Unexpected Guesses

Cars pulled up in the driveway of both women houses. Both women was having unexpected guess coming over. A couple of people came over, stepping on their doorway, knocking constantly to get attention. Malia answered the door, but wanted to slam the door when she saw it was her siblings that she felt like she was embarrassed by. That family of her's was definitely old school, they believed in respecting elderly people, and showing respect to the elders but she didn't.

So, you going to let us in? Asked her father.

Malia didn't show any attitude or anything. She allowed her family in the house without showing any kind of harsh feelings.

How come you never called me? Asked her father

How come you never call me? Asked Malia

I been trying to call you. Said the father

Well, I guess I got nothing to say to you. Said Malia walking away from him. They followed her in the living room, watching her and how she acted. The house that they saw was beautiful, welcoming, and peaceful. They couldn't believe that she had gotten her own place.

Well, it's about time you got your own place, instead of sitting on the couch all day. You need to put that degree into work. Said the father.

Malia didn't answer, it was like he was on his period, wanting to start a fight, wanting to see her reaction, wanting to see what she would do. All through her life, he would say something he had no business's saying but said it anyway, just so he can heard and seen. Malia kept on painting her rocket that she was doing. Her father came by and nudged her just a little bit to get her attention.

You ain't going to say hello to your brothers? Asked the father.

Malia sighed, giving them a false smile, looking at them. Malia had her own problems, even though it has been months since she heard from Cray, those 21 almost 23 years of marriage was taking a toll on her, she gotten so mad at what he did. She started to order stuff on his credit card, she didn't care anymore.

Packages arrived left and right with clothes, shoes and junk stuff for her art. She was losing her mind a little bit then what she expected. Her marriage was a fraud, her life was barely getting on track, and even though she made her own money, she wanted Cray's.

How is your husband? Asked the father.

Malia didn't answer, she swirled her paint brush into the water gently, stirring and stirring. Releasing all the anger of hate coming out.

You ain't going to answer me? Asked the father

Malia sighs.

My husband is fine. Malia said

The mother gave a chuckle of laughter.

Have you talked to him? Asked her father

No, I have not. Malia replied back

Why? Asked her father.

I just haven't.. Said Malia

Everything alright? Asked her father.

Malia painted and painted. She was just having a releasing day quicker than normal. Since it was raining outside and she didn't want to get wet or anything like that. She painted inside, while painting some tears rolled down her cheeks, sobbing silently. Her father wasn't an affectionate man, he had his ups and downs, and his fair share. He was an old school man that didn't care what he said or how he said it.

He was raised like an old school man that didn't care how he treated women, as long as he got what he wanted from the women, he was fine. Even though he never asked for the women to raise up their dresses for him to get some pussy, he took advantage of that cause he could. He was like every other guy, he was no different. He had nothing else better to do but to run his mouth and talk about things that he had experienced.

You got a lot to learn, girl. He said randomly without having any causes.

Malia ignored him and didn't even give him any kind of responses. Malia went inside the boxes and grabbed her some paint, and places it on the art wood that held the paint. She sighs.

So, how is your husband, Daughter? Asked the mother

He is fine. I have not talked to him.

Cray started to call but all he got was the voicemail. He was getting frustrated and angry at the fact that she wasn't answering him. He didn't know her new home, nor did he know where she was. She was gone in her own little world. There was nothing left to say but "Leave me alone".

The phone continued to ring and ring. No answer. Malia blocked his number and continued on to pain her sketches that she made that same week but their was nothing left for her to do was heal. Her job was being transferred online and all her work was done for that whole 2 months. Money was coming in left and work for her. She was feeling like she was starting a new chapter but their was nothing else she was feeling but the blood rush that she was feeling.

Anger and pain. Malia father started to look at her, stare, study her as if she was hiding something. Like there was nothing that he already knew.

The door knocked and knocked. Two knocks that was heavy on the glass. Malia answered the door quickly. It was her kinfolks that she never liked talking to or hang around. In years they never talked or anything but now that they think it's time. They arrived at her door as if that was the right thing to do. Malia greeted them in but didn't give a smile. She didn't fake anything. She didn't want them their or anything.

Malia started to give the uncomfortable signals when she didn't want anyone their but her own self.

The family invited themselves in by walking straight forward into the living room, looking around. Giving compliments about how her house looked, and how it took her so long to get their.

Malia stayed silent while watching. There were children they're staring at her paintings, and staring at her at the same time. She ignored all the heavy stares as much as she could. The children started to stare at her but with a surprise look. Malia walked over to her painting and started to draw again. Everybody was silent and started to stare at her.

Where is your husband? Asked her little cousins.

Malia smiled and didn't give an answer, but continued to color and color. The children started to make a mess on purpose, like children always do. Malia was getting angry but didn't show it as much.

What you been up to? Asked her cousins

Malia shook her head.

Nothing much! Just painting.

You? Asked Malia. Glancing at her paints, twisting her paint cap to come off.

Her father helped Himself with the TV. The father kept on staring at her, observing her but didn't say anything.

The door knocked again. Malia answered the door again but cautiously opened it. Cray mother walked in, pushing her out the way.

I need those papers! Said Cray's mother

What papers? Asked Malia. Placing her hands behind her back.

Cray mother cleared her throat, looking down.

Oh, you mean the Credit papers and the Insurance Papers? Asked Malia

Malia jogged up the stairs, going to her room, walking passed her desk going into the library, glancing through her drawer, and opening up files to find what Cray mother wanted.

Malia father walked forward, and just stared. Glancing at the woman that was in the house. Malia came down the stairs. Handing the files to her gently, without rudeness, attitude or anything else. She handled the files, but quickly yanked them away.

I want my 476K in the morning. That is half of the contracts. I will give the other half of the papers tomorrow morning after I get the rest of the money.

That wasn't the deal! Said Cray's mother

Do you want the rest of his insurances or not? Asked Malia

I'm sorry- I'm just worried. Said Cray's mother

Don't be everything will be as planned sooner or later. Malia said. Calmly and collected.