First of the Blooded

Luca chews his lip as he slowly backs away from the crowd of insane people. They looked at him as if he were a buffet to be eaten, it was honestly horrifying... He'd been stared at like this by animals and monsters, but never humans... Except maybe, that piece of shit Murin.

He grips his stone blade tighter as the group slowly closes in on him. There were far too many to fight off, even if he could, the way their leader as spoken made it seem like these people would give their lives without a second thought. "Get back! Come any closer and I'll cut you to pieces!... BACK!" he shouts, but no one even seems to take notice of his threats.

Luca feels adrenaline pumping through his veins as he prepares to take action, but he's shocked when a mother pushes her young daughter forwards. The girl was definitely under eight years old, yet she ran at him with a knife as if unafraid of death.

"Don't! Stop!" he demands, not wanting to kill an innocent girl warped by her crazy parents. He bites onto the inside of his cheek hard as he tries to think of a way out of this. "Please, don't make me do this!"

The girl is within meters of him, her knife ready to gouge his flesh and cut whatever is in her arms reach. She reaches him and thrusts the knife into his belly, with Luca fully accepting it while directing it to a nonlethal area, rendering it only a flesh wound. He grunts as it enters his flesh, and once it's secure he forces the girl's hands off of it, while hitting her in the temple with the flat of his blade as lightly as possible. Fortunately knocking her out without any more problems.

Luca lets the girl fall to the floor and looks up at the villagers with a fierce scowl. "You're all monsters." he states, gripping his stone blade hard and sprinting at the closest person.

"GOD-" the mother of the young girl starts but is interrupted as Luca's blade chops into her skull, easily cutting through both brain and bone, coming to a stop just as it reaches her jaw.

"Grraahk!" Luca growls as the father stabs him in the side with a knife, head butting him and smashing his blade into the man's face after extracting it from his wife.

The other villagers jump into the fray after this, all of them attacking Luca with spears, knives, arrows, and anything else they could get their hands on. One person even tried to stuff a poison mushroom into his mouth, but Luca just ignored it and gutted them like the scum they are.

Injuries accumulated on his body, but he'd experienced far worse pain than this many times before. So he wasn't swayed and instead continued his slaughter. He hacked, chopped, and sliced at anything looking vaguely humanoid, not caring to listen to their frantic religious mutterings as he cut them down.

He wasn't thinking any longer, his rationality replaced with unrestrained rage at these monsters in human skin. Another young girl pulls the knife out of Luca's stomach and stabs him in the leg, but Luca just smashes her in the face with his blade, unable to care any longer for their age, kin, or creed.

This village was a blight, Luca didn't know how it turned out this way, but he'd wipe them out even if it was the last thing he did... Unfortunately, he was only but a single person. His healing magics weren't effective nor powerful enough to help mid-combat, so while none of the villagers could match him... The situation was already untenable.

It wasn't even a villager that ended up putting him down either... Instead, he simply just passes out from blood loss while he was in mid-swing. Falling to the ground as the surviving villagers gathered around him with crazed yet jubilant expressions on their faces.

"I-is he dead?" one man asks when prodding Luca's bleeding body.

Another shakes his head, "Not yet. But we must trust in God's will. Have faith that God will perform miracles." he says, drawing a flint knife and slowly pushing it into Luca's neck. Killing him. Afterwards, he pulls out the knife and traces his tongue along the blade, grinning as he almost obsessively slurps up the blood. "I am the first to taste God's gift! I am the First of the Blooded! Kansren"

The others watch as this happens and eagerly go to take their own sample, stabbing knives into Luca and licking up the blood as if they were starving vampires. It continues to the extent that Luca's body is covered in wounds and completely pale. The villagers having taken most of the blood he possessed.

"We must take his body to God's tongue! He will know what to do now!" Kansren commands, causing the group to pick up Luca's desiccated-looking corpse and begin the long trek towards 'Gods Tongue'.