
Shinaya finally arrived at the camp. It was quite a strange looking camp."Wait a second!",Shinaya said."This is just a middle school!"

Shinaya has been tricked! At least the school was a school for people who wanted to learn volleyball and become a professional player. Shinaya couldn't help but smile. Even though he had been tricked,he knew that his mom was trying her best. He opened the doors and there it was.It was a big gym! Shinaya was confused. But then he realized it. This wasn't the school. This was the gym! He was wondering what the big building next to it was. "So I see you've found the gym.",a voice said from behind Shinaya. Shinaya jumped back and then he turned around. "I'm Kaimo Mana.",The person then said."And this is the gym where the kids train."

The guy was looking down on Shinaya. He was actually pretty short for a person who wanted to play volleyball. Kaimo never judged a book by it's cover. Kaimo knew this kid had potential. Most volleyball players were 6 feet and up,but this one was only 5'4!"Perfect timing too!",Kaimo said."It's actually training time for all the students."

Everyone started walking to the gym. It was pretty much a handful of people. There was 7 of them. Each kid started to introduce themself."Mako Josai",the first person said. He was a tall man with green hair. He walked into the gym."Daikon Sevoki.",the next One said.This person was tall as well! Shinaya looked at the line of people. They were all at least 6 feet tall!

"Izaka Mea.",the next person said.These people weren't kids at all. These were kids that would soon grow into adults. These were big kids...

Shinaya dreamed of the day he would hit the volleyball and it would break through the big wall...

The person went into the gym.Next was Rereshi Numo. Then Tabisho Marino. And then,Hanoi Mends.And last of all,Natsu Meshi.People inside be gym were throwing the ball up and another person was hitting it,some people would be practicing their receives and their ability to jump and hit the ball right before it touched the ground. The game was never over until that ball touched the floor.

Shinaya was just a short,red-haired kid. It didn't look like much potential was in him from the outside,but he had been practicing volleyball from the minute he first saw his idle on tv! It isn't stats that's ability! To other people,ability was just an asset. But to Shinaya,ability played an important role in the volleyball world. Shinaya had been studying volleyball for years and he knew that volleyball was his dream! He smiled. This was just the start of his journey! He ran in the gym and closed the doors! This was his beginning!!!! The beginning of Shinaya Washino!