Good Gives God

Both Luca and Das'ju's groups continue to hide and observe the tribe from a distance, and actually end up waiting three hours with nothing happening...

Luca was beginning to suspect they'd been fooled by that cultist, but he'd rather be safe than sorry. Since he was, youknow, immortal. He decided that it was best for him to check out the place than anyone else.

He explains his intentions to his group before making his way back to the path leading to the front of the Araignin village. He slowly walks towards them, his stone blade fixed at his hip and bearskin resting over his shoulders. It was clear from Luca's appearance that he was someone that held authority, but the reaction of the people in the village surprised him despite that.

As soon as he was spotted, the Araignin tribesman instantly started bowing, some even kneeling at his approach. Women held their children close while gesturing at him, whispering things into their ears that Luca couldn't make out... Though, strangely, he did notice a couple people trying to get some distance when they spotted him. A worried expression sitting prominently on their face.

He ignores it for now however, instead, continuing to walk towards the biggest hut to try and meet with their chieftain. Before he can reach the entrance though, a man steps out and bows deeply towards him. "Greetings... I am Laniganan, leader of these people. I am surprised you would appear before us... It must be a sign sent." he mutters, running his hand through his thick greying beard.

Luca crooks a brow at him, "A sign? What's going on here? How do you know me?" he asks. Despite his fame as 'The Bloody Luka', he doubted these people would naturally know him. They were far enough away from the other villages for news to take a bit to travel...

Laniganan just nods, "Mhmm. A sign, just as we needed one, you appear before us. I would call it a miracle, were our actions not so... Contemptible." he states, his eyes becoming sharp as he picks up a spear that'd been left on the ground. "COME! WE WILL BATH IN THE BLOOD OF GOD TODAY!" he roars at the top of his lungs, the surrounding people all drawing their weapons... But, they don't all instantly attack Luca, instead, turning and sprint towards where the Sua'jiki and Olmnar tribesman were hiding.

Luca turns to look at Laniganan and draws his stone blade, while the situation was terribly confusing, combat was the one thing Luca knew to be a certainty. "Why have you done this?" he angrily asks, approaching the man while warily keeping an eye on his surroundings, making sure not to easily get ambushed.

Laniganan laughs, "We have heard the truth! You, are God! The God! You have blessed our lands with your flesh and blood, and now all we need to do is take it!" he shouts maniacally, readying his spear for a thrust.

"What God!? You are completely insane!" Luca loudly retorts, dodging to the side as Laniganan tries to stab him in the chest with the spear. He tries to slash at him but the man quickly backs away after failing his strike.

Luca tries to pursue him but is distracted as two Araignin tribesman charge him from behind with spears. He dives to the side to avoid it all the while managing to slash at a deep wound into one of their ankles, causing them to fall to the ground utterly crippled.

Laniganan and the remaining Araignin aren't dissuaded however, stabbing at Luca as he struggles to avoid the stabs from the ground.

He ends up getting stabbed once in his left forearm and once in his side. It's incredibly painful, but not really comparable to getting torn apart by a bear. So he keeps his composure as he stands and cleanly cuts off Laniganan's arm as he tries for another over-enthusiastic stab.

"AAArRRRgh!" he screams as he looks at his stump, but his agonized shouts end as he throws himself at the floor to lick up the blood that'd come from Luca's injuries. Luca is obviously horrified by this, but he keeps his poker face and tries to dispatch his last opponent.

They try to stab him in the leg, but he manages to step on it and hold it in place while swinging his stone blade at their throat. It hits, cutting a large fatal wound into their jugular, causing them to fall to the ground gurgling.

With that done, he walks over to Laniganan and gives the man a kick in the side, causing him to laugh as he rolls over onto his back. He doesn't look at Luca however, instead, focusing on his the stump that was once his arm.

"Hahahahaaaah! So God's blood doesn't heal!? O-Or maybe, I did not drink enough!?" he exclaims, his eyes turning to Luca as if he were looking at freshly cooked steak.

Laniganan tries to bite his leg, but Luca just response with a kick to his face, knocking out a couple of his teeth as he looks over the man. "You will tell me who's been telling you this! I am not God! Nor will you gain anything from my blood!" he angrily states.

Laniganan just shakes his head, "You continue to test us? W-why!? Just let me have a taste... Fresh, from the source!" he pleads, his missing arm continuing to bleed profusely, causing his skin to rapidly pale.

"I'll stop your bleeding if you tell me what you know! Stop lying you crazy bastard and tell me!" Luca demands, waving his stone blade in the man's face.

"I AM FAITHFUL! I BELIEVE IN GOD'S WILL! OUR FLESH IS HIS! HIS BLOOD IS OURS!" the man gives one final scream as he grabs Luca's blade and drags it across his neck, easily killing him.

Luca pulls his weapon back and scowls, "SHIT!" he exclaims, giving Laniganan's corpse a kick for good measure. These crazy bastards had clearly learned this shit from someone, and they somehow knew of his immortality, which meant he had to find the source as soon as possible before such information could spread.

He's broken from his thoughts when he hears the sound of agonized screams intermixing with the sound of fighting, alerting him that something was wrong. Luca raises his head and looks around, his eyes narrowing at the fact that none of the Sua'jiki or Olmnar tribesman had reached his position yet... In fact, the only people he could see were Araignin, even the women and children were holding weapons, looking ready to fight.

Eventually, they all turn their eyes to him and slowly begin to approach... Luca's breath becomes erratic as he backs away slightly, feeling as if he was having a nightmare. "What the fuck is happening!?"