sarr'bal!" she sobs into his chest.

Sarr'vuln strokes her hair as he tries to comfort her, "They will pay for their crimes, daughter. I will have our hunters destroy them for what they have done!"

Once both father and daughter calm down, Sarr'ina is shuffled off by some of the older women who wish to tend to her wounds with herbs and leaf bandages. This leaves Luca at the mercy of an incredibly angry Sarr'vuln.

Fortunately, though, the man isn't upset with Luca, but the Gutizia tribe instead, as well as his own uselessness at protecting his daughter. Luca looks down at the Copper sword he'd looted from Gaiztoak and turns to Sarr'vuln with determination. "Sarr'vuln." he states in a serious tone.

The man turns to Luca with a raised brow, wondering what the boy could want... He's then surprised to be presented the Gutizia tribes renowned Mettul blade, "Why?" he simply asks.

Luca's expression doesn't change as he locks eyes with the man, "This is Gaiztoak's blade, I took it after massacring him in his own room. I gift this to you, but in return, I wish to ask for Sarr'ina's hand." he states.


Sarr'vuln takes the blade and looks it over, noting the bloodstains and small chips in the blade... "I can grant you anything else for this gift..." he trails off.

Luca shakes his head, "Which is why I am asking for your most important possession... Your daughter."


"Boy... Do you know what I thought of you when we first met? When you led the Lord of the Forest into our midst and somehow managed to defeat it?"

"I was a whiny whelp who had no idea what he was doing?" Luca asks, having the wherewithal to objectively analyse his past action and attitude.


Sarr'vuln glares at him for a couple seconds before bursting into laughter and clapping him on the back, "Yes, that is exactly what I thought! I did not think you would last more than a year! Yet here you are, asking ME!" he thumps himself heavily on the chest, "For my daughter!"

Luca stands up straighter, "I am! I love Ina, I will protect her when you cannot, no matter what." he honestly states, not even a hint of deception present.


Sarr'vuln doesn't say anything and instead just takes the Copper blade and continues readying the hunters for a raid against the Gutizia tribe. To most in the modern world, this would seem like a refusal, but it was different here... The fact that Sarr'vuln had taken Luca's gift without outright refusing meant he'd given permission to pursue Sarr'ina, something he was incredibly grateful for.