Good People Snap

The flames touched his clothes, right next to his face. The anger, the hate, the humiliation he caused without thinking about what he was placing her into. She was very angry but couldn't verbally express mean like he could. Cray woke up quickly... Getting up silently. Asking for help but Emma just stood there.

Help me! Asked Cray. Help me! Cray continued to say, turning around to look at himself. His body was fired. The flames started to rise upward towards his hair. The anger started to build slowly up her skin, the hate she had for him, the mad days of when she felt humiliated by just that. Emma smiles and smiles at the reflection of the pain that he caused but unfortunately he ran to the shower and got it and all the fire was off of him.

The hot steaming water started to burn his new flesh wounds and new flesh open scars quicker. His skin was half burnt and half not.

I'm a good person, Cray! I don't deserve to be treated any kind of way cause I'm a woman. I am faithful, strong and loyal to you. And you go and cheat on me cause you feel like it, cause you want to, cause you don't know what you have. I'm tired. I feel like I have more to say to you but for now I'm done. I'm tired. I want a new start, I want a new life than this. You didn't tell me what it would be like to live like this. Toxic and such. The gasoline was still on his body, he water only stopped the fire but not the asses oil of gas that was on his body. Emma flicks on the lighter and then places it under his skin.

Now, go fuck both. Bitch. Emma walks away, as Cray yells in his own burning fate.